Retake the North!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated December 13, 2011 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Wanderer. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Tue, 12/13/2011 - 13:06

Ok, I've noticed that 90% of the MUCK characters say that their original homeland was the Snowy North, yet the place is a total IC dead zone. We need to have more RPs that take place up there. Here's some ideas:

-Vermin hordes and clans warring among themselves in the North

-Shipwrecked sailors come ashore in the North and have to survive

-Vermin warlord attempts to set up an empire

-Viking-type situation with vermin raiders that pillage settlements and wander the seas.

If you think of any others, post them below.

We also need to have more RPs in the village of Send. It's a great spot for RP, yet no one goes there.

So please, please, PLEASE do more RPing in the North!
