Quinten Log 16 - 08 11 2005

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

OOC - I seem to have missed the starting couple of posts on this one - OOC

Salamandastron: Caverns - Boxing Chamber

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This room obviously has a rather singular purpose, and that purpose is not hard to discern, if one was only to look around. There is only about ten or fifteen feets worth of space in which to walk, around the perimeter, and the reason for this is that the rest of the space in the room is taken up by a slightly elevated fighting ring. The platform is about two feet above the floor, and upon each corner of the square platform there is a wooden post. Encircling the ring in are lengths of rope extending from each post. The floor of the platform is somewhat giving, as it is in someway padded. So far as the perimeter of the room, chin-up bars attached to the walls are staggered with benches, from which creatures can watch the fights.

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[DYN] Taye

[DYN] Freckles

[DYN] Not just any hare, (Darklett)'s a Long Patrol Lieutenant!

Quinten is hit in the head with that powerful sock, not able to recover from the momentum of his own pucnh, he stagggers and clings to the ropes sagging slightly "Ooooh" he mumbles and wriggles his jaw and spits out what looks like a tooth "Ouch.."

Darklett winces as he spots exactly how hard that punch connected with Quinten's head, leaning forward to see if the recruit was okay... Still standing, must be alright!

Brossart gets away from the ropes, and gets himself in the middle of the ring, bobbing on his footpaws as he eyes the recruit hare. "I say, are ya okay, chap? Want ta continue?"

Freckles tsks softly as she watches the match, wincing as well at the powerful punch.

The relative quiet outside the boxing chamber is punctuated only by the occasional sounds of the two boxing hares. Interested in a bit of entertainment, instead of passing by the door on his way to the underground spring, Taye pushes open the door and enters. Peeeer. Ooh - one of them's Quinten.

Quinten grins and bobs back across towards Brossart "You bet old chap, that one was loose anyhow, Howard knocked it silly the other day." he grinsa nd rasies his paws bobbing now "Get ready for a brusing"

Taye's brow goes up at Quinten's word. "Well... /that's/ a side o' him I ain't seen before." This Taye concludes with as he comes up beside Darklett, of all beasts. The private looks to the side at the other buck and salutes. "Evenin', sah."

Darklett's eyes go to the side as he hears Taye's voice, and upon seeing who greets him, he smiles and returns the salute. "Evenin'. Come to watch or participate, Taye?" he asks, his attention going back to the ring, where Brossart is grinning at the good nature of Quinten, and puts up his fists once more, advancing on the other hare and taking the first punch, arm snapping out to jab at Quinten's nose with his right paw.

Freckles looks over at the unfamiliar voice, nodding cordially with a smile to the unfamiliar hare. She turns her head back to the match as Brossart advances once more]

Quinten darts back then ducks left, darting forwards and laucnhing into a flurry of feints with his left, right held ready to snap at the last moment at Brossarts own nose, one place he knows is the boxing ring, one of the few things he's good at, he laughs suddenly, throwing his head to one side and paws skipping as he moves

Brossart leans back, circling around the ring to make sure he doesn't back into the ropes again as he bobs back and forth, eyes kept on Quinten's left paw as he dodges and dodges and dodges, until SNAP! His face rockets upward as he receives the sharp punch to the nose, and he backs off quickly again, paws up on the defensive, prepared for another barrage once the other hare gained the advantage yet again.

"Just watchin', sah, just watchin'," Taye replies with a small grin. He nods to Freckles, as well, eyeing the unfamiliar hare curiously for a moment before returning his attention to the match. "Who's winnin'?"

Quinten dances back giving Brossart some breathing space, not ready to press again scut flicking and ears standing up tall now, cocked forwards as the young hare crouches low, paws up hight

Darklett puts his paw on his chin, resting an elbow on his knee. "Hmm. It'd seem they're pretty evenly matched, though I think Quinten's got the upper paw right now, Taye."

Brossart gladly takes this space to try his approach again... And it would seem that he's going for the first offensive again, rocking closer and closer to Quinten, before he lets two left jabs intentionally fall short of Quinten's chest, until the hare's right paw hooks quickly upward to deal an uppercut to Quinten's chin.

Freckles nods absently at the Lieutenants words, even though she didn't really hear them. Her entire focus is on the match trying to take in every motion

Quinten leans in and takes the uppercut gritting his teeth to bear it through so he can dance in close and with his paws low begin to punch rapidly at Brossart's stomach at least that is the plan, get in close and deal him a good wind blow

Lirral has arrived.

