Quinten Log 81 - 24 03 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
Salamandastron: Infirmary
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
This is the infirmary for the long patrol.  This room is one of the
most well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles
placed strategically along the shelves and cupboards.  Many wooden beds line
the walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen
sheets.  This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room.
Where there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety
of different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages.  A single
stone sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters.  The sink is not fancy,
in fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless.  An open
closet is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the
unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares
in it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

Quinten is lying propped up in bed, his head resting on a pile of

pillows, starring ahead at not much, eyes slightly glazed and unfocussed, a

healer is making him drink from a beaker

Yesterday was a paperwork today, and today is an infirmary day. Why?

Because she'd go crazy if she had to stare at any more paperwork. The

Colonel enters the infirmary, her usual morning mug of tea held in paw.

Her eyes scan the room, noting both the sickies and the healers present.

She grunts, shakes her head, and takes a sip of tea.

Quinten finishes the medicine in the beaker and hands the mug back to

the healer, they nod and walk off leaving him sat in bed, starring ahead

at nothing much, ears lying back atop his pillows

After speaking with the head healer on shift, the Colonel winds her way

around the room, stopping by some cots and passing by others.

Quinten's... she looks like she might pass by, but his staring gaze catches her

attention and she does a small double-take, glancing back.

Brow-wrinkle. "You a'right, there?"

Quinten turns his head and stares at the colonel trying to focus

"Not...sure....can't...see properly.....everytings blurred...." he squits

"Who are you....can't make yo uout"

Zoe_Lang's eyebrows go up. Er. "... Hm. Well. Relaxin' should do you

good. Try t' get some sleep, if ya can." Her head dips in a nod, and she

takes a step back as she looks on to the next cot.

Quinten whimpers softly and tries to reach out to the colonel

"Ma'am....is..tha you..." taking her advice and not straining to see, his vision

clearing somewhat. "I...need...to tell you...what...happened." He sags back and is told to rest falling of into a doze.

- Several hours pass -

Gregorian pauses in the doorway for a moment before heading over

towards Quinten, come to check up again.

Quinten turns his head slightly and frowns at Greg trying to focus on

him "Greg...is that you?"

Gregorian comes to a stop next to Quint's bed and nods a little "Aye

it's me ol' thin', how yah doin'?"

Quinten smiles "better today, alot better its not hurting as much now"

Gregorian isn't in much of a smiling mood just yet, nodding a little

"Good tah hear then, yah talked tah the colonel yet?"

Quinten shakes his head "No...she was in early....and left

again....never came back"

Quinten what happened" (Group chat: Long-Patrol)

Gregorian nods slowly and glance to the door just to make sure she's

not coming, she's the last thing he wants to see "Sure yah'll get yah

chance latah"

Quinten nods and sighs "I hope so....i need to let her know...before

that insane rabbit hurts someone else"

Gregorian shakes his head "I'm more worried about him hurtin' himself,

think he would have gone aftah me if he was goin' tah do anythin'"

Quinten sighs "You think he will hurt himself Greg? i wish he'd come

speak to me..."

Gregorian shrugs "It's possible, he's rathah ol' aftah all and maybe he

will, just lettin' the air clear a little first"

Quinten nods and closes his eyes to rest them "Soo...whats been going

on..without me"

- Greg had to d/c here so the log was ended here -