Right Place..Right Time

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

[ The beginning of this was sent to me by Streamheart , so decided to include it so we know just why Oz was needed at the road, Oz shows up in the log once the otter maid Streamheart finds him in the abbey entry]

Streamheart is already upset and she has already stayed longer than she planned to, find the abbey and get back home is what she planned, didn’t seem to go as planned.

Edmonda leans on a tree on the side of the road, "You know, not wise to be out alone is it? why are we out by yourself?"

Streamheart frowns, "I...I am fine just, so what if I am alone....free country"

Edmonda smirks, "Yes it’s a free world, doesn’t mean much these days" She steps a little closer to the otter, "Why so upset?"

Streamheart steps back a little more, "None of your business why I am upset, I.I need to get home now excuse me." She goes to walk around the beast.

Edmonda steps into her path, "I say stick around awhile, may be fun..anything of value?"

Streamheart frowns, "I don't really have anything, never did...left home to find Redwall and promised wouldn’t be away too long and have to get back, been away too long"

Edmonda smirks, "How nice, How..Interestingly...board now" She draws a sword, "I say find something quick, got to have some sort of coin or..something."

Lee is walking up the road, trying to find Streamheart. He spots her and a stranger up ahead.

Streamheart frowns, she slips off her bracelets and carefully hands them over, "I don’t carry coins..sorry."

Edmonda takes the bracelets and shakes her head, "That’s either wise or..unwise." She keeps the sword out, "I still don't like otters much"

Lee doesn't like the looks of the stranger, so he draws his dagger as he approaches rather boldly. "Who are ye? an' why do ye 'ave a sword drawn?"

Streamheart looks towards Lee, "Lee..be careful please"

Edmonda narrows her eyes, she goes to grab the otter maid, and if she succeeds she will place the blade of her sword close to her neck as she speaks, "Leave and this doesn't end badly."

Streamheart gasps softly as she sees the blade and decides its best to hold still, she frowns and looks down at the ground.

Lee glares angrily. "Ye will let 'er go...NOW...An' maybe...*maybe* I'll spare yer miserable, worthless life." His voice is filled with anger, and despite being armed with only a dagger, he looks ready to kill if a single hair of Streamheart is harmed.

Edmonda rolls her eyes, "Like a dagger does much, I have a sword and those usually win against daggers, how about you go away river dog."

Lee says, "I'm warnin' ye, scum...ye will let the lass go, or Ye will die. Do ye unnerstand?"

Streamheart stays very still. seems she picked a bad time to get fresh air.

Edmonda chuckles coldly, "I am not afraid of a fool otter, now back away or someone will die just not sure who yet"

Lee holds his dagger up. "Do ye happen ta know wot daggers are useful for? Course, ye gotta 'ope ye have a good an' steady paw..."

Streamheart frowns, she is unsure whether she should try and get loose or stay still, she is not a very good fighter, she goes to stomp on the weasels foot paw and elbow her in the chest.

Edmonda smirks, "That right?" Her eyes flash with battle light as her foot paw is stomped, and growls, a gasp as the wind is temporally knocked out of her so she stabs her blade backwards in hopes of harming the otter.

Lee takes the opportunity of the vermin being distracted to play his only real hand...it's a gamble that he hopes will pay off. "Miss Stream'eart, when I say run, RUN! Back t' the Abbey, don't wait for me..." With that he takes his dagger firmly in hand, and throws it with all his might toward Edmonda, hoping to injure her with it.

Streamheart hears Lee and feels pain in her arm, holding her arm she sidesteps the weasel if any other attacks happen, just barely sidesteps and frowns as she looks towards the abbey and goes to head that way to get some help.

Edmonda goes to slice at the otter again and misses, she gets the dagger sink deep into her shoulder and hisses at Lee, raising her sword she goes to attack him, she slices at his side, but is a little off as the dagger affects her swing.

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Streamheart makes her way into the abbey, shaking and some blood going down her arm where she was hurt, "Weasel...on the road, going to hurt Lee”

Oz frowns, he just happen to be in the entry and scoots the dibbuns off to a squirrel maid, "What happen to you and calm down..."He nods to a novice to take care of Streamheart, "Where on the road?"

Streamheart frowns as she rather go out, but lets the novice help her, "South" she manages.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

the road. The white, slender stalks shine in the sun's embrace, and

the rich, warm, scent of the dry earth rises into the air. White and

well-traveled, the road meanders north and south, with the pale scarlet

silhoutte of Redwall Abbey rising proudly against the dark sky in

the north. The repaired section of the wall sticks out a little with

it's slightly different hue. A few tough clumps of grass have sprouted

in the middle of the road, dotting the dull brown with patches of white

and green.