Rather surprised that the uppercut didn't make Quinten step back, or at least stun him, Brossart tries to lower his paws to defend his stomach, but Quinten gets a few good jabs in, each warranting their own specific grunt of pain. Fed up with trying to block the hare's swift paws, Brossart, becoming winded regardless of his tightening of his stomach muscles, releases a strong one-two, first his right paw jabbing forward at Quinten's nose, then his left coming in at an angle to hook across his jaw.

Quinten blinks in surprise as he gets hit in the nose and the jaw in quick succession, eyes glazing he gets off one more stomach hit and stumbles, back landing on his scut, head falling back to bounce off the ropes, stunned

Taye hms and nods. "It'd seem so..." He then glances at Freckles again, then indicates her with a nod of his head. "New recruit?"

Darklett nods. "Yeah, healer recruit, even..." He trails off as Quinten starts landing punch after punch at Brossart's stomach, and lets out an 'ooh...' of sympathy as he is stopped by the hard one-two of the runner.

Brossart, clutching his stomach, backs off the recruit, winded and panting for air, paw on a rope to keep himself standing.

Freckles flinches as the round ends, "Good match,"

Quinten still seems quite dazed though he is slowly pulling himself upright, he manages to throw a salute to brossart then flops over the ropes and lands on his head outside of the ring

Brossart regains his breath, and straightens out, walking forward to try and help Quinten up, but... look, he's doing so himself. In that case, he heads for the edge of the ring, climbing out. "Good fight, I say!"

Darklett stands from his seat, walking to the ring. "Yeah, good fight, both of you! Got in some real good..." And Quinten falls on his head. "...punches. Recruit Quinten?" He trots over to the hare, and kneels at his side. "You alright?"

Taye looks surprised. "Healah, eh? 'Nother mind to mold fer dad, then." He smirks and is about to say more when - "Erk! Quinten!" Fortunately Darklett does more than say "erk", however, and so Taye just follows behind the lieutenant, standing over the two.

Quinten sits up groggily, paw to his head "Ooooh tha smarts.....he's good...better en me..." he mumbles eyes still a tad off focus....

You room-page, "heeey bad darklett no breaking my neck"

Freckles frowns slightly as she watches Quinten, rising to her feet. Her eyes scan the area for the other healers, recalling her earlier reprimand before continueing to see if she can offer assistance

Lirral pokes his head into the chamber, wide and curious eyes taking interest in the large group of beasts gathered around the ring as his ears flop comically forward into his face, obstructing his view. He shakes his head, then seems to notice what the commotion is about, and trots towards the already growing crowd around Quinten. "Is he quite alright?"

Darklett hms, frowning at the response he gets from Quinten. "Er..." He looks up, and it would appear the healer he'd had on duty here took an early leave... "Recruit... uh,

Freckles!" He beckons the healer recruit over, stepping aside, waving a few fingers in front of Quinten's eyes to see if he gets a reaction.

Quinten eyes move in opposite directions to each other, he scrunches up his muzzle and his ears flops back and forth agitatedly "Why....you got three of em Sir?" he asks

Freckles nods and kneels down beside Quinten, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. "Three eh? Any pain...er...other then' the ones from gettin' beaned. Head ache?"

Quinten turns his head groggily and looks at Freckles "I....don't think so.." he slurrs out trying to stand up agian, unstable on his legs and not getting far, seems he's knocked himself silly, worse theb Brossart when he fell over the ropes"

Darklett's ears perk towards Lirral. "Er... Uh, give him some space, I think." He watches

Quinten try to get up, and although he succeeds, he still falters, causing Darklett's face to turn to the side. "Think we should get him to the infirmary?" Wait a second, who's the officer? Darklett shakes his head quickly, and clears his throat. "Let's get him to the infirmary."

Realizing staring at Quinten like some spectacle isn't doing them much good with Darklett's prompting, Lirral nods and backs away, standing awkwardly off to the side. "Er, anythin' I can do to help, sah?"

Freckles frowns as she watches him a moment, then nods to Darklett, "Aye. Think he may ha' gotten himself a concussion from his tumble out o' the ring,"

Quinten chuckles and bats at Freckles paws "Get orf...aye'm foines....see..." he takes a step and stumbles grabbing hold of Darklett's shoulders to stop himself going over again "I dids....the boxing...good"

( At the order - however faltering - Taye moves forward to lend Quinten a paw, buuuut he's drifting all over the place, so for the moment he just stands there and hovers. He glances to Darklett. "Sah?" )

Freckles says, "Cancel th' thinkin;' part, Ah'm fairly sure o' it now,"

Darklett's jaw about drops when Quinten speaks. "Yeah, sounds like a concussion to me, too. Let's go, uh... Freckles, you and Taye here clear the way out in front of us. You, uh..."

