Recent Abbots of Redwall

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The position of Father Abbot or Mother Abbess is the head of the Order of Redwall and the titular "ruler" of Redwall Abbey, in a tradition that stretches back through countless seasons to the time of Martin the Warrior & Abbess Germaine ere the red cornerstone of the Redwall Abbey was first lain.

Father Brocmal, species unknown: Abbot before the Great Earthquake, during which he passed away. After his death, the position was not filled for several seasons. Kevarr, Redwall's former Bellringer, Nagia, a former sea adventuring squirrel, and Sunrose, a mouse & former Redwall sister and instructor acted together to lead Redwall through this troublesome time.

Other Abbey Members during his time:
  • Heartwood deMullen was the last Badgermother before the late Oz took up the position in Abbot Lorimis' time. She passed away from an illness the night before the Great Earthquake took place.

Father Keiran, a hare: Abbot of Redwall for some seasons before his death in the Summmer before the Plague.

Father Josiah, Abbot of Redwall: Appointed abbot following Father Keiran's passing. He himself died the following winter.

Father Nicodemus, a squirrel: Abbot of Redwall; a former carpenter & reigning Abbot from Josiah's death to Lorimis' appointment.

Father Lorimis, a mouse,

Father Benar, a squirrel: Current Abbot of Redwall Abbey