Robin is Drafted

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Kentar, Garnet, Robin, Chris, Aikuen

Location: Moledeep; Molehall, Entrance Tunnel

It was a quiet day. The skies were clouded with rain clouds, but it wasn't raining quite yet. However, the quiet was broken by loud arguing in the hall. Kentar, Robin, Chris, Garnet and even Kluna are here, as are four other beasts. Two rats, a ferret, and a stoat, all dressed in heavy armor, each with a spear and a sword. There's a scroll sitting on the table, with Robin reading it. "I can't. How do you expect me to go?" "You have to, Jasper ordered it." one of the rats say. "But he gave up his rank." Kentar growls angrily. "So did I! You have no right coming here to do this!" Garnet and Chris sit at the end of the table, Chris looking sad, and Garnet looking sad too. Kluna sits near the middle, just watching.

Aikuen hangs around the sleeping hall. Paws on hilts. When the soldier beasts first arrived, he ordered his family and the rats back into their rooms. Locking it. In case if it turns ugly. Heavily armed beasts are a few, not to mess with. He listens silently. Getting the gist of it mostly. Before stepping into the main hall. Getting about halfway toward the table. Before stopping and crossing his arms. Sending a bit of a glare at the four. But doesn't say anything just yet.

"War is a horrible thing, we know. But he's got to go. He never officially recorded his departure, and still holds his rank. We need everyone we can. I'm sorry." the stoat frowns as he explains, leaving Robin to lightly bang his head off the table. "He's not going, that's final." Kentar frowns. "I lived there most of my life, I saw it burn to the ground, and I saw it rebuilt. One beast will not make a difference." he barks out. "Dad..." Robin says finally. "Quiet, Robin. Your not going." "We've got our orders to bring him no matter what." one rat pipes up, causing Kentar to frown even more. "Is that a threat, rat?" "Just saying, sir." "Dad!" Robin says again, finally getting Kentar's attention.

Aikuen listens quietly. Watching... Learning. Armor... Weak under chest and arms. Spears. Long. Might have to skewer with dagger. Swords. Not a problem. His captain abilities run through his head. Slightly zoning out of everything. Up until there is loud yelling and he instantly places his paw on his dagger. Looking around intently, growling at the one who was 'just saying', "In my country. Thems fighting words. Better watch your tongue before i remove it. And yes. That was a threat." he causally says.

The bigger of the two rats points his spear towards Aik. "Don't threaten us, waterdog, or your words will be your last meal." Kentar steps in between the two, paws balled into fists. "Get out! Ge-" "ENOUGH!" There's a loud bang on the table that make Kluna, Chris and Garnet. "I'll go." Kentar looks to Robin and then to Aik before back to his son. "You can't. I won't let you." Robin shakes his head. "I'll fight for my home if I want." "This is your home!" "Dad. Please. Let me choose." he stands up and reaches for the uniform that the soldiers had set on the table, heading off into a side room to change.

When Aik is threaten he slowly pulls out his dagger and licks the flat of it, speaking very slowly and menacingly, "oh...Yawn. You do know that beasts that use spears... Are beasts... who hide the fact... that they are unskilled in fighting. This should be quick... Then i can back to eating my dinner..." he then blinks as its now Robin who is the one yelling. Looking toward the stoat, blade still pointing at the soldiers, "Robin. You don't have to go. You do have a choice to stay here..." he blinks heavily as the stoat chooses wrong. "Well... You f-b-" He curses a couple of times at the soldiers, "Hope you're happy..." then making a rude gesture.

Robin pauses and looks towards the others. "My friends are there. All of them. All fighting. I'd feel horrible if I had the choice to help them but decided not to, only to find out weeks later they're dead. I couldn't live with myself." he says with a sigh. "If I die, I die with them." he says as he vanishes into another room. The soldiers nod. "We'll be outside then." the ferret says as they head outside, vanishing into the grey looking day. Kentar takes a deep breath and watches for a few moments, sitting in a chair and sniffling a bit, fighting back tears. )

Aikuen nods epic slow at Robin. It makes sense. And he can see why. But... Still. After sheathing his blade. He goes over and pats both Garnet and Kentar, "Im... sorry. If you want... I could..." he shakes his head. Robin has made his decision. But they still doesn't make him stop from venting his anger, "This is wrong on so many f- levels... DAMMIT!" he picks up a chair and with a strength unseen. He flings it against the wall. Breaking it into a few pieces. Breathing heavily and running his paws through his hair. Trying to calm himself down.

