Quick Abbey Visit

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


The road is not far away, and here, the woodland is not so dense. Indeed, leading between the trees, off of the road and through the woods, is a path, wide enough to risk a cart. Indeed, you might see cart tracks upon the ground here. A wooden sign,, hanging from a tree branch, points along the path, into the woods. It reads; 'Mossflower Woodland Market'.

Exits: [P]ath to [M]arket, [D]irt [R]oad

Scioto walks along the road, his head guard with him and a cart pulled by a couple weasels, he shakes his head, “You need to be less stressed looking Braen, I mean really, every little noise you check out.”

Braen looks to Scioto, “But it’s my job sir, to watch for trouble, do you remember how many times beasts tried to take your life not too long ago, what if they are still around?”

Scioto sighs “I am the chieftain of Ferravale, in my opinion I will always be a target for some power hungry foe, but for now the roads are quiet and that horde is gone, and I wish to give some things to the abbey.”

Braen nods “As you wish sir, I only want your protection, just in case sir.”

On the side of the road and it the woodlands rustling is heard and a paw moves aside some tall weeds, it seems someone is watching the two cats and their weasel friends.

Scioto keeps going down the road, “I also need to check on Nightbreath, then head back to Ferravale to plan the celebration of Ferravale being back where it belongs, under my leadership”

Braen nods as he scans the road sides for movement, he catches it and draws his blade “Show yourself! Now or face my blade!”

Streamheart is the one in the weeds and gasps softly as she stumbles back, “Don’t hurt me, please I am only trying to get back to the abbey.” Close to her side is a backback and her ankle is bandaged with some sort of cloth, not a very good bandage either.

Scioto shakes his head “Braen! Stand back that is an order, does she look like a danger?” He makes his way to the otter maid “Please forgive my trigger happy guard, he is being a bit too, not sure how to say it. I am Scioto, chieftain of Ferravale and this is Braen, my head guard.”

Braen stands back, “But sir she could of easily been a threat, I see that she is not now, I am sorry miss”

Streamheart gulps a little, not knowing if the group is friends or enemies, “I..I am Streamheart, I got a little lost last night and..hurt my ankle on the way back from the market area, just now found my way back to the road.”

Scioto nods and steps over, “How did you hurt it miss?” He doesn’t know too much on healing but can tell its swollen and needs a better bandage.

Braen stays by the road and keeps an eye on the cart on for trouble.

Streamheart answers, “I feel into the ditch, I..got out and went the wrong way, then it got darker and darker and so I made a small camp for the night and woke up and limped around looking for something familiar and found the market again and then the path to here, the road and now my ankle is worse than it was.”

Scioto frowns , “Not good to be out alone all night, the horde may be gone but there are still lone bandits on the road at times looking to rob beasts”

Braen starts to pace, “Sir we cannot stay in one place too long, I do not like it very well”

Scioto stands “Braen, it will be fine, we need to help the otter back to the abbey.”

Streamheart looks between the two beasts as she decides if it’s wise to trust them or not, “I should get back, a friend of mine must think I left the abbey and wasn’t coming back.”

Braen shrugs, “So how do we do this Scioto, it would be nice to get back home by dusk if at all possible, I mean the abbey is nice and all but, sort of had enough of it when we had to stay there for 4 weeks”

Scioto nods, “I agree, but this is a short trip there, check on a beast and give some things to the abbey and then get home.”

Braen nods, “Of course sir”

Streamheart tries to stand and yelps in pain and falls onto her bottom, she frowns.

Scioto looks to the otter maid and then bends down, “Can I carry you?”

Streamheart seems very unsure of this and shakes her head, she is still a little afraid of Scioto.

Braen rolls his eyes, “Lovely she fears you.”

Scioto sends a glare to the guard and looks back to the otter, “You will not be harmed, I simply wish to help you”

Streamheart stands slowly and frowns, “My..ankle”

Braen has had enough waiting and walks over and goes to carry the otter maid, “Abbey let’s go”

Streamheart eeps as she is picked up, and frowns she was not ready and hopes they are indeed friends.

Scioto sighs, “You ask first Braen…oh never mind let’s just get going.”

Braen speaks "I had enough of waiting sir, it’s not wise to just..stay put and I want home before dusk"

Scioto groans as he is forced to listen to complaining, "Braen...really stop giving me a headache that is an order." He looks back and forth as they walk towards the abbey.