His eyes go to Lirral's shoulders, sans badges. "Recruit. You're tallest besides me, so lend me a paw in steadying him up to the infirmary." He puts one paw around Quinten's shoulders, nodding to Lirral to take the other side. "Ready?"

Quinten staggers a few steps terying to get himself free from Darklett "Ere....you.....orrible little hare....led go oh me...i'm a Tof'Marole....not soome....some...." he giggles and leans forwards much to far

Taking the order with a nod, Taye turns to, uh. Clear the way. Doing so, he makes his way to the door and pushes it open, holding it thus.

Freckles hops to her feet at Darklett's words and scampers out the door Taye holds open, to get to the next

"Er, right!" Hesitating, but eager to please, Lirral stumbles slightly as he navigates towards Quinten's other side, and attempts to lift his footpaws off the ground as Darklett holds his shoulders. With Quinten moving around so much, however, it might prove to be difficult, but the recruit will prove to sturdier than he looks should he succeed, having no trouble holding up his end.

Darklett reaches his other paw forward, pressing it against Quinten's chest and steadying him, waiting for Lirral to come and get the other side. He lifts Quinten up, along with

Lirral, and starts heading for the door Taye holds. "Up we go..."

You say, "Heeeeeys" he wriggles and tries to stop them both, "What do you think....your doing" he pants out as he's lifted, eyes rolling back to stare up at Darklett, he frowns "Lieutenant.....that you...""

Lirral holds Quinten's ankles quite steady as they head towards the door.

"Should... keep a stretcher in here, or somethin'..." Darklett murmurs out as he passes through the door, and on up the stairs to where Freckles is. "Taye, make sure there aren't too many hares getting in our way up, alright?"

Taye nods as he allows the door to fall shut. "Certainly, sah." He jogs on ahead to join

Freckles and to help in keeping folks out of the way. "Watch out, injured hare comin' up! Outta the way!"

Quinten doesn't stop struggling, muttering andmumbling, eyes looking in two different directions as he tries to getloose "Let me down right now..>" he demands haughtily then lapses back into confused mumblings "I say ole beans....down to the shore....musn't be late...."

Darklett continues to carry Quinten up, a little frustrated at the struggles, but walking him up the stairs along with Lirral nonetheless. "Thanks Taye, and thanks Freckles," he says to the recruit as he steps through her door, and into the first level intersection.

"Couple more floors," he sighs out, before heading to the stairs.

Freckles looks back to where the very odd looking trio is coming up the stairs, were she not so concerned at the moment there would be definite amusement in the situation. Nodding her head she dashes past to the next obstacle, clearing curious bystanders out of the immediate path, "Dinna ye got somewhere better t' be?" she pauses, then looks back to where

Darklett and Lirral are making their way with the victi--patient, "Dinna let him fall asleep iff'n ye kin help it, Sir,"

Quinten is mumbling more and more quietly, struggling less and eyes rolling from side to side, "Put me down..." he murmurs "Perfectly fine...i can wlak....i beat im didn't aye"

Lirral peers down at the mumbling Quinten and shakes his head. "Don't you worry about a thing, we'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." He doesn't let up on his hold.

Darklett notes what Freckles said, and looks down at the dwindling consciousness of Quinten. "Hey, Quinten. Wake up, snap out of it. Stay awake, don't even think about closing your eyes, alright?"

Taye continues his rather loud clearing of the stairway, doing much the same as Freckles in his admonitions for folks to "move outta the way a'ready, c'mon!"

Quinten mutters and his eyes are indeed closing "Shove off Granma....i'm not pulling beats....you hear the lieutenant....musn't be late....oh Mater wots fer tucker wot?" rambling now....eyes barely open and ears hanging limp, all struggles gone

Darklett frowns as Quinten's struggles disappear, and he seems to be drifting off. "HEY! Quinten. Don't fall asleep, I'm sure the pretty does waitin' for ya upstairs in the infirmary wouldn't like it if you were asleep when they first saw ya!" Well, anything to get him to stay conscious.

Quinten eyes flicker open momentarily and he grins up at Darklett "Your nae a doe......yer an ugly mug..." he giggles then his eyes close again

Lirral says, "Er, maybe a bucket of water to the face might do the trick."

Freckles continues pressed forward with Taye, shooing aside those in their way as they climb further up.

