Quinten Log 51 - 17 02 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Sentry Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Once one has ascended the stairs, they would come upon this room, the sentry room. Along one wall, thee are small, slitted windows, which look no more than cracks in the mountain wall, from the outside, and it looks down upon the niche, outside the mountain, where all creatures entering the mountain must pass. The room, sparse and basically un-furnished, while comfortable in the summer, is often quite cold in the winter, save for a small fireplace in one corner. During the winter, you had better believe that is kept alive most of the season long, by the sentries on duty who wish to remain unfrozen. There are always two hares on duty in this room, one to always remain and the other to sound the alarm to the rest of the mountain, if need be. Two chairs are situated beneath the slitted windows in the wall.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

Quinten is stood up at the window slit looking out at the sand, dressed in uniform and looking bored, he is not however standing still, he's got his paws up infront of himself, shadow boxing with himself, keeping his eyes on the shore below as he bobs and weaves

Gabriel has just ascended the stairs, not having seen them in the passageway before. Another room? This place is /huge/. She sees Quinten, and instantly recognizes him. "Quin? Y'keeping watch?"

Quinten turns and smiles coming to attention, ears straight and saluting "Yes ma'am miss Gabby" a troubled forwn ripples over his head before being replaced by a grin as he waves her further into the room "Come on in its nice to have company"

Pulling herself into the room without finishing the rest of the stairs, Gabby immediately walks to the fire, turning her back to it, shivering a bit. "Ma'am?" She chuckles. "What, exactly, do you watch for?"

Quinten smiles and moves to stand next to her, flicking his eyes over at the sentry window every now and then to keep an eye on the shore below "For vermin, returning officers and such, there are normally two of us but my partner had to run a message to te majuor

Gabriel shivers again, feeling the fire warming her bones. "This can't be very much fun. What officers are out?" The rabbit smirks. "The horrible colonel?"

Quinten shhhses the rabbit "Don't call her that...she's not horrible...really...just concerned for me is all, as i said i was ill i think.....well i don't know what to think"

Gabriel looks embarassed at the shush and moves over to one of the chairs beneath the indow, spinning it around, plunking down, and leaing back precariously. "I'm fairly sure you /do/ think she's horrible. Making you all confused about something."

Quinten pads back over and leans on the window sill peering down at the beech and the sleeting rain pouring out of the leaden sky "Well...maybe a bit...i was doing something that is bad apparently...even though two other adults told me it was ok..." he grins at the rabbit "But thats my problem want to go get something to eat....after i'm done here?"


Gabriel remains in her chair, turning her head to keep Quinten in sight. "Well, whose more important...authority or majority? I don't know, but I do know I'd rather not have to make that kind of choice." At his question, she considers. "No...I'll go with you, but I don't really feel like it right now."

Quinten sighs and slumps back down, leaning on his paws and starring at the wet sand "I know...i don't know what to think about it...i got to obey the colonel though she's in charge...and older then the other two"

Dandelion comes up the staircase, out of breath, and with a rather harried look on his face. As he notices Quinten isn't alone he pauses to collect himself, peering cautiously at the rabbit.

Gabriel sniggers. "'Cept for Grandpa Quincy she's older than anyone I ever even seen." The rabbit stands and sits on the chair backwards, looking at the rain. "No exploring today, I guess." She doesn't notice the new hare, the drumming of the rain almost drowning out her soft talking.

Quinten has not seen Dandelion either from his position slumped on the window sill starring out at the rain "I guess we'll have to stay in the mountain today....and your right your Grandfather is a right old and crotcety one"

Having caught his breath, Dandelion straightens his uniform, and then makes his prescense known with a discreet cough. Well, discreet for being him at least.

Slightly offended, Gabby defends. "You should have known him before he came here. Before some...things happened. Grandpa Quincy used to-" She breaks off, hearing the cough behind her. Wheeling around, the rabbit eyes Dande, waiting for an introduction.

Quinten looks around adns miles "Dande hey your back," he smirks "took your time didn't you it doesn't take this long to get from the officers lounge back here" he looks at Gabriel and smiles "Sorry i didn't mean to be rude about your grandpa chum,...i bet he's had a hard life," he then introduces them both, "This would be Dande a fellow recruit and Dande this would be Gabriel, Mister Enders great great great great great something"

"I got sidetracked." Dandelion explains himself, and then salutes the rabbit. "Pleased to meet'cha, miss."

