Randomness... in the tavern!!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferrevale : Tavern

Anise the ferret. Blisa the cat (with her ferret guard spoofed). Tincel (calling herself Ash) the ferret.

Anise sips some wine as he looks at a list of his herb and spices stock on the paper in front of him, he grumbles some to himself.

The door opens and Blisa enters, followed closely by her ferret guard, who happens to be the creature who opened the door. Teh kitten spots Anise and smiles slightly. Walking over to him, she says, "Hi. How are you?"

Anise makes a wait a moment motion and finishes check marking things and rolls up the paper and places it in his bag and as he ajusts his glasses he looks at the kitten, "Oh hello there young one, I have had better days but today seems fine so far"

Blisa smiles as her guard orders tea for the both of them. "Do you mind my asking what the paper was about? I might be able to help." she clambers up to sit by the adult ferret as the ferret guard stands, waiting for the order to come.

Anise says, "I am going over my stock, some got messed up, others did not. I may need to acquire more soon""

"Stock? Oh, that's stuff you sell, right? How'd it get messed up?" the guard comes over with the tea and sits downs by Blisa, handing her her cup of tea and taking a sip of his own.

Anise takes a gulp of his wine, "A rat, supposely taken care of, what ever just so he leaves me alone is all"

Blisa sips her tea and cocks her head a little, curiosity creeping over her features. She senses a story. "What'd the rat do?"

Anise sighs, "The rat took it upon himself to take me captive and demand a fee I owned him, I did get freed and the rat seems to of had a strict talking to, no idea where he is now and I do not care"

Blisa frowns and sip her tea again. "Why didn't you pay the rat, or was he just saying that you owed him to give him an excuse to beat you up?"

Anise shakes his head, "I wanted him to kill this hedgehog, but then forgave the hedgehog for what it did and gave the money to him to leave Mossflower and not to the rat and the rat lost out on killing it"

Blisa sips her tea noisily as she thinks up an answer. "Well, the rat wasn't able to do his job, but I would still want to pay him something. Maybe you 2 could to Redwall and talk out a compromise there. That's what I would do."

Anise says, "I do not think he would set footpaw in that place, and I ave been to the abbey lots of times myself"

Blisa frowns as she tackles this problem. "Maybe you could work on a compromise here? It needs to be someplace with lots of creatures to stop a fight if neccessary, and you both need to not have any weapons with you."

The door opens to allow the gray cloaked figure of Tincel into the tavern. The hood of the cloak is draped over her ears and she makes her way carefully toward the bar, avoiding coming in contact with any beasts she passes. Once she reaches the bar she allows herself to take a quick visual of the tavern, looking over the residents with a cautious look in her eyes.

Anise shrugs, he sips his wine and just out of the blue says something off topic, "I do need to speak with the brewer, they need more wine flavors, indeed"

Blisa blinks and just about busts out laughing at the wine comment, then watches Tincel in surprise. narrowing her eyes, she gulps down the rest of her tea, somehow manages to not choke onn it, then heads over to the ferret, her guard hastily scrambling to follow, and so nearly falling flat on his face. Stareing up at the female ferret, the kitten greets her, saying, "Hello. Welcome to Ferravale. I'm Blisa. What's your name?"

Tincel looks down at Blisa with a now surprised look in her eyes. She keeps her voice low as she replies to the kitten, a wistful smile playing around her lips, "I'm Ash and I must thank you for the most cordial welcome to this place." She views the guard behind Blisa with a raised eyebrow, "Who's your friend?"

Blisa smiles and gestures to the guard. "This is Ferdinand, the guard my Daddy assigned to me. My father is the Cheiftan, Scioto." Ferdinand bows, murmering, "How do you do?" but other than that stays silent.

Tincel nods knowingly, storing this new information in the back of her mind. Sciotos daughter, eh? "That's quite a big position. I bet it's fun though, right?" She says this to Blisa with a quick smile and the she nods to Ferdinand, "Happy to meet you, sir Ferdinand. Fine day we're having, yes?"

Ferdinand nods, letting Blisa do all the talking. "Why would it be a big position? I'm just like any other Dibbun...well, except...." she pauses, then shudders slightly as memories flood through her mind. The guard lays a gently paw on her shoulder.

Tincel frowns a bit as Blisa shudders. What could the kitten be thinking? She is about to ask, when she is reminded of the reason she is here and she quickly orders a flask of red wine and pays. She then stands and nods to the two beasts, "I've got to go, but it was nice meeting you both!" She smile lightly, then slips out.

Blisa and Ferdinand watch her leave, then shrug. They'll probably see her later.

Thanks for reading!
