Rough Day for a lizard

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Holding Cell(#225562R)

This is a simple strongly made cell for holding a captive. There is a good size bed and enough room to walk back and forth in if one wants to pace a tiny bit. No windows and only one way out and that leads to the chieftain office.

Exits: [Out]

Sorrlagg sits in the cell, just sitting.

Scioto walks in and stops in front of the cell door, "So..going to answer some questions or not?"

Sorrlagg answers plainly, "Not" He stands.

Scioto holds his anger in and glares at the monitor, “Why are you making this harder than it needs to be?"

Sorrlagg folds his arms over his chest, "I did save your life, keep that in mind...feline"

Scioto glares at Sorrlagg, "Do you have proof of that? And the name is Scioto not feline"

Sorrlagg chuckles slightly, "OH, but of course, the great chieftain" He seems a bit annoyed right now and his tail moves back and forth behind him.

Scioto closes his eyes and reopens them, "You need manners"

"Manners?" , He shakes his head, "Want to hear something od interest, use to live in a small like site, it was starting to be a village very slowly, I was a tavern owner there, didn’t get along with a lot so do not expect me to get along here either."

Scioto listens "So, what does that have to do with possible hiding of info, answer me that?"

Sorrlagg shrugs, "Just a place, long since gone now and it has nothing to do with it your right."

Oakenpaw brings in food and some sleeping blankets .

Scioto looks to be getting upset again, "Just answer the questions"

Sorrlagg sighs, "I cannot, you may not believe me but here goes, I do not plan on harming anyone and have not...yes the poison was mine but it was not I who gave it to the mouse."

Oakenpaw sets his thing down "Chieftain is this really worth risking our relationship with Redwall?

Scioto says, "But it was YOUR poison"

Scioto looks at Oakenpaw "This has nothing to do with relationships to the abbey"

Oakenpaw says, "It will if you harm m' friend Chap....Have I ever let you down Chieftain?"

Sorrlagg nods "Yes was my poison, and I gave him the antidote, well gave the squirrel the antidote and he gave it to the mouse, the mouse may still need my help, the fool ferret used a little more than he was supposed to, on thing I was doing in the woods was getting a couple herbs to add to a little more of my antidote, to help the mouse, help him recover and not suffer effects that may or may not wear off...breathing problems, no talking ever again,...problems with paws."

Scioto speaks "I have not hurt him just took his weapons and things and put him here, he went willingly without a fight" He looks at Sorrlagg, “The abbey is locked, only Flicktail or maybe Lorimis can let anyone in"

Sorrlagg sighs, he seems to be trying his best to remember a name, then..."Benar...he was there, one of their brothers ask him...I brought the one known as Leon back to them, he was the squirrel I mentioned."

Oakenpaw asks, "Chieftain will you blasted tell ME wot ya wanna know? the suspense is KILLIN me"

Scioto says, "Simply what Sorrlagg knows, he is hiding info from me"

Oakenpaw exclaims, "That is NOT a crime Suh!"

Scioto says, "It can be dangerous"

Sorrlagg says, "So can giving info"

Oakenpaw says, "so could *I* Chieftain this is bloody don't put someone in here because he MIGHT know something...if so the Abbey would have sent Flicky after you ages ago"

Scioto paces and stops, "Benar and Flicktail are to come here soon, I believe Lorimis is staying where he is needed, Benar can take back whatever the message is from the seer....and Dorarose is to come"

Scioto glares, "What if he works for someone"

Oakenpaw says, "Wot if you do"

Sorrlagg frowns, a lot of what has happened the past couple weeks makes him shake his head,"I..." He hisses and slams his fist into the wall, "I..did work for someone, but I don't now, not after...."He sighs and looks away..."My former boss killed a dibbun, and is against Redwall...I am not, I am sorry I do not give more info but I cannot, doing such would mean my death."

Scioto growls slightly at the hare, he then glances at Sorrlagg and walks over to the cell and stares at the monitor. “Why should I trust you?"

Oakenpaw says, "Because you have MY word you CAN Suh"

Sorrlagg answers, "I saved your life...with my longbow and killed the raven, if I had not it would have ripped your throat open. Someone wants you dead..out of the way."

Scioto is thinking, "Then...first you’re going to take that herb mixture to the abbey for the mouse, you will return with Benar and Flicktail, in fact need a way to make sure you go there and back and nowhere else....then if you truly are on my side then you can take the offered job."

Oakenpaw Speaks to Matilda "I guess were Chopped liver to that cat “

Sorrlagg listens and shrugs, "Someone takes me there?"

Scioto looks at Oakenpaw “What do you need, was taking to the lizard, it’s important"

Oakenpaw says, "Sorrlagg is my friend Suh"

Scioto says, "You have said this"

Sorrlagg glances between them

Oakenpaw says, "Then Bally well TRUST wot I say, not leaving this chap"

Scioto asks, "why do you trust him, why is he your friend?"

Oakenpaw says, "Because he's never lied ta me"

Oakenpaw says, "And he has helped me"

Scioto asks, "Helped how?"

Oakenpaw says, "Took Leon to the abbey, told me information he did not have to....lots of things chap..."

Sorrlagg sighs and sits down

Oakenpaw sits by the cell speaking with Sorrlagg , "Sorry chap if I'm upsetting ya "

Scioto stands there and then looks like he is ready to just leave, he then turns around and pulls out a key, he unlocks the cell and looks to them both "I best not regret this"

Oakenpaw says, "Thank you Chap....the beds in here are not wot I likes"

Sorrlagg blinks, he is surprised by this and stands.

Scioto says, "Well you were never in here, just him, now go, I need to patrol"

Sorrlagg decides it’s best not to stay here, “Lets go”

Oakenpaw says, "Aye Suh"

(After a walk they end up at Redwall and are both let in by the Abbot and taken to the infirm.)

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Leon coughs and makes a face.."Doesn’t..smell or taste good..." his voice is still weak, he blinks a couple times at Oakenpaw's voice.

Sorrlagg grins, "Smell bad but heals good.." He sits it aside and sits down.

Leon coughs, "W..Who?" He looks at the monitor and looks a little worried.

Sorrlagg decides to sit a little further away and lets Oakenpaw take over for now.

Oakenpaw says, "That the beast wot saved your life that’s wot"

Leon says, "S..Saved?"

Oakenpaw says, "I did not stutter lad"

Sorrlagg nods "You..almost died, but should slowly recover now."

Leon nods slowly, he decides to trust them.

Sorrlagg decides to get some rest, but still listens some.

Oakenpaw says, "Aye I brought him for ya Lad"

Leon nods slowly, "I should...thank him...later" He coughs, his throat a little dry and still hurts some.

Oakenpaw says, "Well if you’d stop wandering off lad" He chuckles

Sorrlagg slips into sleep, been a long day.