Gabriel grins at him, stands, and performs a mockery of a half-curtsy. "Er. You too, Mister Dande, sir." She looks between the to, and then walks over to the fire, leaving the chair open for the other sentry.

Quinten takes a look outside at the shore, not much to see except rain and empty shoreline, he looks back "Yeah i bet Dana had something to do with it" he smirks and winks at his friend

Dandelion spasms nervously, almost jumping up, turning his head quickly to Quinten. "Did not! Ah- I mean... That's my business!" His voice is loud, and he looks nervous, even frightened all of a sudden.

Gabriel grins, walking over to Quinten. "There's nothing wrong with...um..." The rabbit stops, not even knowing what to say. "Don't be so defensive. It makes me curious." She stands next to the hare, arms loosely at her side.

Quinten shakes his head "Sorry Dande but no need to shout, your not going to get in trouble for stopping by to see Dana....heck the Colonel would probably order you to give me pointers, I'm the one who in trouble of clandestine relationships....." he smiles at Gabriel and moves to wrap his arms about her waist and grin at Dande between her ears, "I'm following the colonel's orders...and i can't say i'm not happy."

"Trust me, you don' want pointers from me..." Dandelion mutters, and takes up his post in the chair, staring out into the rain with a worried look on his face.

The sound of branches breaking can be heard on the stairs. What could /that/ be? Why, it's Zoe's joints! Her knees, particularly. The soft but characteristic mutterings of the Colonel can be heard coming closer and closer to the open doorway at the top of the stairs.

Quinten frowns as he hears the noise trying to work out who it is, he removes his arms from around Gabby's waist and moves back to the window, the voice seeming familiar now, he glances at Dande "Please tell me...thats not who i think it is"

Dandelion turns around, nose twitching. "Whuh?" he asks stupidly, and then realises who's coming up the stairs. Stomping his foot nervously he returns to staring out at the rain, seemingly completely absorbed by his guard duty.

Gabriel notices everyone acting odd. She sighs when Quinten slips away. The rabbit is about to flee, but there is only one entrance. "Um. Certainly not the confusing colonel, hm?" Gabby is thinking, too. Quinten got close to confessing, there. Clandestine relationships? She's too young to even consider that he is using her for some purpose, but the rabbit is certainly confused, and beginning to dislike staying in the dark.

Zoe_Lang hears the voices from inside the room, and for a moment her footfalls halt, as do her mutterings. Soon the footfalls start up again and in short order the elder doe stands in the doorway, looking in. Her brow furrows at the sight of the young creatures. Ahem. Her eyes sweep over Quinten, but she pays him no more attention that the others.

Quinten seems to sway back as she looks at him, almost as if she had hit him, he snaps to attention and salutes "Ma'am this is a surprise can we help..." he glances at Gabby then back at the rabbit "This is Gabriel....Mister Ender's grandchild....not sure if ye've met"

Dandelion tears his eyes from the very interesting rain and makes like he only just now noticed Zoe. "Sah... uh... Ma'am..." he manages to get out, half-turning around to salute the colonel. "Nothin to report." he fills in.

Gabriel grins widely at the newcomer. Obviously someone important, fairly nice-looking, not old. Good. The rabbit does recognize her, a little, from the bar when she had first entered the mountain. "H'lo!"

Zoe_Lang returns the pair of salutes with one of her own which is directed somewhere between the two of them. "I believe I remembah hearin' somethin' about that..." She offers Gabriel a polite nod. "Hullo, deah." And finally, to Dan, "Thank ya fer the report, lad." She smiles slightly at Gabby's cheerful greeting.

Quinten glances back out at the shore to check it is still clear nad seeing that it is he turns back to the Colonel "Anything we can help you with Colonel ma'am?"

Dandelion turns back to watching the rain, trying to look inconspicuous, although his nose and one of his ears are twitching.

Gabriel gasps in fear. The /Colonel/? /The/ Colonel? Her ears stand up straight for a moment before she staggers a step backwards, her back pressing against the wall. "Hullo, deah." The rabbit forces her lips into a smile. "Um. Nice to meet you, Colonel. I'm Gabby."

