RP Wanted...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 29, 2014 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 9 replies.

Sun, 06/29/2014 - 18:50

With all these new or returning players coming online I thought it would be a good idea to get an RP Wanted board up and running somewhere, and what better place than the forum?

Have an RP idea but need players? Looking for someone to play a long lost family member? Need members to start up a horde? Feel free to post it all here. I'll start us out with idea's I've been wanting to get started for a while.


TP: Ageless Attacks Camp Willow:

  Ageless the Snake attacks Camp Willow. It would be a small TP affecting that area only. Need a valiant band of hero's from Mossflower or citizens in Camp Willow to find the snakes lair and fight him off. An open ended plot.

Attack on Arundal

  I've spent the last few months with a few other players building up an attack on Arundal by the Militia and the local tribe of Vermin whom the city wronged years ago. Players are needed to either help prevent total warfare or help a side win it.


Arundal and Silver Valley. Woodlanders or Vermin

  Silver Valley is the vermin run mining town north of Arundal. While technically in the 'apparently' morally superior woodlander run Arundal Silver Valley is a hive of scum and villainy.

Lizard Ruins

  Looking for tribal lizards of all shape's and sizes for an underground complex located in Beggar's Pass.

OOC PLOTS. Plots that have no barring on in game events.

Alt History

  An alternate history of Redwall where the Abbey was destroyed 200 years ago by vermin warriors. Looking for players to rp in the world where Redwall never affected their alts.

Time Travel to Redwall

  A group of friends go to a renaissance fair in modern day times around the ruins of Redwall. Meanwhile Cheshire the mad scientist cat experiments with time manipulation and accidentally brings the future beasts back to Redwall...a week before history says it was destroyed. Dare they change history? And at what cost?


 Just as the title says. ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES IN REDWALL!

Adventure Tales!

 Players make a quick NPC to send them on an adventure through a maze filled with traps, monsters, and bandits. Heavily influenced by table top games. Players roll dice to see if their characters survive their encounters.

There are just a few of the ideas that have been rolling around in my head. Any Interest in these stories should be answered with a Page mail to Dylan.

What about you guys? Have any ideas you want to post here?
