Rascal vs Thunderwing; Heaven help us O.o :O

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

[It's very late summer; harvest time!! :D]

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Thunderwing the eagle. DoraRose the mouse. Rascal the fox. John the squirrel.

Thunderwing circles in the sky as he looks for a good place to land, one that won't have him scareing any beast. Soon he lands and looks around the entry.

DoraRose comes out of the gatehouse just in time to see the bird land. Raising an eyebrow, she walks over to him and smiles. "Good day. Welcome to Redwall. My name is DoraRose Strongheart."

Thunderwing tilts his head and speaks "I Thunderwing...friend to some, long as good beast be"

DoraRose nods politely. "It's nice to meet you, I'm sure. Do you mind my asking what brings you to the Abbey? If you require food and drink, we have more than enough to spare, and we have some of the best Healers in the whole of Mossflower living here."

Thunderwing listens quietly; before he speaks he lets the mouse finish, "Thunderwing hunt badfox beast, and look for hare friend, hare friend wasa here and now not. Thunderwing knows other friend in Ferravale place"

DoraRose listens politely, then asks, "Oh? Who are your friends? I might know who they are, and if I see them I can let them know that you're searching for them." The wind sways the branches that hold the red, yellow, orange, and brown leaves on the trees, and ruffles the mouse's long skirt.

Thunderwing says, "Thunderwing is friends of Flare and Zee, help them find the bad foxbeast"

DoraRose smiles in recognition. "Zee! Yes, I know him! How is he? I haven't seen him in a while." The sun is shining brightly, and there is a definite wind blowing. The trees are all their beautiful colours, red and yellow and orange and brown. Autumn has very definitely arrived. "Who is this bad fox that you are looking for?"

Thunderwing says, "Bora...is badfox killa many, many beasts...he get away after big fight." He waits to mention Zee, then does so "Badger be in Ferravale... Thunderwing thinking so anyways, be much upset.""

As if on cue Rascal strolls into the entry way, coming down the stairs from the ramp parts. There were two reasons the fox started walking the ramparts. One, it became abundantly clear that despite being a diet made for woodlanders the Redwallians made some top notch food for vermin as well, even if devoid of meat beyond fish. Given at how his belt size had gone up by two notches, Rascal decided it was either walk or eventually find a wheel barrow...

The second reason was to see if THEY were still there. Yep, their little camp fire was plain to see, just less than a mile away from Redwall. Still there, still waiting on the fox to step foot out the gate. Shrews...lovely beasts they were. Could hold a grudge past doomsday if needed.

The fox grumbles as he walks, "Stupid, darn, woodlanderian, boring, old, stuffy abbey. Nothing ever happens here! No gambling, no booze, no excitement what so evAAAAAAAAA!" The fox manages to look up, seeing a large eagle, here, in the abbey. His eyes twitch and his jaw hangs open, staring in shock, amazement and fear.

Thunderwing backs up and spreads out his wings full span and narrows his eyes at the fox, he resists, just barely, the urge to attack the fox.

DoraRose turns and looks at the fox, a half smile forming on her face. She remembers him and his terrified run from Angela. Glancing at the eagle, she goes to lay a paw on his wing and says quickly, "I'm afraid that you are not allowed to attack beasts while they are in this Abbey. If you do so, we hold the right to banish you....or something equally drastic."

"Y-yes! What she said!" The fox blurts out, tail between his legs. "W-what is that THING even doing here in the abbey!" Leave it to Rascal to be the diplomatic envoy of Redwall. "Don't you know that eagles hunt foxes? Don't you know they hunt EVERYTHING!" The fox begins to pace about, flailing his arms, "It could kill us all and grind our bones to make its bread! It...it...it..." The fox becomes calm, leaning upright. A crooked smile begins to form on his muzzle as he glances back towards the wall, in the direction of the camp fire...

Thunderwing keeps an eye on the fox "Be badbeast or goodbeast fox? Thunderwing wanna know?"

Okay, this is starting to get way out of control. Dora stands between the 2 other beasts and extends a paw to both, her face serious and slightly grumpy looking. "You, fox, keep a civil tongue in thy head or I'll tie you up and leave you for Angela Quietfeet to deal with. And you, Thunderwing, I don't care if he's a good fox or a bad fox, you are not to attack ANYBEAST while they are here within the walls of our Abbey. Redwall is a place of peace and a safe haven for all, and I will /not/ let you harm any beast that is here. I am a Warrior, and quite capable of keeping my word."

The fox whimpers once at the eagles glare, then again at the mention of Angela. Regaining his composure though Rascal pushes the mouse's paw away with the tip of his foremost claw, "Could a beast with such a nice smile be anything other than good?" Rascal says with a wide smile. "And it's true! The abbey is a place where we peaceful woodland beasts, be they mouse or be they fox can find shelter from the ruffians of the road." The fox's eyes well up in tears, "Why I myself am accosted by a group of shrews, shrews right out side these very walls! They sit there, to the north east, just waiting to brutalize me upon my leave of this fair Abbey." The fox strides up to the eagle, "Did I mention they were bad beasts? Big, plump shrews? Horribly near sighted as well. Bet they would never see a flying beast coming if their lives depended on it..."

Thunderwing looks at the fox confused and puffs up his feathers to look bigger..."Foxes be verminbeast yesum...they be, not Thunderwing not killa you here, he killa you on road, yes"

DoraRose growls dangerously and goes to grab the fox's muzzle and twist it slightly. "I'm trying to protect you, fox. Don't get closer to the beast who's wanting to kill you. And YOU!" She points at the eagle. "Please don't even THREATEN anybeast while you are within Redwall. Seriously," she mutters to herself. "What is even happening to me right now???"