"I was comin' t' see if Majah Darklett happened t' be up here hidin' away on sentry duty..." The Colonel shakes her, dismissing this with a shrug. "S'pose he's not." She looks back to Gabby, then, and nods to the young rabbit. "Please t' meetcha, deah. Yer Endah's granddaughtah or some such relation, aye?"

Quinten shakes his head "I'm afraid not Colonel...i've not seen the Major or Lieutenant Zeraph in two days yet, neither of them have shown up for me lessons either...an colonel..." he hesitates and looks at dande then Gabby before speaking "I been following your orders"

Dandelion has been lost in thought, and in his already jumpy state almost falls out of the chair when he spots something moving outside in the rain. "Aah! I saw somethin'!"

Gabriel wrinkles her brow, thinking hard, answering what was adressed to her, trying to understand what Quinten is hinting at. "Ender? Quin told me that's what he's calling himself now. I'm his great-grand niece, but I call him Grandpa." She stops, still trying to comprehend Quinten's remark. Following orders? To make me happy? Gabby sighs, and jumps when Dande proclaims that he saw something. She skips over to the window next to

Quinten and nudges him gently, trying to peer outside then absently puts his arms around Gabby's shoulders leaning down to put his head level with hers, peering out into the rain "Wot? what did you see?"

Dandelion shakes his head. "I don' know, I wasn' watching... I mean... not there..." He points out through the window. "Near the forest..."

"Uh... I think I'd better fetch someone." Dandelion says, glancing out the window. "That looked dangerous..." He jumps to his feet, and hurries down the stairs.

Quinten watches Dande leave and leans forwards across Gabriel, arms still about her shoulders peering out into the rain to watch a few patrol hares leaving the mountain "Hope its nothin serious"

Gabriel doesn't seem to mind the arm, she stiffens slightly at the first touch, and misses Dande leaving. "I really don't see a thing. Probably the rain playing tricks. It certainly does that sometimes."

Zoe_Lang's eyebrows go up. "Not in yer classes? I wondah where they two of 'em could be..." She shakes her head, then, and only flicks an ear at Quin's final comment. She doesn't directly respond. "Well, you two. I should be gettin' back t' work. G'day."

Quinten turns his head and nods "Yes ma'am they skipped my lessons. boxin with Zerph and the general weapons training with the Major. No notes or anything, not even any homework set"

In a room page-pose, Gabriel watches as she doesn't respond to Gabby. *grumble*

Gabriel is vaguely interested in what they are saying, but is still looking out the window. Is there /anything/ out there? It would seem not. She flicks an ear, catching the last bit of what Quinten is saying. "Someone missing?"

Zoe_Lang looks vaguely concerned by Quinten's news, enough that she only notes the closeness of Gabriel and the buck in passing. Frowning thoughtfully, she shakes her head. "Not t' worry, m'gel," in reply to Gabby's question. Turning, she heads for the stairs, pauses only briefly to glance back at the two once more, and then heads down.

Quinten frowns after the Colonel and shrugs starting to remove his arms from Gabby's shoulders "Strange she seemed worried...i thought the Major and the lieutenant must be off on a mission but if she doesn't know were tey are..."

Not knowing who they are, the rabbit is a bit confused. "They teach you things? To be a patroller?" Gabby sighs as he pulls away, but doesn't make any attempt to go to him.

Quinten pauses in the motion of moving his arms away from her and nods "Yeah Zeraph teaches me to box and the Major is well the Major he's like in charge of the fighters it seems" he tilts his head to one side "You ok Gabby? somethin...i'm doin wrong?"

Gabriel shakes her head, her eyes narrowing a bit as she looks at him. "You're an odd one. But I like you anyway, I hope you like me to." She takes a step towards him, rocks back and forth, and moves over to the fire, shoulder slouched.

Quinten blinks and reaches out to grab her paw as she moves towards the fire, he swallows as he pulls her in towards hiim and kisses her "I...i am starting to like you..." he blushes, ears tinging a deep red.. "The Colonel told me i....welll it doesn't matter wot she says....i like ye...yer nice and me age too...sorta"

Still surprised by the physical closeness Quinten seems to need, Gabby tenses through the kiss, and then pushes him as he mentions the Colonel again. "I've almost had it! Every time we talk why does the Colonel need to be mentioned? What're you hiding?" She looks at him from the side, and then waves a paw, as if dismissing him. "Never you mind. I'll ask her."

