Quinten Log 140 - 29 06 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Recreation Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

The recreation room for the army of the Longpatrol. Here soldiers come

to relax after a hard day's work and the officers come for a game of cards

or a quick drink by the fire. The room is quite large, having to deal with

a lot of hares at one time. Along one wall there is a large worktop with

some cuhsioned stools lining one side of it. On the other side of the

worktop there stand many kegs and bottles, lined so that they can be

easily opened by someone standing on the inside of the bar but well out

of reach of the rowdy hares on the other side. There are a few woollen

cloths on the bar and mats in front of each stool. The next thing nearest to

the bar are the round tables, each with 4 chairs around and a lantern in

the middle of each one. There are a couple of slightly larger oval tables

with 8 seats around, obviously for larger crowds. The other end of the room

is littered with armchairs, comfortable armchairs, each pair with a small

table in between. The armchairs are near the fire, used to heat the

room and provide extra comfort for the relaxing soldiers.

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Audri is in a very fowl, upset mood which could explain why the hares

frequenting the recreation room are all avoiding the chair by the fire

place. XD Sprawled out in the large armchair with her legs draped over

one arm while her head rests on the other, Aud quietly sips on her

spiced cider, sniffling to herself as she watches the flames dance about.

Taye has returned to the mountain, and not without a good telling off

by the lieutenant standing in for Darklett's patrol, either. But what

with the forward perk of Taye's ears 'n' all, and the unconcerned way

he's examining his lightly wrapped up paw, it seems like it either wasn't

that bad a telling off or it was well worth it. Either way, he's

humming to himself as he enters the recreation room, a pack slung over his

shoulder. Getting ready to leave on the march, it'd seem.

Quinten walks into the Recreation room whistling softly and studying a

scroll in his paws, he weaves around the chairs and comes to a stop

next to the fireplace to warm his scut, its cold down in the cellars. The

piece of parchment crackles as he unrolls it further and nods to


Oh no. Audri knows that humming, ears immediately springing forward as

she sputters her current drink of cider. Not noticing Quint, she goes

about trying to curl up in her seat before pulling a blanket up over


Hmhmhm. Taye's not observant enough to notice Audri or her attempts to

hide, but he /is/ unfortunately heading toward the group of armchairs

by the fireplace. Mostly because he needs somewhere to sit to go through

his pack. To make sure he's got everything. Sit he does, tossing the

pack down between his legs as he starts to rifle through it. "... Got the

canteens... need s'more flint..." Ramble mutter.

Quinten looks up as he hears Taye's voice and smiles, "Oh Taye

afternoon, all packed I see?" He rolls up the scroll and moves to perch on the

edge of Audri's chair not seeing anything other then a blanket. "I

finished that this morning seems they are letting me go along."

Whoo. Audri grins under her hiding place, glad she's gone unnoticed by

Taye since the last time they meet he glared at her. Yes, /glared/. The

horrors of it all. But, her dreams of staying invisible are dashed when

the young recruit leans right into her sprained wrist. "Nrrf!" Is the

startled shriek of Audri as she quickly pops up to go to push Quint off

her paw.

Taye looks up from studying the contents of his pack, blinking for a

few seconds. Oh! Um. Daze. XD "'Llo, Quinten. 'Course they're lettin' ya

go along. It's /all/ of the recruits. Everyone. Lots of privates. It'll

be great." Gringrin.... uh? The shriek surprises him into staring.

What? Oh. There's an Audri. Huh. He looks at her likes she's crazy. "What

were you doin'... hidin' undah a blanket?"

Quinten yells in surprise and jumps away from Audri as she yells out,

stumbling forwards to catch himself on the mantelpiece, his scroll

sailing out of his paws and into the fire. "AUDRI!" he yells at her turning

to glare at the squirrel. "What are you doing i almost sat on you."

Audri cradles her paw once he's off it, ears pinning back as she goes

to staring at the fire since her eyes are still quite red. "'m.." And,

now she's getting yelled at. -.- The frazzled squirrel really can't

take this, so on comes her tears again. "I'll just go somewhere else." She

mumbles, trying to scoot past the two and towards the door.