The fox twists in only a way that a weasel can...being not a weasel the fox nearly stumbles over the mouse as his muzzle is yanked away from the conversation. He wrestles to get it free, "Now see here laddie! I'm not some fox to be mouse handled! I got my rights you know, and one of them is to NOT having to live in constant fear of being shot by shrews! Now if this eagle wants to kill me on the road that's perfectly HIS business and I would very much like you to stay out of..." Rascal pauses, "Wait, what?"

Thunderwing puffs out more and mutters something, he looks at the pond "Thunderwing need fishes and waterdrinks.."

DoraRose resists the urge to bang the fox's and the eagle's heads together. Instead she goes to tweak the fox's nose a bit more. "What did you do to make the shrews ha--y'know what, never mind. Thunderwing. Feel free to fish in out pond. If you need something to drink, you are free to let anybeast know and we will gladly provide you with something from our cellars." Preferably something that'll put you to sleep, she refrains from saying.

A squirrel makes his way up from the southern end of the Abby grounds, stopping when he sees the eagle. John, hails them with a "Hello, there!" but still remains quite a bit away- he doesn't really trust large birds.

"Oh yes because a drunken flesh rending machine is so much better than a sober one." The fox begins again after retrieving his nose from Dora. He clutches his paws over his muzzle when he speaks again, "And for your information I didn't do jack squat to them. Well...nothing worth hounding me to the edges of the earth. I mean that shrew was already dead way before I got there..."

Many things happen at once as the fox's eyes light up, turning to the mouse as he realizes he said something he should not have. "I mean..." Then, using the squirrels appearance in hopes of beating a hasty retreat the fox greats john warmly, "Hello there friend! How ARE you doing today? Nice day for a walk around the ramparts wot? How about we go do that NOW!"

Thunderwing glares, he then flies off and returns with some fish, which he rips in pieces as he eats it, maybe he is pretending its the fox.

DoraRose waves up at the squirrel, then goes to grab the fox's ear. "What? What on Earth are you talking about??" She ignores the eagle murderifying the dead fish, focusing on the fox that has just put his proverbial foot in his mouth.

John, still staying several paces away, says, "Ye knae, I think Ah'll pass, mate..." His eyes are still on the eagle; particularly the bird's beak and what it is doing to the fish.

Thunderwing is eatting the fish, but a bit messy like, he is grumpy and has taken it out on the poor fish he caught. He tilts his head and puffs out and looks ready to leave the messy fish there in the entry and fly off maybe soon.

The fox can't help but watch as well. Whether or not the bird is imagining him as the meal Rascal can easily see himself laying there being evicerated by the monster of a bird. Rubbing his neck subconciously the fox says to the mouse. "I mean...I...uh...I mean the shrew was already dead by the time I happened upon him. The chief only thinks that I did it cause just so happened to be there..." The fox doesn't mention exactly where /there/ is, only that he was /there/. It was a pity too cause he just missed who ever really did it. "I mean his body was still warm and he had nothing left of value on him. Not that...I would check for such things, because I'm...I'm a nice...woodlander fox and..." Rascal begins to backtrack away from the mouse and the squirrel, slowly heading unwittingly towards the avian...

Thunderwing flaps up into the air, he hopefully knocks the fox into the messy fish left behind and he flies off into the woods.

DoraRose goes to grab the fox's paw and hold him still. She is very, very strong, especially since she is a female. "So......you witnessed a murder and you're just now telling somebeast?"

John, after the eagle took flight, moves closer. His tone is dark as he asks, "Exactly when did y'see thae dead body? Also," he adds, eyes narrowing, "Why are ye sae nevous abou' it? Shouldn' have tae worry if ye didn't dae it, y'know."

Both very good questions. When the eagle leaves the fox is thrust forward, not onto the fish but into the waiting paws of the mouse warrior. "I...uh..." The fox gulps. If he answers either question it will only lead to the next obvious question. Why did the shrews think you were the killer. And then they would ask, why were you there to begin with?

"Because...I...wasn't supposed to be, there..." The fox begins to whine. His body goes limp, as if in shock. "I never hurt a beast before in my life. Well save for that time I kick that weasel in the gut, but he had it coming...and that hare long patrol member but that doesn't matter, point is I ain't no murderin beasty. It wasn't my fault. I just..." The fox begins to think of how he should phrase this, but he knows they will find out eventually anyway, "Ok, so I was hungry. Ok. I didn't mean that tribe no harm. But they were shrews, and you know how shrews are. Give them the slightest excuse to gut you like a fish and they'll take it. But like I said, I was hungry, and their camp was nearby. So I snuck in, I...took some food...and stumbled, quite literally over the dead body of this old shrew. If it wasn't their chieftain I bet they wouldn't have even cared much..." Rascal pauses, "I mentioned it was their chief I found stabbed to death, right?"

DoraRose covers her eyes with a paw. This just got REALLY bad REALLY fast. Grabbing the fox's ear, she digs her thumb claw into it and drags him towards the South Wall. "Okay. I'm going to find Abbot Benar and /make/ you tell HIM the WHOLE story, FROM THE BEGINNING!" and with that she drags him off, so she can complete her threat.

But then she changes directions and heads to the pond.

To be continued in a different log :D