Quinten sags back and sighs tugging onhis ear "No wait....see..." he calls after her and takes a deep breath "I was...having thoughts bout other bucks....she found out and told me it was wrong...and i should be thinking bout does.....an well...yer the only doe i really know so i thought i'd spend some time wiv you....and well" he blushes agian and shuffles "I like you..."

Gabriel puts a paw to her mouth, not out of shock but to nibble on her clawtips. "I don't understand, Quin. But...but, oh, I don't know." She takes a step towards him. "Sometimes things can be"-sniff-"really confusing. I'm glad I met you." With that, without even questioning what he said, she goes to him, and hugs him, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Quinten smiles and wraps his arms about her and hugs her "And i'm glad aye met you, but life is like thar confusing"

Gabby relaxes, really embracing him, sobs beginning to rack her body. "Thankyou, Quin."

Quinten strokes Gabby's ears gently as she sobs "Shhh tis k....its ok honest it is...."

"At least I'm here, now." She sighs, beginning to calm. "Here with all of you, even if who "I came to see doesn't like me." Gabby pats his back and untangles herself from him. "Speaking of which, have you seen Grandpa....Ender?"

Quinten smiles down at her and just snugs her close "I'm glad your here with us too Gabby and no, i think he went up to Halyard...and i'm sure he does not hate you"

Gabriel room-pages, "Sorrel? You planning on doing anything?".

A audible crack of the spine can be heard as the approaching doe arches her back. As well as that, a tune is hummed, giving her her usual bounce in her step. Predictable as always, Sorrel can be heard before she's actually seen.

Gabriel seems to have had enough for now. Her face is a mess from her quick emotional outburst, and she's shaking a bit, still unused to all the emotions she's experiencing. The rabbit then hears a crack and some humming. "Y'think that's the Colonel?"

Quinten looks at the stairs and shakes his head "No....tis a familiar voice though" he pulls a hanky out of his sleeve and offers it to her "I better look like i;m on Sentry duty" he steers them both around so we are looking ot at the rain swept shore line, his arms around

Sorrel bounces up the last few steps, her green tunic slung over one arm. Her uniform pants are no where in sight, and she's still undoing her black bracers. She freezes in mid hop, ears perking as she notices the two shorter beasts. She hmphs to herself, and briskly walks over, planting a firm paw on the outside shoulder of each.

Gabriel rests her head on Quinten's shoulder for one moment before jumping upright at the paw on her shoulder.

Quinten lifts his head and throws a salute to Sorrel, not removing his other arm from Gabriel's shoulder "Good day Sorrel, how ye doing?"

Sorrel grins, chuckles, and pats both the shoulders before hopping up again and leaning against the nearest wall. "Great she says, attempting to pull her tunic on, though she's rather breathless still. At first it a ppears like a wrestling match, but finally, she gets it under control, popping the collar up for good measure.

Gabriel watches the hare from slightly heavy eyes, her paws still cleaning her face up. "Y'r name's Sorrel? I'm Gabby, nice to meet you."

Quinten smiles at Gabby and flicks his ears over towards Sorrel "Sorrel here is me other boxing teacher Gabby, Sorrel this is me friend Gabriel"

Sorrel raises a brow, and hold out a paw, grinning. "aye, the lad tries ta say I'm a good teacha. But i's mostly 'im doin' all th' work, I fea..." She says, ears twitching slightly.

Gabriel turns around, letting Quinten's paw fall from her shoulders. She discreetly slips the hanky into his paw as she extends her own, firmly shaking Sorrel's outstretched paw, her eyes slightly averted. "Nice t' meet you."

Quinten slips the hanky back up his sleeve and smiles "Nosense she still knocks me about the ring like i was a baby"

Sorrel smiles, sliding down until she's in a sitting position. "Well, not for long, eh?" She asks, blinking slowly before looking back up at them. "SO 'ow broin's et been up 'ere?