Taye's ears flick back, buuut... meh. Moody adolescent females aren't

exactly his... best area. He gives a slight shake of his head and

glances at Quinten. Meh? "You all righ', Quint?" He stands and goes to the

fire, reaching in to grab out the scroll, which fell just on the edge of

the fire but which is still burning nicely on that end. He shakes it

furiously, ash that was once parchment shaking off of it as he blows at


Quinten blink snad reaches out to place a paw on audri's arm,

"Hey...wait sorry audri i was worried i'd hurt you... have i hurt your paw? I'm

sorry i really didn't see you there." He nods to Taye and eyes the

scroll and sighs, "Librarians going to kill me...."

Audri pauses, glancing back as Taye basically ignores her, giving a

tiny shake of her head. "No, its from the other night. 'n its fine. But..I

should just go. Not wanted here anyway." She mumbles under her breath,

sending another glance towards the runner before pulling away from

Quint's hold to head towards the door again.

Taye thwaps the still smoldering parchment against his trouser leg,

dirtying it but finally putting out the parchment. He holds it out to

Quinten and then turns a frown on the once again retreating Audri. "We're

leavin' on march fer a few days. Just so ya know."

Quinten takes back the parchment and stares at it for a moment before

shaking his head and looking at Audri, "Well i want you here Audri, i

like your company and besides as Taye says we are all going on an

extended march, won't see you for a few days."

Audri stops again, shifting from footpaw to footpaw before turning back

around, dipping her head. "I s'pose." Avoiding Taye's eyes still, she

goes back over to plop down in a chair with a sigh. "Where're ya

marchin' too?"

"We'll just be marching a day or two upshore, past Halyard, 'n' then

we'll take a round-about route home." He dips his head in a nod.

Apparently the privates have discussed this. Gringrin. "Y'know. If the recruits

c'n keep up." He playfully elbow-nudges at Quinten.

Quinten smirks at taye and waves a paw under his nose, "If i can keep

up with Tomas and Brownears I can keep up with you Privates. That trip

back from Redwall helped my stamina no end, I may be short but i've got

speed now too." He grins and turns to Audri, "Ooooh that reminds me i

made you something Audri....something i learnt at Redwall think you'll

like it,"

Audri bobs her head, wiping her eyes on her sleeve before finally

glancing towards Taye. "Don't be too hard on the novices. They aren't like

the recruits y'know." She attention now turns to Quint, giving him a

thoughtful squint. "Uh..thanks Quint." Odd. Worrying on her lip, her gaze

soon drifts back to Taye. To ask or not to ask..."Taye..are ya still

fightin' with Sev 'n da?"

"The novices're no diff'rent than the othah new recruits, Aud. They'll

get the same treatment as everyone else. T'would embarrass 'em

othahwise." Mm-hm. The next question surprises him. Brow-quirk. "I wasn't

/evah/ fightin' with yer Da'."

Quinten frowns at Taye, "You where fighitng with Seven? Why?" He

glances at Audri and grins, "Was Gabby's idea tha i brign this back wait

there." He runs to the bar and ducks around it, pulling out a box and

rooting about in it. "I hid it up here after i made it....to keep it safe."

"A'right." Audri lets out a slow sigh, lifting her paw to rub at a

small bump on her head. "Well..ya were fightin' with Sev over him weren't

ya? Punchin' each other 'n stuff. 'n gettin' mad at me." Audri mumbles,

a few stray tears rolling down her cheek. And another curious glance is

sent towards Quint.

Taye's ears flick back. He gives Audri a 'look' and shakes his head,

firmly. "Wasn't fightin' about nothin', Audri. Nevah mind."

Squinty-squint. He glances at Quinten and shrugs, like he's totally oblivious of

what she's talking about. Cue subject change! "So what'd ya bring 'er,


Quinten grins and pads over with a covered plate in his paws, "Didn't

bring it, made it here." He smiles at Audri's tears and shakes his head,

"Come on Audri buck up my cooking ain't tha bad you've not even tried

it and are in tears." He pulls off the cover to reveal a plate of tiny

pastries, "Honey glazed chestnut farls with cinnamon and sugar."

Audri is not letting it drop that easily. Especially since she's got a

bruised head for it. "Ya /were/ too fightin'. I was in the bloody

middle o' it, 'n I got in trouble for leavin' cause o' it." She grumbles,

eyes glancing over towards the pastries. Biting her lip, she reaches out

for one, taking a quick nibble. "Um..thanks again. They're nice."

Clearly his 'look' didn't go through, so he resorts to a furious

glance. "Wouldja just leave off, Audri? I ain't talkin' about it righ' now."

Headshake. Mutter. He starts to stand up, picking up his pack as he

does so. "I gotta finish packin'."