Kentar takes a few deep breaths and slowly stands, leaving into the kitchens. Robin comes out afterwards, the stoat dressed in his uniform, looking quite handsome and smart, his sword at his side. "W-where's dad?" he asks, looking around. "I don't think he could stand it..." Garnet replies quietly, bringing a sigh from Robin. "Lets go outside then. I went to get this over with." he looks to Aik and the chair, smiling ever so slightly as he heads outside, looking to the grey skies. "Forgive me." he whispers quietly to whomever is up there as he turns to face everyone, Chris running up to him. The bigger stoat kneels down and hugs his brother tightly. "Please don't go..." Christopher whispers, sniffling as he cries, not wanting him to go away.

Aikuen manages from going ape crazy on the soldiers. Its when Robin stands looking so smart in his uniform. Brining back memories of his recruit days. Long ole time ago. He remains silent as he follows the stoat outside. He waits a bit before going up to the stoat next. Putting his arms on his shoulders and noggin to noggin. Giving him some sage advice, "Robin. Listen to my advice... Never fight against the sun. Never take orders from a best that doesn't fight with you. Don't fight for your village. Fight for your friends and family. Eat every meal. Keep your boots and blade clean... And when in doubt..." he places his dagger in the stoats uniform belt, "Know that i fight along side you..." he then hugs him as tight as he possibly can.

Robin hugs Chris tightly and sighs. "I'll be back before you know it, kiddo." he smiles lightly. "I'll bring you back something nice too." He says as he slowly stands, letting Chris go back to Garnet. He smiles slightly at Aik and gives him a firm hug. "I will Aik, I will." He looks down at the dagger and squeezes it firmly, sliding it in his belt. "I wont forget you." he squeezes the otter firmly. He then lets go and looks to Garnet, only giving her a hug, not sure what to say. And then Kentar appears with a large pack. "'ll need these supplies for the trip." he sighs, looking completely torn apart. Robin sets the pack on the ground and hugs his dad firmly. "Come back to me..." Kentar says quietly. "Please...all I ask...just come back." he starts to cry right there, not wanting to ever let go of his son. "I will dad, I will." and Robin almost starts crying. There's a loud crack of thunder, and rain starts to fall, light at first and then heavy. )

Aikuen is now having hard time holding it in as well. Stepping back with his arms crossed looking to the sky. Raining starting to come down. Almost seems like its mocking them. Rain water drips against his face as he blinks to the sky gulping quietly. Letting the rain hide his tears.

The stoats hug for a few more moments before they finally let go. "Be safe. Write to us. And please, just come back." That's all that's on Kentar's mind as Robin picks up the pack and sighs. "I'll be back when the war is over. I love you...all." he says quietly, looking to Chris. He smiles lightly and then looks to Garnet and Aikuen. "Say goodbye to Will for me..." he says, walking backwards, turning away and heading off down a path with the four soldiers. Kentar just stands there and watches before sitting down, covering his face, and sobbing away. Chris joins him, sitting next to him, also crying and Garnet does too. She leans into her husband as an arm wraps around her. "He'll be back..." Kentar whispers out, looking to Aikuen for a few moments before he looks back to the skies.

Aikuen gulps and clears his throat. Watching maybe the last glimpses of Robin he will ever see. He waits until they have cleared from sight. Aik wipes the water from his hair, "He will be back. Even if i have to get him myself. Stupid wars..." he grunts as he goes over to the stoats. Going to sit down with them. Not really knowing what to say. Never been on this end for a draft.

Kentar watches Aik come over before sliding his arm around Aikuen's shoulder. "He'd better be back." He sniffles. "I couldn't live knowing my son went to war just to die." he closes his eyes and leans against his wife, glad its raining. He doesn't really want anyone to see how much he's crying.

Aikuen rests his head against the stoats arm, "I know excatly..." he shakes his head, "I cant even... Fathom it... Im so sorry... This is wrong. But. He made his choice..."

Kentar gives both beasts on either side of him a squeeze with a nod. "I know it is. But he feels he should do it. I can't stop him." He shakes his head, standing up. "Lets get in out of the rain." he says quietly, heading back inside slowly, Chris following close behind, wiping his eyes clear of tears.

Aikuen stands up as well. Still gulping quietly, "I think this calls for a very stiff drink and something heavy for dinner..." he sighs and places his paw on the shoulder of Garnet, slightly pushing her to follow the rest. Leaving him alone in the rain. He looks off toward the last place he saw Robin. Singing... An old battle hymn, "Leaves from the vine... Falling so slow... Like fragile, tiny shells... Drifting in the foam... Dear Little soldier boy... Come marching home... Brave little soldier boy... Comes marching home" he rubs a paw against his eyes before heading inside with them.