Gabriel looks between the two. "Welll..." She thinks there's a possibility the doe was asking her as well. "The Colonel was here, for a moment. Other than that, er, me an' Quin have been watching the rain." Gabby motions outside as she says 'rain'.

Quinten nods "Ya asides from the Colonel's visit tryin ta find Major Darklett and Lt. Zeraph, we been up here watching the rain and thas bout it.." no need to mention te kissing

Sorrel frowns a bit at the names. "Th' colonel?? Why was she lookin' fer thase two??" She asks, before looking down. "Lucky Ah missed 'er, th' state ah'm in..."

Gabriel looks at the floor directly in front of her, unsure of what kind of beast this Sorrel is. She does glance up at Quinten, though, and again wavers between putting her paw around him or not.

Quinten smiles encouragingly at Gabriel and tilts his ears towards her "Seems they've both been missing for about two days now"

Sorrel blinks. "What? Thou; tha' was jus' Darklett!" She says, sitting up again, her ears perked forward. "Didn' know Zeraph disappeared as well..."

Gabriel doesn't know any names, and begins to edge towards the stairs, wanting to run about.

Quinten reaches out to snag Gabby in a hug and whispers in her ears "I'll see ye later gabby if ye want to see me?" he smiles at her hopefully, letting her paw go then nods to Sorrel "Yes they are both gone"

Sorrel quirks the second brow at the hug, but says nothing. She merely stays in the same position, arms wrapped around her knees casually. "Well ain't that difficult..." Her worry is evident by the tone of her voice.

Happy that he isn't ashamed of her, Gabby gives him another quick peck, nearly lingering, and then skips towards the exit. "Nice to meet you, Miss Sorrel. I hope we'll meet again." She grins winsomely, and marches away.

Quinten smiles after the doe then turns back to Sorrel and grins, a dopey look on his muzzle for a moment before he shakes his head and sits down "So wot do you make of it?"

Sorrel slaps his shoulders, letting out one of her delightful laughs. "Don't like does, eh?"

Quinten blushes furiously and shuffles on his seat as she claps his shoulder "Well the colonel ad a word wiv me bout tha...an then i met Gabriel an we kinda are friends"

Sorrel frowns. "A word? Wot abou' it? oh, an' 'ow's yehr nose doin, lad?"

Quinten touches his nose "Tis healin good Sorrel, ave been careful not to get it smacked again an well she just said i should be lookin at does and not bucks"

Somewhere on the muck, Dandelion has disconnected.

Sorrel sighs. "Oh aye? well...if the colonel says so...stupid thing though...th' officahs restricten' 'oo ye love..." she blinks. "Waita...ye said before it wos punched? or is me memory goin' daft again?"

Quinten shrugs "Well she was most adamamant aboot it Sorrel so i decided to listen to her....gotta obey orders wot...and gabby's nice" he then frowns "And ow i got me nose broke? i told you Zeraph did it"

Sorrel frowns. "ye, but I thou' ye meant boxin'." She says, her tone turning more dark. She stands back up, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

Quinten blinks and mutters "bugger" under his breath before spoeaking out loud "It was a boxing accident Sorrel"

Sorrel frowns. "I'm outta line fer swearin' infront o' a young recruit, but my ass 'twas a boxin' accident. The guilt's written all ova yehr face." She says, looking down at the buck with her paws on her hips.

Quinten shuffles and looks down "it was a boxin accident tha is wot aye'm saying and thats all i'm saying Sorrel ma'am"

Sorrel bends over, forcing his chin, a little harder than she means to, up to look him in the eye. "Lissen, Quint, we both know ah'm not th' best role modle fer followin' rules round 'ere, but goddamn it, I gotta rule against hittin' outside o' battle 're boxin'." She says, ears going back.

Quinten blinks and tries to tug is head back "Was nothin...was my fault ok.."

Sorrel's voice is a little shaky, and she pulls his chin back up, this time harder, her rage controlling her actions. "Recruit, I'm -orderin'- ye ta tell me wot 'appened, and why et did!"

Quinten tries to stand up as he's still sat down and get his chin free "ye can't order me...yer not an officer" he sounds rather scared and embarssed

Sorrel huffs, the air making her bangs flutter. "Well I jus' said I'm not one fer followin' rules, so'm -keepin'- ye right here till ye tell me."