The door quietly opens and Freddie makes his way in, heading for the

bar and getting the hare behind it's attention to order a tea before he

looks to the room or more specifically those in it while he waits for

his drink.

Quinten reaches out a paw towards Taye and grabs his arm, "Then don't

talk about it, but storming off will just make it worse."

Argh. "Ya know, yer a right git sometimes." Audri growls, throwing her

half eaten pastry at his head before turning to Quint. "Thanks for the

pastries. Was nice o' ya." And, with that she goes to storm off towards

the hall.

Quinten's paw is given a look, and then the buck himself. "... Last I

checked, mate, m'duties don't count fer 'stormin' off'. I-" But he

doesn't get to continue as a pastry bounces off his ear. He ducks his head.

"Geeze, Aud! What're you on about? It's not like we put ya in the

middle of anythin'! You did that all by yerself!"

Freddie raises at the beasts apparently having some sort of argument by

the looks of thing, erk, not one of the best times to stop by for a

drink clearly, eyes watching Aud storm off before he looks to Taye as he


Quinten sighs and lets go of Taye and flops back into Audri's now

vacant chair. "Right.....i'm not getting involved I want no trouble yeesh

why can nothing ever go right."

It's unsure what makes Seven enter the rec room, but he looks curious

about something, if only dully. Both ears are at a half perked position,

paws in his pockets. The buck's left cheek has a bandage upon it, and

one glance is.. attempted to be sent about the room to figure out the


Audri pauses by the door, turning back towards him with an exasperated

sigh. "Cause ya two ain't suppose to be fightin'! Families ain't

suppose to fight. Yer gonna bloody wind up like everyone else that's been

close to me a'right." With another set of tears beginning to well up

behind her eyes, she gives a quick shake of her head before turning to step

into the hall. "Be care-" Oo, and there's Seven. Aud runs right smack

into him, freezing with her face hidden in his tunic. Moof.

There are a million and one retorts which come to Taye's lips, and none

of them too relenting given the look of him. But his lips part... only

to shut again when Audri runs into Seven. He looks up and to Seven,

looking exasperated but relieved that the other buck has shown up. He dips

his head in silent greeting but... doesn't say anything. Meh.

Freddie receives his tea and gives it a sip before he slowly makes for

the one beast he properly knows, Quinten, eyes flick between Seven,

Audri and Taye, not sure he wants to get involved but does want to know

what's going on.

Quinten places his paws over his ears and watches Audri, "Wot have i

wandered into now.." he glances at Freddie and smiles, "Hey Freddie, hows


Though he is small, it is a good thing that Seven is sturdy, or he

would have been sent back by getting run into by the upset squirrel. At

first, he's not sure how to react, paws still in his pockets as he just

blinks down at Audri, before his attention turns to Taye with a confused

expression. That is before he realizes what the dibbun was saying, so

the sniper pulls his paws free and encircles her shoulders with one arm.

The other goes to stroke her cheek, then over her hair comfortingly. No

words. Just this. He's better at actions than words anyway.

Audri is seriously debating on running off to become a hermit if Seven

moves away from her. But, instead he embraces her which results in her

latching her arms around his waist, sniffling quietly.

Oh boy. Taye is nearly scowling, but it is fortunately not at Seven. No

need to restart that particular fight. It's more in the general

direction of the back of Audri's head. He shakes his head and looks off, then

grabs his pack. He starts forward, pausing in front of the two

embracing creatures. "I need to go finish packin'. C'n I get past?" Unmoved!

Like a rock! He's a brat. -.-

Freddie shuffles himself into a seat, still going slow and quiet though

not in a particularly noticeable way since that'd defeat the point of

trying to keep attention off himself. He looks Quinten when he's spoken

to though, a soft smile spreading "Still at it last I checked, nearly

finished though I think, muttered something about finishing touches,

think he's bent on decorating and all while he's at it" he glances once to

Taye since he's closest and then moving, his ears twitching

lightly...no, not the right time to find out what's happening yet, he looks back

to Quint again and another smile before he sips at his tea once more.

Somewhere on the muck, Sabre has connected.

Quinten stares after Taye and sighs softly, "Taye and Audri seem to be

having a disagreement on things....for somereason." He holds out a

pastry to Fred. "Here have a nut farl i baked em this morning." He searches

out Seven's eyes a questioning look in his eyes.

