Quinten Log 40 - 02 02 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Mountainside Garden

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

You stand on the eastern side of the mountain, the mountainside here well-

protected by the mountain's girth from the winds coming off the sea. Here,

a garden has been cultivated. The toughest of mountain-growing vegetables

and herbs. All the good green-stuffs that hares like to throw into their

stews, soups, and pastries. It's quite bountiful, and carefully tended

with narrow paths used during harvesting.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Quinten is slumped on a bench, tucked behind a large ragged and unkempt bush, he looks a mess, his uniform is rather rumpled and his tunic is undone. His head fur is scruffy and uncombed and his eyes are bloodshot

Gregorian comes walking into the gardens with a few tools and such to set about to doing some work, not noticed Quinten due to the bush he sets about his task, doesn't look in nearly as bad shape as Quint, looks tired maybe but he's tidied himself up well, currently not in uniform due to not wanting to get it dirty.

Gabriel bounds into the garden, her eyes wide as she looks around at all the beatiful growing things. She pulls something small out of her pocket and looks at it for a moment, before slipping it back in. The rabbit looks at Greg warily before spotting Quinten.

"Quinnnn!" She yells, bounding over to him, landing an inch from his scraggly bush hideout. Gabby grins at him, expectantly.

Quinten jumps and emits a groan hanging is head in his front paws, eats flopping down "ooooh Gabby...please...don't shout" he sobs clutching his temples. he doesn't appear to have seen or heard Greg

Gregorian looks up quickly at the sound of the shouting rabbit, he slept in a bit and seems the worst of his hangover is gone, a small frown forms, mostly puzzled one though as he walks over to the bush to look down at the pair, eyes fixing on Quinten for a good moment before he looks down to the safety of the bush.

The rabbit is about to speak when a small insect flits across her vision. She almost chases it, but does end up flailing a paw about after the brightly-colored bug. It escapes, however. Gabby looks back at Quinten and whispers; "Are you hiiiding?"

Quinten he shifts and turns around on his bench to face away from her, oozing teenage angst "go away gabby....jist leave me alone....please" he groans again and shivers"

Gregorian gets briefly distracted by Gabriel and the bug before he looks back to the other hare "Not the nicest o' thin's tah say to a dibbun" no grinning today so far.

Gabriel looks hurt and then shocked. The bug, meanwhile, is slowly descending the mountain. It stops flying and lands, trips, and begins to fall. It is sucked into a niche in the mountain, and there is a loud clatter from within. Gabby doesn't see this, of course, and her brows crease. "You're not ver-" Greg cuts her off, and she peers at him for a moment before looking back at Quinten, her face betraying her emotions. Either she's about to get very angry, or she's about to cry. The bug crawls inside the mountain, heading up the stairs.

Quinten sniffs and wipes his nose, he turns to look at her "Sorry Gabby....just feeling a bit ill an cranky, didn't meant to shout" he looks at greg and then down again "you settling in ok with Grampa Quincy?"

Gregorian's ears twitch a little and he watches Quinten for the moment, doesn't much seem to be paying attention to the conversation but then he isn't currently involved with it anyway.

The bug reaches its first large obstacle. Ender, who is hobbling towards the infirmary. It skitters around, attempting to get buy him while he takes his time and places his feet and walking stick erraticaly. Meanwhile, back in the garden, Gabby glares at Quinten, deciding that anger would be the better approach. "You're not very nice." She chirps. The rabbit turns to Greg. "I don't think I've met you" Gabby says, her face melding into a sweet smile. "What's your name? I'm Gabriel."

Quinten sighs and his ears pin back "Sorry Gabby i didn't mean to be mean" he stands up and begins to shuffle around the bush to get back out of sight "Aye'll leave ye be with Greg fer now"

Gregorian looks down to the rabbit when he's spoken to "Hmm? Um Gregorian...Greg for short, nice tah meet yah Gabriel..." looking up again as Quinten gets up, he almost looks like he's going to say something before he quickly closes his mouth again.