Quinten sighs and his ears droop down his back flicking slightly "Well...we were arguing...he got us drunk see an i kissed him, was a silly thing...gotta admit ad a bit of acrush on him...i came up here to appologise fer it all an he just shouted at me, i shouted back and tried to kick him, he broke me nose"

Sorrel doesn't do anything for a long moment, then asks, all rage in her voice gone. "What? Why would Zeraph do tha'?" She seems to have forgotten she's got him in such an uncomfortable position.

Quinten shuffles and tries to jerk his head free "he was confused andupset is all"

Sorrel blinks, then'oh's and lets him free, standing up and folding her arms, looking out at the darkened purple sky. "Well...'ow's e now?"

Sorrel makes a distatsteful sound in my throat. "Not what did he -do-. How's 'e actin' now...?" There's a tone of sadness to her voice, and its apparent she's heard more of the story than he thinks she does."

Quinten blinks "I don't know, last i saw him was what two days ago down in the store room, he had a letter with him and was in a right foul mood and that was the last i saw of him"

Sorrel huffs. "I'va 'ad all I c'n stand o' this place...first ROthal leavin'... That was...that...she stops midsentance, focusing all her attention on the sand outside and covering her face in a paw.

Quinten reaches up to pat your arm "Wot is it ma'am they'be not left surely"

Somewhere on the muck, Dandelion has connected.

Sorrel moves her paw down to her mouth. "It's just..all of it!" She says, shaking his paw off hurriedly and crossing to the other side of the room.

Quinten blinks and hurries after her "Miss Sorrel..all of what?"

Sorrel stamps her foot, turning away from the buck once more. "The sickly mentality! If we're such a strong army, then why d'we fall apart when one buck kisses anotha?!"

Quinten frowns "We don't all fall apart Miss Sorrel...the Major and Lt. Zeraph got nothing to do with that"

Sorrel shakes her head. "m not talking about that...It's just...this place is so...cold. I came here because I wanted to do good, but we jus' spend most o' our time holed up in this damn mountain. We can't even stand it enough ta make our own lives. Tis all about th' schedule!"

Quinten sighs "tis the vermin onthe shore I am sure things will get better when they are gone"

Sorrel frowns. "Well...I still can' stand it. I can only beat up Bags o' sand for so long." She says, though something else is on her mind.

Quinten nods "Well there are rumours the Colonel is plannin the final push"

Sorrel looks up. "well, tha's jus' dandy...come 'ere jus' ta be killed, eh, wot?"

You say, "I did not cme her just to be killed Sorrel, i came here to be a patroller""

Sorrel looks to him, about ready to shout. Lickily, some part of her brain is still thinking logically, and she instead focuses the anger into her fist, which is tightening more and more. "Ah'm not worried about ye. I know ye kin hold yer own, its just." Her chest heaves as she takes a few deep breaths in. IT doesn't help much.

Quinten looks completly baffled now "Wot are you talking about Sorrel...i'm confused and your scaring me" he eyes that fist and backs away from you "And...and don't you dare try to hit me"

Sorrel frowns. "M'not mad." She says, shaking her head. "M' frustrated!" She goes quiet again, but obviously, something's amiss, because she doesn't calm down. "I just... can't -stand- IT!" She yells, turning and punching the wall on 'can't'. There's a small, barely audible crack, and a grunt from sorrel, before she falls back to her knees, looking at her hand with an unreadible face. It seems to be based heavily on surprise.

Quinten looks at her in shock just starring "Wot....yer gone an broken yer bally knuckles Sorrel....yer dafty wots this all about"

Sorrel just looks at her paw some more. "M-my paw..." She says, flexing it and cringing respectively. The coloration is a disturbing purple.

Quinten shakes his head and moves to help her up "Lets get you up to the infirmary Sorrel....i wish i knew what all this was about"

Sorrel frowns, and stands up, still looking at her paw. "No you don't..." She says sadly. "And I wouldn't want ta give ye any burden o' mine..."

Quinten nods and flicks his ears back and forth "Well ok then Sorrel...lets go to the infirmary ok"

End Log -

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the most

well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles placed

strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line the

walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room. Where

there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety of

different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single stone

sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy, in

fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open closet

is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares in

it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Sorrel rubs her paw, tutting at it like a disobediant child. "Stupid paw..."