Braen ears go flat as he carries the otter, "Yes sir it’s just...my job is to protect...of course sir, sorry"

Streamheart frowns as they argue, she is not as worried now as she was but the wildcat still makes her slightly edgy

Scioto says, "Just a peaceful walk is all I want, you act as if an assassin is behind every tree"

Braen ears perk, "Well there could be one anywhere sir, one never knows" He keeps an eye out for trouble, "And we are just about at the abbey, which I am glad of."

Streamheart sighs, her ankle is starting to hurt a little more, "You can just...leave me on the stairs in the entry"

Scioto says, "Or infirm, I am checking on someone there"

Braen sighs, "I don’t care where, I just need some rest, then I want to go home."

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Streamheart looks towards the gates and smiles, she stays quiet for now though

Scioto walks, he nods and goes to chat with a guard real quick and looks back to Braen, "We can go in." He says.

Braen nods, seems he wants to go in soon, he hands off the otter maid to an abbey guard and goes inside, leaving his weapon at the gatehouse and then somewhere to rest his footpads.

Streamheart blinks and watches the wildcat enter, she is set down and frowns as her ankle hurts but she limps into the entry slowly on it, not wishing to be carried anymore.

Scioto nods to the guard and hands over his weapon, he glances around, "Guess most is busy right now, any idea where Benar is?"

Streamheart shakes her head as she limps to the stairs and sits, she takes the cloth off her ankle, it’s very swollen now.

Scioto nods "He is most likely busy, I can find him later I am sure "

Streamheart responds "He. Probably is busy" She frowns at her ankle
Lee exits Great Hall, planning to head out into the Woodlands yet again. He almost doesn't spot Streamheart already in the Abbey.
Scioto says, "The infirm may be best for your ankle, it could be broken"
Streamheart frowns, she then spots Lee, "Lee!" She then nods to Scioto, "Maybe"
Lee he looks up, then rushes over. "Stream'eart. I been so worried. Ye disappeared last night...I were goin' ta mount a search for ye then, but they said night were not the best time, so I went out at the crack o' dawn...then I came back 'ere. Are ye alright? Did this cat 'urt ye? If 'e did, I can punish 'im if ye want..."
Scioto ears go back and he tries to hold back any ill words, "Otter..err Lee, if that’s your name, I would not harm any abbey beast or guest of the abbey, me and my head guard found the otter in the woods, she has a possible broken ankle and I brought her here as I was heading here anyways."
Streamheart shakes her head, "He didn’t harm me" She has a backpack with her, "I went to the market and on the way back fell in the ditch, got out but then went wrong way and was loss, so..set up a camp sort of thing, then morning I found the path back to the road...and he helped me here, him and a wildcat"
Lee frowns at Scioto briefly, then abruptly smiles. "Well why didn't ye say so in the first place? Ye seem like an 'onorable beast." He turns toward Streamheart. "Miss, if yer ankle be broken, ye need ta get to the infirm...can ye stand? I can help walk if ye need."
Scioto says, "My village has a peace treaty with your abbey, I am Scioto chieftain of Ferravale and my head guard is Braen a bit..strong willed but will behave himself in the abbey, trust me”
Streamheart sighs "I can stand a little, but it hurts and already did some walking on it when shouldn’t of"
Lee steps close. "Here, let me help ye. Lean on me, an' don't put any weight on yer injured footpaw." He glances at Scioto. "A peace treaty always be good...would make Martin proud."
Scioto nods "I will let you tend to the otter maid, I need to make sure Braen is behaving himself"

Streamheart smiles and lets Lee help her, she lets a novice put her backpack by the bed she is using in the guest room, "Thank you Lee and I didn’t mean to not meet back with you last night, I meant too"

Lee smiles softly, helping Streamheart toward Great Hall. "Think nothin' of it, it weren't yer fault. I'm glad ye be alright."
Streamheart nods and allows the help"I admit..the cat did scare me at first, but then he showed he didn’t mean me any harm, he helped me here"

Scioto heads inside to look for Braen and afterwards Benar.

---Later in the afternoon in the entry of Redwall Abbey---

Scioto is speaking with Lorimis, “A sort of thank you and a way to replace any food if needed, I know having a lot of Ferravale here for almost 4 weeks probably got to some beasts.”

Lorimis nods as he looks in the cart, “Well we thank you Scioto.”

Scioto nods, in the cart is some flour , sugar, wheat, salt, cherries, pears, dried fish and some cornmeal. In another cart is some spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, cloves, and some others used in the kitchens for cooking. Also some mint leaves and rare chocolate, but very little so probably wise to keep for special events only.

Lorimis smiles as some novices help take it elsewhere in the abbey, “We do hope you visit again when you can Scioto.’

Scioto bows and then goes to find Braen and shortly afterwards heads home.