Seven just continues to pet Audri and stroke her ears as well, trying

to make the squirrel realize it's all alright. The buck seems even more

confused when Taye moves over and he shifts to the side, blinking at

the other with large eyes. "Uh?" This movement would take Audri with him

because of the secure yet gentle embrace. For some reason Quinten's

stare gets his focus next and his green eyes lock with the recruit's.

Blink. Still not sure.

If Audri was paying any attention to Taye, he would so be getting

kicked or punched right now. Thankfully, Seven's embrace has got her full

attention as she cries into his tunic, moving along with him while her

ears pin back.

Meh. Without another word and a slightly apologetic but non-explainy

look to Seven, he heads out through the door, shouldering his pack as he


Freddie looks over to the beasts by the door at Quinten's explanation

"That's about as far as I'd gathered" the offered farl takes his

attention back again "Ooo thank you pet" putting down his tea to take it and

pull a bit off to eat "Lovely"

Quinten chuckles at Freddie, "I'm no beasts pet Freddie." He responds

with a chuckle and standing up he walks over to Audri and Sev. "You ok

Audri? Seven what was tha about?"

Seven continues to hug onto Audri as he watches Taye leave. Crannning

his neck around to see him move down the hall. Finally he just

straightens and goes to scoop Audri up into his arms. This tends to be a regular

thing now, the buck carrying around younger beasts. When Quinten

questions him, he just kind of shakes his head. A 'don't ask' gesture.

"Alrigh' then, Aud."

Audri gives a tiny shake of her head, still clinging to the sniper like

he's a pillow. "No. Taye hates me." Is her muffled, sobby reply as she

curls into a ball in Sev's hold, face still hidden.

Freddie waves a paw to dismiss Quinten's words as he finishes off the

furl, didn't take him long "Figure of speech Quinten" he says before

looking to the pair by the door while Quinten's walking over, he looks a

little sorry as he hears the squirrel though, getting up at last to

follow the other over "I'm sure that's not true" he says softly.

Quinten nods to Seve in a 'i won't ask' way and holds out the plate to

Audri and Seven, "Come on Audri don't fret Taye's just being moody."

Seven pets at Audri's back and strokes over the end of her black hair

as he allows both ears to pin. "Why would 'e? Yer like a sistah to 'im.

'E loves ye." And then suddenly they are surrounded by others. The buck

stays still, just cuddling the squirrel to try and make her feel


"Cause he's not actin' like it. He's actin' all..not himself." Audri

replies, rubbing at her eyes before reaching out for an offered treat.

She quietly nibbles upon it, eyes staying down on her lap.

Freddie hmms and looks to the door for a moment "Well maybe something's

wrong, I'm sure it's not your fault though dear, sometimes beasts can

just get like that for whatever reason, don't always want to talk about

it either"

Quinten nods his head and offers the plate toi Seven as well, "Aye he

looked up set over something Audri he'll calm down and be sorry about it

I am sure."


Seven shakes his head at the offered plate, returning his attention to

Audri. "I'll talk t'im if ye wan'? When we're on the trainin' march?"

This is the only thing that is offered. He's just gone into silent,

comfort mode. It's the way he does things.

Mrrph. Audri, who is not keen on crowds, is feeling very vulnerable by

being the center of attention, shifting in Sev's arms to face his

chest. She bobs her head in a simple quiet reply to the two buck, while Sev

gets a mumbled 'okay'.

Freddie smiles lightly and clasps his paws together in front of him, a

glance goes to Quinten before he steps back and makes his way back to

where he was sat before "I think I may have left my tea somewhere" being

his explanation, of course to stop ganging up on the squirrel could be

a good one too.

Quinten nods to Freddie and sets the plate down near Seven and Audri,

"I'm going to go get a drink, will be awhile before i can have a good

one again after we leave tonight."

Letting Audri turn to hide against him seems to be all Seven is trying

to accomplish. He holds her more firmly as she shifts, then just

cradles the dibbun. He dips his head to whisper in her ear.

Audri sighs, actually feeling slightly silly for not being her normal

mature self, but it seems she's needed this for awhile by her relaxed

posture in the buck's arms. Her left ear flicks and turns up, worrying on

her lip before mumbling something under her breath.

Freddie easily refinds his tea and stands by the chair to sip at it

before a reply goes to Quinten "Be a long time before can do a lot of

things, though I'm not entirely sure how long the exercise is for anyway"

leaving Seven and Audri alone for the moment it seems.