Quinten chuckles and moves towards a cupboard and opens it "We need to get that bound up Sorrel ma'am"

Sorrel sits on a nearby cot, just staring at the paw as much she can. "Yea...bound..."

Quinten roots around and chats to a healer before taking a bottle of ointment of her "This should help with the pain

Sorrel sighs. "Eh...pain's minor..." She says, huddling up with her knees under her chin. "I can deal wit' it..."

Quinten smears the ointment over Sorrel's paw and then starts to wrap the paw in the bandage "it...you should go...see who ever upset you and talk to em"

Sorrel frowns. "I know I should..but then I'd be doin' a lot o' travelin...and I don' wanna leave brik...I barely see 'im as et is..."

Quinten nods and sighs "K...sorry bout that...wish i could help"

Sorrel shakes her head. "No it's...well...I don't -want- to feel the way I do...It's something I need to learn ta let go..."

Quinten sighs and nods "K...well not much i can do to help i'm afraid Sorrel if i don't know what the probem is"

Sorrel sighs. "Well...IT's not a problem." She says, turning away. "I got a lot of built up feelins...'ad ta let em out..." She trail off, looking down at her footpaws.

Quinten nods "Thats best...thats why Zeraph broke me nose...pent up feelings getting the better of us both"

Sorrel nods. "Aye...Zeraph..."She says, ears flicking back a moment.

You say, "Ya see well" he touches his nose and winces, its still tnder, not sure what to say now"

Sorrel nods, and grumbles to herself. "Well, 'e'll get 'is..."

Quinten blinks "No don't hurt him it was both our faults if yer gonna beat him up beat me up too"

Sorrel grimaces. "That's only o' small part o' it..." She begins to chuckle, looking at her paw. "I guess the way I fight and wot I say, tis 'ard fer beasts ta remember I'm female..."

Quinten looks her up and down and shakes his head "No your definatly female it shows and" he sniffs at her "You smell female too"

Sorrel laughs and bats him away. "Well...Either way, Buck's around 'ere seem ta be more frank 'n blunt with me than wit' the rest o' th' does..."

Quinten tilts his head to one side and frowns "Hmmm i don't know why Sorrel..yer me friend and my teacher but i never forget tat your a doe"

Sorrel smiles. "I dannae mean forget like tha', nimrod." She says playfully, mussing his headfur up.

Quinten laughs and splays his ears out in either direction "So...wot do you think of gabby?"

Sorrel smiles. "She's nice. A bit young, an' if I wasn't half thinkin' ye were doin' it cuz o' zoe..."

Quinten flciks his ears and thuumps his left foot "Shhe's not too young...me ma is three seasons younger then me pa and.." he scratches at an ear "I'm still not sure...i statered spending more time wid here cause of the colonel but after awhile.."

Sorrel smiles softly. "Well. whateva turns out. dannae be afraid o' wat beast's think. Promise me tha', eh?"

Quinten nods his head and salutes "I am not afraid of what people think ma'am never ave been"

Sorrel nods, looking back down at her paw. "Agh, it's startin' ta swell!"

Quinten smiles "The ointment should keep it down"

Sorrel cringes. "I 'ope...Guess boxin' lessons are off fer a while, eh?"

Quinten sighs and kicks the floor "Great, no Zeraph and now no you,"

Sorrel lets out a blast off air through her from teeth, making an 'sss' noise. "Now I 'aven't dissappeared -yet- 'ave I?"

Quinten smiles "No thats true ye can still stand at the edge annd shout orders to me

Sorrel laughs. "Fer all th' good it'll do..."

Quinten grins "Hey your a good teacher you taught me alot"

Sorrel smiles. "Aye.. but shoutin' orders? me?!"

Quinten chuckles "Well how bout we call it giving me firm instructions

Sorrel smiles. "Aye, if tha's wot ye wont...makes me soun' like a cripled beast, tho..."

Quinten chuckles "You'll be back in the ring in a few days"

Sorrel shrugs. "Aye...tha's a long time fer me, htough..."

