Robber Gang

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated November 14, 2008 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Raynen. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Fri, 11/14/2008 - 17:42

The purpose of this topic is to set up a robber gang made completely out of vermin. (Sorry, but no evil woodlanders. I want this to be canon.) Now, for this to work, I'll need at least 5 people to participate. This won't be a horde, just a small gang that will hide in the ditch/along the dirt road, and ambush travellers as they pass by. Look for a fox named Redflash in the Black Gull Tavern. To get there, take the portal to redwall abbey, and go north along the dirt road. You can't miss it.

If you're unfamiliar with such things, type "+skills apply RobberVermin" to apply, but don't forget to talk to Redflash IC'ly, or you'll get denied.

Finally, the IC rules are:

1)Redflash's word is final. You can challenge him, but better watch your step.

2)Plunder will be split among all members of the gang, with a double share for Redflash

3)We are to mug any woodlanders we find. Do not mug vermin without talking to them first and finding out if they are interested in joining. However, if they say no, let them have it.

In addition, the OOC rules are just those in the muck. But remember, this is a game, so have fun!