Quinten walks back over to sit near Freddie and sip his juice, "Aye

tell me about it Fred, no ones saying anything above and beyond what we

got to take along."

Seven nods his head in return to what Audri says, and then starts to

turn for the door. "Thanks, guys." Is all he offers in farewell as he

begins out into the hall carrying the squirrel. Hey! She gets free rides

out of it! :D

Quinten stands up and stretches "Well Freddie i'm gonna go have a bath

could be weeks for all wew know before i can have another one, you

coming along?"

Freddie watches the pair leave before looking back to Quinten again

"That just seems to be the way they do things" he clances to the door "And

I suppose I wouldn't mind one...if you don't mind me being around that


Quinten waves a paw, "Ahhh not at all come on i think i can stand your

company Fred." With that he heads out to the baths

- Move Scenes

Salamandastron: Baths

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

The bath areas of Salamandastron span several individual rooms. There

is a large central common area with bowls and tables hewn directly out of

the rock. These 'bowls' are used for washing faces and paws at mealtimes

and in the morning. On opposite sides of the cavern are two wooden doors.

One has the word 'males' carved into it and the other 'females'.

Another section sits almost directly above the forge - a sauna. This area has

a wooden door so that the evaporating moisture does not escape the room.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Walking in from outside Quinten moves into te males bath and goes about

getting undressed, Once ready he picks up some soap and wades into the

bath sitting down and relaxing in the water with a deep sigh.

Walking in from outside Quinten moves into te males bath and goes about

getting undressed, Once ready he picks up some soap and wades into the

bath sitting down and relaxing in the water with a deep sigh.

Maybe Raph just.. doesn't remember previous encounters of 'oddness'.

Anyway, the Lieutenant seems rather comfortable about entering the baths

and when he sees Quinten.. well a bucket if scooped up and he goes to

dump water on the recruits head. Cause that's always fun. :3

In true Cephy style, the shy runner enters the baths with a towel

firmly wrapped about his waist since there are others present. XD With his

soap on a rope, he ambles over to the bath's edge, slipping into the

water with an 'ahh' before he starts to scrub up.

Freddie isn't far behind others a glance going between beasts as he

enters, doesn't waste much time before he's ready and dropping into the

water, smirk going to Quinten when he gets water dumped on him.

Quinten yells out loudly as he gets water dumped on him, spluttering

and sitting up he scrubs the water from his eyes and frowns at the Lt.

"Sir..." he then lunges forwards to try and grab Zer around the waist and

topple him into the bath with him."

Zeraph gets snatched by the waist, the tall buck planting his footpaws

for a moment, before he gets jerked into the water. Which.. isn't quite

the most 'comfortable' thing to have happen. A curse is the first thing

that escapes as his head resurfaces. Cough. Blink. He squints one eye

at Quinten.

Gak! Not wishing to be tackled, Cephas hops backwards away from the

pair, finishing up lathering up his chest and arms afterward. Holding his

nose, the runner slips underwater, resurfacing after a moment with a

shake of his head.

Freddie eeks and brings up his paws over his head to hide from the

splash the other buck's no doubt make, shaking his head a bit to clear some

water he grin to the others "I say watch it there"

Quinten chuckles and holds the soap out to Zeraph and smiles, "Seems

you slipped sah, nice of you to join us. Can soap up yer back fur if you

like sah." He grins and salutes.

Hahah. Yeah right. Raph goes to slap the soap out of Quinten's paw,

though not as roughly as that seems to imply. "Ah-ha! I think not." The

buck wades away from the other.

Cephas gives a curious glance towards the others, lathering up his

headfur while he hums. Once satisfied with the amount of soap, he goes

about rubbing it into his ears, before dunking himself again.

Hum-hum-hum! In comes the perpetual healer private. He's in the

'unpromotable' branch of the LP, he is. XD He doesn't seem too unhappy about

it, though, whistling as he enters the bath area. That is... until he

sees several bucks making a lark of their baths. He immeeeediately halts,

eyes popping wide and his ears standing up on his head. "Uh!" A paw

goes immediately to grab at the towel at his waist, making sure that it

stays firmly on as he shakes his head. "Ummmm, never mind. I like dirt."

He turns, shaking his head, as he prepares to return to the main bath

area, muttering as he goes. "Like it? Love it. Me 'n' dirt? Like this."

And he makes the corresponding cross-fingered gesture. As in, they're

really tight, catch his drift? "Just the best of buddies ever, we is.