Quinten chuckles "Ahh will be good you can havea few days off and totally ignore the schedule"

Sorrel laugs. "Well, tha's true...May'ap I can see Brik a bit more then..."

Quinten grins "Of course ye kin yer injured"

Sorrel lays back, resting her head on her uninjured paw. "Aye...Thgns are seemin' better..."

Quinten chuckles "And all it took was you smacking a wall"

Sorrel nods. "Well...can't say much fer me intelligence..."

Quinten chuckls "Well i'd worry more bout what the Major will say when he sees the dent in the wall"

Sorrel laughs. "A dent in a sone wall? Won't say ah'm -tha'- pwerful"

Quinten laughs and claps you on the shoulder "Aye'm joking"

Sorrel nods. "I know..jus' tryin ta be difficult. without me paws et's all I got.

Quinten smiles " A day or two sorrel"

Sorrel nods. "Aye, aye, ye keep sayin tha'..."

You say, "Tis true Sorrel""

Sorrel shurgs. "It'll 'eal fast then, but if ye say so."

Quinten grins and nods and moves towards the door "Well i'm gonna go eat i'm starvin"

Sorrel nods. "Get sumtin' fer me?"

You say, "Come along with me silly you dont't have to hide out here""

Sorrel sighs, heaving herself off the cot with one pwa. "Ifn' ye say so, -sah- she says mockingly, following him out.

Quinten grins and salutes "Gran General Quinten at yer service"

Sorrel laughs, and pushes out the door. "Off ye go."

Quinten grins and ducks out the door heading for the dinning hall

- Changing Scene -

Salamandastron: Dining Chamber

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the dining chamber for the mountain of Salamandastron. It is a

veritable cavern, the necessity of feeding so many hares making the room

so big. Dominating the room is a huge banquet table made of solid oak.

Nobeast knows how such a venerable object came to be here, but its

presence is undeniable. Smaller tables skirt the outside of the room,

each sitting near a large torch burning brightly in its sconce. The chair

at the head of the table is different from the plain maple chairs that

occupy the rest of the room - it belongs to the Badger Lord. The massive

object is graced with a carving of the very mountain it is in, with the

sun setting over the sea.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Quinten walks into a rugby scrum...oh wait i'm sorry Dinner time at Salmandastron the dining hall is full of hares from the patrol, battling back and forth to get dinner

Sorrel follows close behind, much more experienced at avoiding the worst of the hares. She picks a scone off of a friend's plate as she passes by, muching it happily.

Quinten is ducking and weaving around the older hares, he circles around a group of recruits and relieves one of them of their beaker swigging it back before barreling torugh to the the front of the crowd around the main table, using his tiny size to his advantage

Sorrel follows in his wake, able to push most of the more drunk hares away with threats of a boxing match. None have noticed her paw yet. She slides into the chair next to him, for all the pain only biting her lip.

Quinten grins over at her, he's acquaried himself a plate heaped high with salad and some scones, half a cake and some fresh bread "Good spread today wot Sorrel"

Sorrel shrugs. "Aye, I guess. Wish they 'ad more fruit, but...I walways wish tha'..."

Quinten grins"Not at this time of yuear, fruits a summer an autumn thing...i could kill a strawberry about now"

Sorrel shrugs. "If tha's th' way ye feel. I fer one could go fer a nice juicy green apple."

Quinten smiles "Ahhh a fresh apple'd be grand so it would"

Sorrel sighs, her head falling on the table. "But alas..."

You say, "Tis winter and all we have are honey presrered nuts and..." he slides a small bowl over to her "Crystalised Oranges from the far south""

Sorrel lunges toward the oranges desperately. "Oh mecry! Give me the oranges!" She says, purposefully making a spectacle of herself.

Quinten laughs and lifts out a segment of orange, glistening in honey "Hmmmm ok they are nice" he pops one in his muzzle and chews it

Sorrel currently has several in her mouth, trying to look as proper and dignified as she can, pulling her hair back and placing her paws in her lap

Quinten laughs at you banging the table top and drawing a few looks, then a few attempts to steal the organges whcih he fends off with a jab or two before eating some more

Quinten stands up once the oranges are gone and nods to Sorrel "Well i got to get up to a late class i'm having with the sabre, see you later Sorrel" he waves and heads off out of the dinning room

End Log -