Riana arrives in Redwall (ICly happened 10-22-2015; a Redwall log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happened ICly right before this log: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/redwall-fall-feast-part-1-10-... So this ICly happened on Thursday, October 22nd, 2015.RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Leon the mouse. Angela the mouse and Riana the golden eagle.

It was the day of the feast and Leon was trying to tak it easy, he had made the ok for Rayen to go if she so wished, and had checked on the infant fox. He also was dealing with a mouse with a broken toe "Why did you kick the wall anyways?" The mouse just shrugs and the Master Healer sighs. "What ever...I leave tonight or maybe in the morning, not sure yet"

Angela is in here, readying herself to take over as temporary Master Healer. She is checking on the few patients in here and now comes over and goes to rest her paw on her grandson-in-law's shoulder. "I'm gonna miss ya, son. Are you sure you 'ave all the herbs ya need for this journey?"

Leon nods "Yes, in my surcoat and there will be some along the way to get as well. I also made sure the infirm here was well stocked. I also have bandages in my knapsack and a couple other things." He does check the knapsack and nods, he blinks and pulls out some sort of flute looking thing but small, "Oh yeah" He places it back in his pocket and smiles "I will miss you as well and don't worry we will be careful, I wouldn't let anything happen to Dorarose."

Smiling softly, Angela shakes her head. "Oh, I'm not worried about that. I just don't want y'all bein' unprepared herb-wise." She opens her mouth to say more, but then a guard comes rushing in, eyes wide and voice high-pitched and panicy. "Eagle! There's a giant eagle at the gates! Sh-she's requesting healing, an-and the o-other g-guards are b-bringin' her up 'ere by the outside steps!!" The old Healer raises both eyebrows as her mouth drops open in slight shock. "A giant eagle, y'say? We rarely get eagle's 'ere, right?"

Leon blinks "An eagle? I saw one the other day but it was male...sort of befriended it, but two eagles in one area is a little rare they like the northlands so I wonder how it...well she was hurt?" He is a little worried, not all eagles could be friendly, "Guess it's a good thing not many are in the infirm"

The door leading to the outside stairs opens again, and more guards can be seen, assisting a huge, fierce-looking female golden eagle. She has an obviously broken right wing, and infected bite marks of some sort on her legs. She stumbles painfully into the infirm and collapses to the floor, staring at the mouse healers in an unfocused manner. "I.....request.....the Abbey's....healing s.....services...." Angela rushes as fast as she can over to the herb cabinets and starts rapidly getting the herbs she needs. "Leon, please check her wounds and see 'ow bad 'er infection is while I make somethin' to bring 'er pain down. Maybe we can get 'er onto a cot to make cleanin' 'er leg wounds easier."

The mouse nods and goes to check on the eagles wounds, carefully and slowly, he knows to move slow "Hello...we are friend beasts and will help you" Leon checks best he can "Something bit her and her wing may or may not be broken"

The eagle groans and flops over onto her left side, her right wing bent at an unnatural angle in the middle. "Snake.....broke my wing.....bit me." Angela comes back over and makes the eagle drink the herb tea she has brewed. Gagging, the huge bird stumbles to her feet to get her face out of arm's length of the old Healer. "What was that?" she asks weakly. Angela shakes her head and pats a cot. "Somethin' to dull the pain. 'Op up 'ere."

Leon keeps an eye on the eagle, "Calm down..." He frowns "Snake? Lets hope that's far from any paths Zinnia plans to take later, then can always keep an eye out for it and change paths if needed"

Angela nods and waves her paw at Leon because all of the guards and Novices have mysteriously vanished, presumably because the eagle is glaring at everyone in a pain-filled manner. "Please get herbs and bandages and things. I'm sure the snake isn't anywhere near 'ere." The bird clumsily hops up onto the cot as the old Healer gently asks, "What's your name, dearie?" "Riana. Riana Thunderbolt...is my name. My....my territory is North of the River Moss. I met the snake up there. I.....I don't think it followed me."