Ohhh yes, yes yes yes...." And so he continues as he starts through the


Freddie looks round to the door as buck comes in and starts to leave

again muttering, he grins "Come back, we don't bite" lounging against the

side for now and mainly keeping out the way.

Quinten laughs at the retreating healer and then turns back to Zeraph's

retreating back and laughs softly and launches himself through the

water, "Come on sir, can't have you larking about when you need to get

cleaned up, got to give us the proper send off later."

A pause happens when Freddie speaks up, which makes Raph glance towards

the door. "Hey! Jabilo! Gets your butt back in here!" Playful command.

This as the Lieutenant pushes a paw out to stop Quinten from getting

too close, which would probably result in a palm against the recruit's

forehead. He's awfully cheerful about the whole thing anyway.

Now mostly clean, Cephas decides now is a good time to slink away to

a..more clothed area. XD Donning his soap on a rope, the runner grabs

hold of his very wet towel to climb out of the baths. The new buck is

given a look, but Ceph has other things on his mind as he heads towards the


Ummmm whoa. Jabby pauses uncertainly, glancing back with regret at

Zeraph and the 'order'. His ears are still perked straight up and it's

uncertain why. "I'm... fine, sir. Three's... a crowd." Cephasstopleaving!

Ohno! His head turns to follow the other buck's path toward the door

with something akin to horror. XD

Quinten keels over backwards and sinks under the water with a grin at

Zer's paw to his head, whilst out of sight under the water he launches

himself forwaards trying to knock Zer's paws out from under him and then

beat a hasty retreat to the far side of the bath.

Freddie grins a little and points at Cephas as he sees him trying to

leave "Another escapee sah, you'd think they were all scared or


Zeraph is more sturdy than the recruit gives him credit for obviously.

He gets hit into, kind of shifts his foothold and watches Quinten swim

off as quickly as he attacked. Finally he shrugs and just goes to his

own washing up, which is done quicker now. Jabilo is forgotten. Lucky


Cephas stops, sending a glare towards Freddie. "I ain't escaping. I

came, I bathed, and now I leave." Nod. Now, back to the task at hand. Ceph

notes that he's being watched by the odd new hare, but he just goes to

slip past him.

... Who stumbles back in his attempts to get out of the way. He

flattens himself back against the doorframe, watching Cephas as he walks past.


Quinten surfaces a short way from Zer at his end of the bath, with his

soap in paw he lathers up his fur and ears with a grin, "Will be my

last bath in a good while i think."

Zeraph nods his head. "Here, that is. Hope you bathe on the trip.." He

eyes Quinten sideways, before scrubbing at his headfur and dunking down

into the water out of view. At least the officer remembers to hold his

breath. And so many bucks could run now that he can't see them. ;D

Freddie just grins back at Cephas "Aww, no fun" he glances back to

Quint and Raph and smirks faintly, relaxing once more on the side.

Right. Good opportunity. Jabby turns and.... runs. XD His little

bob-tail sneaking out from the top of his towel as he goes. And he's outta

there, folks.

Quinten smirks at Zer and takes the oppurtunity to rinse his fur clean

and then duck under himself. Surfacing after a few moments he relaxes

back with a grin. "Of course i'll be bathing on the trip, just i bet

they'll be less chance for warm baths."

Ear-flick-flick. Zeraph resurfaces half through that speech. Cough? But

nothing is questioned. He notes that more bucks are gone. Heh. So,

strangely enough, the Lieutenant is the next to start for the side. "Yeah,

well. Don't stay in here too long or anything." Grin. He gestures this

expression towards Freddie mostly, going to pull out where he can get a


Freddie watches Zeraph starting to go, faint smirk still there "Can't

do that anyway, not long before have to go...best go see if..somebeast's

finished yet, got to get everything together"

Quinten moves towards the side as well, "Aye i should go get ready to

leave, you go drag Greg out of the forge he'll probably need a bath more

then any of us."

Zeraph wraps the towel around his waist. "Oh.. yeah.. Eh. Have to see

you lot off." He waggles brows at them, before starting to leave the

room. "See you then." The Lieutenant seems.. odd today. And there he goes.

Freddie waves a paw to the Lieutenant as he pries himself off the side

to think about getting out "Bye and I suppose Greg could probably do

with one, hope he's done by now"

Quinten smiles and wraps a towel about his waist, "See you downstairs

in a bit Fred and then its off on this march, see you soon." He waves

and follows the lt out.

- End Log