RL again

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated December 19, 2012 in the category Chatterbox by BrokenRain. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 08:08

Hiya all! Once more, RL calls. for an as of now undetermined amount of time. :P probably a few weeks, it looks like. Sorry to DoraRose and Leon- wont be able to make your wedding. Sorry to Sariel- didnt mean to cut out in the middle of an RP the other night. And sorry to the rest of you all! Sucks to have to be away for so long. If you need me for anything, suppose you'll have to email me. (wont have client access or anything, but can get emails.) Go to my profile- i trust ya'll to be responsible about it. ;)

Shandar, Ahndia, Dunnel, Odira, and Casper are going about life in the abbey.

Wildefray is wandering about like the traveler she is.

Hale is guarding Camp Willow.

LP and Nighblades chars are not currently involved in anything.

Hopefully I will be back soon!