Leon nods and gets the needed bandages and herbs, he keeps them in his ABC order so they are easily found and any Angela has as well. He walks over and sets them out "Well no plans to go that way, no worries. You're the 2nd eagle I have seen in this area and the other went flying off towards the western seacoast" Well so much for resting before the feast.

Angela points to the bird's left leg. "Would y'please start workin' on her leg, and I'll clean 'er right one, and then we can work on the wing." Riana stares down at the Master Healer, her mind slowly clearing as the herbs Angela fed her begin to work. "Why should I care? I busy setting my territory; I do not need to worry about finding a mate right now." She seems very young, probably no older than 8 or 9 seasons. She allows both of the healers to clean and bandage her legs.

Leon arches an eyebrow "Said nothing on mates...." He gently and carefully cleans the wounds on left leg, he examines the bite marks and is quiet while he works and is soon done. This is the first time he has helped an eagle, not the first time he has seen one but first he has helped anyways.

Riana is silent as they work on her, then Angela finishes wrapping the leg in bandages and straightens. "Let's take a peek at yer wing, alright?" The eagle nods, her eyes now mostly clear because she is now almost free from pain. Settling down, she grips the edges of the cot with her taloned feet, her stomach feathers covering the wicked claws as she gets sort of comfy. "The snake hit me with his tail." Her wing is definitely broken, but fortunately seems to be easy to set. Angela purses her lips and looks at the Master Healer. "I say we need to set it, then put it in a cast and immobilize it. Should we anesthetize her, y'think?" Riana looks between the 2 of them. "What does.....anesthetize mean?"

Leon looks it over "I...don't know, I mean I have herbs that I use rarely, learned something from a ferret helped one, you can use them to keep a beast out when something major is needed...maybe give her something to bite down on" Yeah what he then wonders and frowns "This will be a little hard, very large wing and needs down carefully and she needs to try her best to hold still."

Riana shakes her head vigorously. "No. I will stay awake. I don't need anything to.....bite down on." Angela shrugs. "I guess we'll just let her stay awake. I'll get under the wing and push on one side, and you push on the other, and together we should be able to set the the bone." She crawls under the eagle's wing, and the huge bird tightens her grip on the cot underneath her. Creaks and groans can be heard from the wood as her talons dig into it.

The Master Healer nods and goes to push where he is told. Quiet as he does so, so he can focus on this task. It might hurt at first but then should feel better after it's set and placed in a cast of sorts.

Angela pushes and the bone is set. The only reaction Riana has to the sudden waves of pain is to groan through a clenched beak and to clench her taloned feet even more. The old healer has just released the wing and told the Master Healer to hold it still when suddenly the cot gives an almost alive sounding groan that grows into a shriek. Riana squawks in alarm, as the bed gives way under her, cracking and crashing in half. The old healer mouse tumbles out from under the bird's wing and stares at the cot in shock. "You just broke that bed!!" The eagle has managed to keep her right wing basically immobile, so it has not unset itself, and she glares at the now-broken cot. "Stupid groundling nest thing."

Leon's eyes widen and he looks over at the bed, "that...will need fixed, lets go ahead and get this tightly bandaged and in a cast, there is a feast soon and I don't think the abbot wants me to be late." That and he will have to clean up rather quickly, oh well he has done that before.

Angela nods and slowly rises, then bustles around, getting everything they need for the cast and bandages. "'Elp me put the cast on, then you can go down while I put the bandages on 'er. I'll tell the Abbot when I get down there." Riana allows them to fix up her wing, looking grumpy as they immobilize her wing. Angela makes her a bowl of vegetable broth, laced with knock-out herbs, then goes down to the feast.

The mouse nods and finishes up with the eagle and then goes to clean up, great he has a limited amount of time, but he gets cleaned up and goes downstairs just in time.

And then it continues in the feast log. Thanks for reading! :)