( Ender looks at the bug and promptly falls down. With its many legs scurrying, the bug speeds up, and barely misses getting crushed by the rabbit's head. The elderly rabbit shouts a torrent of words, which the bug attempts to forget. It sees more stairs...and goes up them. In the garden, Gabriel is smiling sunnily once again. "I'm glad to meet you, too, Greg." She looks at Quinten and sighs, her face filling with pity. "What do you suppose is wrong with him today?" )

Quinten is out of sight now behind the bush which is trembling slightly, you can just makeout his ears poking up above it, quivering slightly as he listens

Gregorian looks a little sorry for the hare for a moment too and is soooo close to going over and trying to tell him it's alright or something before he remember's he's decided he's not going to remember the drinking occasion at all and he straightens a little with a small cough "Sure I don't know at all, just a bit o' a headache probably"

Quinten a sob breaks out from behind the bush and the ears flops down out of sight, thats it, the bush stops shaking and a rattle of stones can be heard as the other buck starts to make his way down the mountainside, his hangover's not helping and the fact everyones been giving him weird looks all morning isn't helping either, quite convinced that everyone hates him he slides down the rocky side of the mountain before sliding to a halt by a boulder.

The bug makes it to the crater. It can sense food over towards the...north-east side. It whirs its wings and flits over. Gabriel looks unconvinced. "A headache? It'd take more 'an that to make Quin this angry, I think, Greg." She looks at him and sees the vibrating bush. The rabbit looks away immediately before glancing back. Then there's a massive sliding of rock, etc. Gabriel screams and shrieks "He fell off the mountain!" before running over.

Gregorian goes ridged at the rocks sliding and everything "Quinten?!" he shouts in a somewhat oddly high voice out of panic, running over to the point he want down to peer down at him "Yah alright?" looking for a safe way to climb down to the hare.

Quinten is lying about half way down the steep slope, curled up into a call and his ears tucked over his eyes, he's shaking softly though your too far up to hear is sobs

The bug is hit by a draft of wind and is drawn downward. To his left is Quinten, and he flits towards him, curious. Gabby begins to run down the mountain. "Quinten! Quinten!" She yells, before tripping. Her fall is quickly stopped as she hits into him, but the rabbit is dazed. More dazed than usual, that is.

Quinten starts with a cry and sits up, wrapping his arms around Gabriel "Gabby...gabby you ok" he wipes his muzzle trying to get the tears out of his eyes and looks down at her, he then winces and groans placing a paw on his head "ooooh this is not good for my head..."

Gregorian is too late to stop the rabbit falling down after Quinten, looking down at the pair before he starts making his way down to them a little less rapidly than the other two though, trying not to fall as well.

The bug lands on Gabriel's face, and she brushes it off. "Quin? You a'right?" She murmurs. However, the rabbit is touger than the mountain, and attempts to stand. She fails, of course, and the bug slides off, landing behind her. She sits on it.

Quinten looks up at Greg and back down again "Yes i'm fine...slipped cause i wasn't payin attention thats all, sorry ta frighten ye"

Gregorian climbs down until he's level with them and gives a look downwards before looking back to the others, half smile on his face "This is not a good way tah get down the bally mountain ol' chap" first joke of the day.

The bug isn't dead, just horribly maimed. Gabby stands, swiftly recovering. She spots a window to her right and asks; "Can I jump in through that there hole in the mountain? Be a bit safer, I think."

Quinten looks at the window and nods "Aye...guess ye could or we could walk back up Gabby....i think aye could do wid a glass of water but i don't...want to go inside yet" he looks at Greg and then away again "Ye...don't ave ta talk tae me if yer don't want ta yer know"

Gregorian gives the hole Gabby's talking about and then one to Quinten "If ah don't wan' tah talk to yah I'll let yah know now lets just get off the side o' this mountain by which ever way be best" smile's gone again.

Gabby takes a shaky step towards it. The bug wiggles one of its legs feebily. "I think we can make it. Let's just get inside, Quin. Please?" She turns an eye on him, smiling weakly.

Quinten sighs and levers himself upright "Ok...lets go inside then...is darker in there" he is still squinting against the bright light of being outside, he walks over towards the hole and peers through it trying to see what room it is.

Gregorian follows after the other two keeping a close eye on them, looking Quinten up and down briefly, he does look a mess at the moment, frowning to himself for a second and shaking his head a little.