Darklett turns his eyes to Lirral. "I'm... sure they have something better than buckets of water. Stuff you smell, I think. Anyway, double time, come on..." He gives Quinten a few shakes as he climbs up the stairs further, reaching the second floor, and heading straight for the third. "Quickly!"

Quinten is out of it now, breathing shallowly and a large lump on the top of his head between his ears, shakes dislodge a few mumbled groans

Once he and Freckles reach the third level landing and Taye has done all the clearing that he needs to do, he merely stares down at the trio with a mixture of worry and amusement.

"Quin'," he murmurs, "you really do have the worst luck evah..."

Freckles looks over at Taye, then back down to the trio, moving to open the infirmary door for them as the near the top of the stairs.

Quinten eyes flicker open at the sound of taye's voice. "Tayes.....yer don't be stealin me soup now....an get out me ring....not mefault ye can't count..." he mutters and fades out again

Taye grins at Quinten's acknowledgement and he moves along besidde the trio now, reaching out to support his head somewhat. "I ain't gonna steal yer soup, Quin'."

Darklett storms Quinten into the infirmary, shaking the hare roughly. "Stay. Awake." He repeats the two words again and again as he barrels into the infirmary.

Lirral moves along with Darklett, keeping up with his pace just fine despite having to support half of a deadweight hare.

Quinten screeches in pain, eyes snapping open, Darkletts paw shaking having jolted the lump between his eyes, he goes stiff in his grip and then goes still, eyes glazed over and unseeing, mouth slack and breathing rattling.

( At Quinten's screech, Taye winces and without any delay jogs over to a gaggle of healers with a quick explanation. With a point in the right direction, the healers fall upon the trio and Taye's job is done. )

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the most

well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles placed

strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line the

walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room. Where

there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety of

different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single stone

sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy, in

fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open closet

is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares in

it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

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[DYN] Freckles

Lirral has arrived.

Darklett has arrived.

Hurried by the hare's screech of pain and sudden look of... Well, deadness, the lieutenant hurries in and lays him down on the nearest cot, stepping back as the healers set on the task of rousing the hare... One of them carries over a bottle of smelling salts, holding them under Quinten's nose. Darklett, however, is on the outside, standing on tip-toes to try and get a glance in.

Quinten gasps and gacks, paw coming up to knock that bottle of salts away, eyes flying open and a low pitched keening cry of pain escaping his lips, eyes focussed and muzzle screwed up in pain....

Freckles stands back against the wall looking miserable and helpless, out of everyone's way. She flinches at the sound of pain, her ears drooping dejectedly

Lirral backs up as they finally reach the infirmary and get Quinten safely on a cot, scooting back to a wall and looking rather unsure of himself.

Darklett steps backwards, out of the way of the healers as they try to ignore Quinten's painful expressions and sounds. Murmuring orders and suggestions to each other, they act quickly, one moving to make a concoction that helps with pain, another grabbing bandages, and the rest trying to figure out how to treat Quinten.

Quinten whimpers ad the young hares eyes are rolling back and forth "What...wher.e....how...the boxing ring.....i got hit....how..." he cuts off groianing as one of them forces him to drink the foul smelling stuff

Freckles flinches at each whimper, a strange look coming over her face. Slowly sliding against the wall, away from the sounds. Backing herself into a corner she slides down until she is crouching, her paws covering her ears.

Lirral doesn't see any way to make himself useful with the process of healing Quinten, so he takes notice of Freckles. A concerned frown coming over his features, he moves in her direction, crouching to put himself on her level. "Are you quite alright?"

Freckles shakes her head slightly, her eyes wide and frightened, though she hears Lirral she doesn't see to see him, "They're killing them...stop them, please...they're all going to die! We have to stop them!"

Darklett is concerned about the recruit, his neck craning upwards to try and get a peek, but to no avail. The healers inspect Quinten further, one of them retrieving some water from a pot which had been placed near a window for chilling, placed in a waterproof container. Tenderly, this healer lowers it on to Quinten's head.

Quinten whimpers and seems to sag, pain fading from his head, he looks up wth bleary eyes to Darklett and grimaces "Sir....i'm sorry..."

Lirral blinks, thoroughly taken aback by Freckles' behavior, and not sure what to do. He extends a paw to rest unsurely on her shoulder, saying tentatively, "He's not going to die. He'll be just fine."

Freckles skaes her head fervently at his lack of understanding, " NononononoNO!"

Darklett shakes his head at Quinten. "Sorry? For what?" He's quickly shooed out of the way by another healer, and at this point Freckles's rambling catches his attention. O_O

Quinten begins to close his eyes slowky "Fer....messing up sah...again...."

End Log -