Exits: [G]rasslands, [W]all, [S]outh, [N]orth

Lee backs away, but trips and falls on his back. He looks up at the vermin. "I 'ave no 'ope, but at least I saved the one I...love..." He still tries to crawl away.

Edmonda smiles, but it’s not one of those friendly kind, "Oh how sweet, ya tell her that, oh well no matter, your dagger is in my shoulder and you pay with your life river dog" She goes to raise her blade as she prepares to bring it down.

Lee closes his eyes and turns away, expecting the end any moment.

Oz is not having a good day, yeah south helps...he finds the fight by luck and the weasel, he slips behind her and grabs her by the collar, which should be easy enough and lifts her up so he can turn her around and face her, he snarls low , "Drop the blade now!" Yeah he is not too happy right now.

Edmonda smiles, "DI..." She blinks and gasps as she is now face to face with a badger and one that looks peeved, she shakes and tries to stab him but the blade falls from her paws, due to the fact she is now uncontrollably shaking in fear.

Lee hears the badger speak so he opens his eyes. "Oz!" He goes to try and push himself up, but grimaces from the pain in his shoulder. "Ye don't know 'ow glad I be ta see ye."

Oz lifts the weasel up and glares at her, usually he is not able to look too scary but, well with a friend being treated he is, "I am going to release you, you’re going to run the opposite way, without your blade and not come back, if you do your going to have an even bigger badge to worry bout " He drops the weasel and waits.

Lee says, "Don't let 'er take me dagger in 'er shoulder, either..."

Edmonda gulps, one thing she knows is not to mess with a badger, she oofs as she is dropped and starts to pick up the blade, then thinks better of it and dashes south and away from the two, she is not caring right now, the dagger in her shoulder she pulls out and drops before she rushes off quickly.

Oz frowns, he mutters to himself in hopes that she indeed did leave, he squints and looks towards where Lee is, walking forwards slowly, "Lee?..Are you alright?"

Lee looks up at Oz and tries to push himself up, grunting from the pain. "I be mostly alright, but the scum...she managed ta get me shoulder pretty bad, an' it hurts terribly...I can't even push meself up, I need yer help ta get on me feet again."

Oz nods, "Dusk is not a good time for this.." He can see Lee better now, mainly followed sounds of fighting earlier, he offers a paw to help him up, "You can lean on me, and we get back before it gets darker, not able to see hardly at all in the dark"

Lee grabs Oz's paw and pulls himself up. "Yes, I need ta check on Stream'eart..." He picks up the vermin sword and his own dagger. "I think I'll keep this sword for meself, it be a fine blade." he then leans on Oz and heads with him toward the abbey.

Oz nods, well least he knows to head North, "Ok let’s go." He listens and walks on North, there would be some faint light from the abbey and that will help.

Lee says, "Aye, thank ye for savin' me, Oz...I thought I were dead for a moment there."

Oz does make it to the abbey with Lee and gets the attention of a couple guards who help them both back inside and to the infirm.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Oz enters the infirm slowly, letting the otter lend on him, took him a little longer to get to the abbey due to the fact it’s night now, hour past sundown or whatever, he lets a couple guards help led them to the infirm and sits down in a chair, as a guard helps the otter to a cot, he frowns, "Hate night anymore”

Streamheart takes the blanket, she turns as she sees the others enter , “Where is Lee?..Lee!" She sounds worried.
Lee is led to a cot and lies down. His left shoulder is a bit bloody, but he doesn't seem to be losing too much blood, at least. "I am 'ere...The vermin thought she'd kill me...but Oz proved 'er wrong." he grins tiredly.

Oz says, "The weasel decided it was best to head south and not stay close to this area"

Flicktail says, "He will be fine Marm, we have good healers here"

Oz makes sure a healer tends to Lee as he speaks "I warned her if she returns she will have to deal with another badger, hopefully she got the idea"  .
Streamheart looks over at Lee, she stays where she is for now not wanting to interrupt any healers .”

Lee groans a little as the healer tends to his shoulder, which is quite painful. "I'm just glad me dagger did hit the scum...I was worried I might miss...I'm just glad ye be safe, Stream'eart...I couldn't bear the thought of ye hurtin'..." He sighs.

Flicktail sits beside Streamheart and gets her some cool water "For you marm"

Streamheart says, "She did cut my arm, but not deep." She takes the water and takes a few sips, "Thanks for the..the water sir"
Flicktail says, "your welcome Marm, I hear Otters like Water"

Lee looks over. "She cut ye? How bad? Are ye alright?"

Oz stands as he reaches a paw to the doorway and leans on it, "I need to check on Sister May, sort of had her watch the dibbuns before asking, try and have a good night" He then heads off into the hallway."