Quinten watches Gabriel climb through the window and slowly follows her, buttoning up his tunic part way ten leaving it, rumpled as it is it won't look good done up or not, the room they climb into is one of the empty dormitories on the second level.

Gregorian follows after Quinten turning to drop in backwards with a slight hop as he lands on the ground before he looks back to the other two and around the room.

Quinten watches Gabby run off hyperactive and shouting and shakes his head, he slumps against the wall and sighs "sorry....bout last night...." is all he says starring off at noting

Gregorian still seems to be looking about the room, he watches the young rabbit run off before turning an ear in Quinten's direction, doesn't look though "Don't even remembah wha' 'appened"

Quinten looks down again and nods "Oh...well thas good then.....probably fer tha best...but i think...i'll ave ta leave"

Gregorian looks over towards him again, darn why does that hare have to look so miserable, Greg frowns slightly "Leave? Why? Was a spot o' drunkness, nothin' else to it"

Quinten shifts "Not tha drunkness" he mumbles and hangs his head into his paws and starts to cry, just sobbing his eyes out, body shaking

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Gregorian softens instantly as the other buck starts crying, a quick check goes to making sure the door is closed before he goes over and slightly hesitantly goes to sit down next to Quint "Yah should calm down a bit wot, sure they won't throw yah out or nothin'"

Quinten flings his arms around greg's neck and sobs into his shoulder "But...but...aye like bucks....ah find em attractive....not does...an an sorrel said it'd be fine but...everynoes acting weird an an aye can't find Sorrel or taye to talk to an you and Dande wouldn't even be in tha same room as me an then then..." he trails off sobbing again "theere all gonna think aye'm a freak an kick me out...after i shaped up an everything" irrational considering he's been hidden in the garden all day, /teenagers!/

Gregorian tenses right up from the moment Quinten touches him and he takes a good few moments trying to convince himself breathing is a good idea, heart thumping away all of a sudden, he sighs a little and slowly gathers himself, good deal more hesitation before he puts and arm round the crying hare and pats him on the back lightly "Relax Quint, they'll not kick yah out"

Quinten sniffles and draws away from Greg shrugging off the arm, he could feel the other buck tense up "they will....yer hate me ah know it look at ya can't even be in the same room as me....well just remember...you kissed me!" he shouts and tires to scramble up to get out the door.

Gregorian can almost feel his heart rate double at that, completely frozen in spot, like he needs to be reminded, been thinking about it all day, he doesn't follow after Quinten, more sort of flops back against the wall and covers his face with his paws, not a clue what to do.

Quinten scrabbles with the door but finds he can't open it, its been locked from the outside, probably by Gabby when she fled, little prankster that she is, he sits down with a sigh and starts to cry again, curling up into a ball, body shaking

Gregorian runs his paws back over his ears and down the back of his long headfur trying to calm down, he stares at Quinten for a good moment before looking around the room and getting up, eyes slightly wide, searching for something which will distracted him from the current problem, or a way out, either will do, in their absence though just to let out some of the frustration he's go with himself he turns and kicks the wall a couple of times, resting his head against it after that cause his foot now hurts a good bit.

Quinten stops sobbing after awhile and pulls himself up, sitting against a wall and shivering "sorry greg...we we're drunk...it doesn't mean anything....i fancy....welll don't know you well enough like......see....i..." he sniffles and hugs himself again

Gregorian sighs and calms himself down a bit before giving the other hare a glance and returning to a sitting position against the wall, wiggling his footpaw a little to make sure it's alright "It's fine" he says in response to the other hare.

Quinten nods his head and shakes his head "i'm such a stupid moron....i should never have drunk all that brnady...now...now everyone willknow i was like kissingyou all"

Gregorian hangs his head low, paws resting on the back of it with his ears down "Couple o' days an' they'll 'ave found somethin' else to talk about....least the others weren't kissin' yah" he doesn't much like himself right now.

