Reaper's Backstory (Subject To Change!)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated November 20, 2012 in the category Art and Fiction by Anonymous. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 22:41

J.S. Reaper, born Jay Streambattle to Auriela (Mother) and Rath (Father) Streambattle on the island of Terramort, grew up a simple farmer. His parents were known for their nearly magical ability to grow plants on the island of death. Because of his upbringing, Reaper has a good knowledge both of farming and of medicine. He's no healer but he can definitely function as one when the need arises.

The first 7 seasons of his life were quite normal, his older brother took off to make a life for himself, he stayed behind with his sister and parents to become a farmer and carry on the family tradition. All of this was well and good until just before our age of 15 (7.5 Seasons). At this point, his brother returned and had taken the name Absalom. This should have been a joyous occasion and it would have been, but for the band of pillaging vermin his brother had brought back with him. War ensued and did not stop until just after Reaper turned 8. The war culminated with two events. Absalom burned down the main building in town after most of the population had taken refuge inside, thus killing his parents and sister along with 60 other beasts. Finally, Reaper challenged Absalom to mortal combat, if he won, the vermin would leave the island, if he lost, well the opposite. Reaper emerged victorious after employing a poisoned dagger which nicked his brother's knee ultimately killing him and ending the war.

After killing his brother and loosing his family, Reaper became hellbent on vengeance. He spent a month selling off everything to whoever would buy and used the money to fashion his gear. He took on strictly black, utilitarian clothing with a long black coat. For weaponry, he chose the main weapon he confronted his brother with, a scythe. In the end, Reaper built two custom scythes. The one on his right hip had the ability to telescope out into a two handed weapon and both had locking hinges that allowed them to collapse and be housed at his waist. The main scythe also has the ability, should the hinge fail to retract into the shaft making a spear of sorts.

With his weapons and gear all set, he left Terramort without a word to anyone and departed for the mainland. Upon arriving, he traveled south to Salamandastron where he studied and honed his fighting skill, still keeping mostly to himself though. After he felt comfortable with his ability, he traveled further south where he met a bean that would change his life... coffee... he is now in love with and addicted to coffee. (yes, this does play into his character :P) From the time he hit the mainland until he came to the realization of the futility of violence at age 11+ he hunted any and all vermin in his quest for retribution, but before he could deteriorate into something below an animal, he had a life changing dream

At age 11 Rose of Noonvale (See the book "Martin The Warrior" for reference) appeared to him in a dream showing him the futility of his life. She took him through battle after battle, killing after killing and showed him that no matter many vermin he killed, it would never be enough. No matter how many battles he won it would never bring his family back. This went on all night and at the end of the dream Rose turned to look him in the eye and said to him "Seek out Redwall Abbey, there you will learn to rebuild your life from the ashes of what you have made it to be." Reaper practically exploded "Me, Rose? ME!? I didn't do this, I didn't kill my family!." Rose responded "This is true, but you chose to become what you are, and to shatter every hope you had at rebuilding that island. You chose to burn everything down, now you must choose to rebuild." And with that the dream ended and Reaper set out for the Abbey.

During one incident at the Abbey, involving the Champion, Flicktail, and some dibbuns, Shandar, and Ahndia, when he told them his story, he realized that he had virtually killed Jay Streambattle, becoming his own final victim. From this point he has readopted his initials into his name, becoming J.S. Reaper, short for Jay Streambattle-Reaper as a memory of where he's been and where he will never go again.