Quinten pads over slowly an lays a paw on your shoulder "Hey its ok....am sure we kin pass it all off as us jist being too drunk to know better Greg....least you can...i told the lt. i got a crush on im"

Gregorian raises his head a little to look at the paw on his shoulder and then to the other hare, he sighs and looks down once more "Aye, righ', drunk.... not too late for yah to say tha' too yah know"

Quinten's shoulders sag "why bother...they'll all find out sooner or later"

You room-page, "ok i have food now yay"

Gregorian looks at Quinten and shakes his head a little "Should probably quit 'idin' places then, get it ovah wit'.........are yah ashamed o' yahself?.." sounds like a rather genuine question.

Quinten slumps and hangs his head "aye dont know ole chap...is it a good thing? ta like bucks?> I mean every always says yer supposed to like tha does....but i don't...."

Gregorian rests his head back against the wall "I don't know....thinkin' it over all mornin' and I honestly don't know, not somethin' I've 'ad to question before"

Quinten nods and sighs "aye greg is a ard one....aye jist know i don't like does tha way an would rather ave a nice firm buck" he smiles at you and looks like he's about to move closer but decides not to and sighs "tis confusing"

Gregorian watches the other buck for a while, he has no idea what he'd do if Quint came any closer, he nods a little to the last bit "Aye tell me about it, this is the only place I've been where there are othah hares aside from mah sister, didn't 'ave this sort o' problem back 'ome....less yah like ottahs tha' is"

Quinten shakes his head "Oh no...gimmie a good buck, dog otters are just too darn....slinky" he nods and then blushes "eerrrm wot i mean old chap is well ye know"

Gregorian looks at him with a slightly bemused look, he can't help but smirk a little "Righ', slinky..."

Quinten bears his fron teeth and snaps them "stop teasin me..its bad enough as it is ok greg..."

Gregorian raises a paw and smiles a little, ears upright if flopped over in the middle of each of them "Sorry Quint, it probably isn't as bad as yah think though, I mean wha's the worst tha' could 'appen?"

Quinten sags back "ah don't know....i guess i could get kicked off tha patrol if it goes bad"

Gregorian goes to rest a paw on his shoulder this time "Wha' reason they got to? So you like bucks, they've got does in the patrol, they like bucks"

Quinten nods his head "I guess....but ayem sure tha lt. ain't gonna be appy wid me either"

Gregorian shakes his head some paw squeezing Quint's shoulder lightly "Well, yah wouldn't 'ave said that if yah weren't drunk and who got yah drunk in the first place?"

Quinten flicks his ears up "Tha lt..mebbe yer right an it will be ok"

Gregorian removes his paw from the shoulder to have it join the other one on his lap "Don't know wha' yah see in 'im anyway wot wot"(RE)

Quinten prods you "are yekiddin ave you not seen him with his top off, he's like so so..." he sighs and smiles softly "dreamy...an i got to kiss him"

Gregorian gives Quinten a funny look "Come on ol' chap, just trainin' an' 'ow much older is he than yah?"

Quinten prods you in the side "Oy a buck kin dream.....asides....aye kinda...prefer..." he blushes as he mutters a name quietly

Gregorian gives him a prod back and looks slightly puzzled "Don't think I know tha' one"

Quinten smiles "Ahh he's a private an a friend of mine in Majah Darklett's patrol"

Gregorian rests back against the wall "Oh yeah and wha's so good 'bout tha' chap then?" he asks before wrinkling his nose a little, small frown formed, he's got no idea why he wants to talk about this stuff, it's slightly worrying to him, why does he care even, most odd.

Quinten smiles and closes his eyes "Well he's me matey an he looks out for me...and is a runnah so well enough said bout that is not important."

Gregorian gives him a slightly skeptical look "Suppose yah worked out 'ow to get past the problem o' them maybe liking does then?"

Quinten sighs and shakes his head "No idea....not a clue wot ta do ol chap"

Gregorian shrugs once and tries to sound uninterested "Well tha's a big problem I'd say, can't say I can tell the difference between most o' em, some a little more muscled or can go faster, much the same"

Quinten nnods and stands up "well i should go get cleaned up"

Gregorian sighs slightly and nods once "See yah ol' chap" completely forgotten the door's locked.

Quinten moves back over to the window and squeezes back out of the opening to scramble up the mountain to the garden again

Gregorian watches him leave, deciding he'll just stay put for a while, much to think about.

End Log -