Questions and Saving a Friend

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

You can make out nothing through the large windows except the faintest glimmer of stars above the smudge of dark that is the Abbey's walls. Soft blue moonlight is trickling down from the windows above.

              [K]itchen    [St]airs   [C]avern [H]ole
              [Li]brary    [En]try    [B]reezeway

Cera sits on the steps, it’s the first she has been out since being away a few days, and then she stayed away from most beasts, she sighs as it seems today hasn’t been the best day so far for her.

Benar comes strolling across the flagstones of the great hall. He slows as he spots Cera and raises a paw to wave, "Hello there little one, is all ok? You look a bit gloomy"

Cera looks up slowly as she sees Benar and frowns, normally she get a little upset with the little one remark but not right now, she shakes her head , "N..No it’s not, s..still don't understand w..why things happen,..c..couple of the other dibbun calling me..vermin and one even got into fight with me so" she frowns, "Bite him but said..s..sorry and had to wash bunch dishes and dry them..and sneaked out with a hare ta run away but..but was found by B..Brother Leon and ..F...Flicktail,j..just to find out..."

Benar moves over to sit down next to the little ferret, shifting his habit to draw her up against him, "Shh you are not a vermin Cera, no one is unless they do bad things. Ignore the others... now tell me what did you find out from Flicktail?"

Cera sniffs as tears come, "I..I am not?..But..but d..daddy was, and..why?" She shakes her head as if to clear it and hic-ups a little,"I..I didn’t first..h..he..k..killed him and then I..I hated him but he..he killed him cause..cause threated the abbey, he had weapons hidden on him and...he said he wa..was gonna harm others and he..he tried to k..kill Flicktail but...but F..F..Flicktail killed him" She sobs some and is quiet a long time before she goes on," W..why was d..daddy evil, why bad..I..I am not bad and..and think daddy hated that,..h..had said wanted to take me and..and abbey wouldn’t let him..w...why things like this h..happen?." She adds after another moment.."I..I d...don’t hate F...Flicktail now, b..but still confused,..o..others may not like me cause of daddy bu..but I am good beast w..want ta be healer and novice"

Benar shifts the young ferret into his lap, bundling her up in his habit, "Shhh it is ok Cera, sometimes... sometimes a beast turns out bad. Sometimes it is because of how they raised, maybe your daddy's father was evil and so he copied him. Here in the abbey you can see how we all live. In peace, quietly, together... you do not need to be bad. You can be good like anyone else if you want to be."

Cera listens quietly as she still has tears, "I..I w..wanna live here, learn healing and..and maybe be novice some say b..but can a ferret be one?"

Benar says, "Yes... indeed a ferret can be a healer Cera. Why I used to know a ferret who was a master ferret, and two foxes also... all are welcome here in Redwall." He wipes away her tears and smiles "You can be anything you wish to be"

Cera smiles a little, probably the first time in the past week, it’s not a big smile but it's a start," I..I w..will stay then, and take healing lessons from..f..from B..Brother Leon, if he still wants to teach me t..that is, think he will?"

Benar smiles softly, "Of course he will and you are old enough now to put on the Novice Habit I think, maybe a few more weeks but by the Autumn feast I reckon you will be ready."

Cera smiles a little more "R..Really? And I will hard and learn charter and..and rules, I know abbey beasts help others and...and supposed to do no harm.”

Benar nods his head and smiles "Indeed that is the core of our identity, we do no harm and offer help to all who ask. If you learn the charter well then come Autumn you will be ready to become a novice."

Cera nods “I am 5 a..and half..s..seasons old now, will be 6 seasons fall"

Benar says, "And that is the age most beasts join the order as a Novice, the perfect age in fact" he pets her head and smiles "I am still sorry about your father though...."

Cera nods slowly,"I..I was n..not here, was day after I...” she frowns "Ran away, but glad was found and brought back here"

Benar says, "I am glad you are safely home as well Cera, the wilds is no place for someone your age. I was alone in the countryside when I was as young as you. It was not a good place to grow up."

Cera asks, "D..DId you run away from home too?"

Benar shakes his head "No... we lived in the far north. One day Mother didn't come home... my daddy went to look for her and he never came back either. So then I was on my own... until well... some bad things happened... but then my Mother, my new mother found me and rescued me."

Cera is curious but decides not to ask what happen, "B..but you got to somewhere safe an..and here and you live here now and that’s good"

Arturo walks into the room and slows; he doesn't wish to disturb any possible talks and so stays quiet.

Benar says, "Indeed I did, I got to move here and live in Redwall abbey and now this is my home and I would never want to go anywhere else..." He nods to the hare and pets Cera's ears, sat with her in his lap on the steps.

Cera hugs Benar, if he allows it "I n..never want to go anywhere e..else either"

Arturo nods "I am not, disturbing anything important am I chap?"

Benar smiles at Cera and holds her gently, "Well then soon I shall be calling you little sister when you are novice so make sure to study hard ok?" he then nods to Arturo, "No... you are most welcome here my friend"

Arturo grins, “Thats good, nice place to jolly well be, seems my nephew has gone traveling, some adventure or what not, whatever least he has a strong beast with him, some badger chap with wild looking fur went with him"

Cera nods "I w..will study hard s..sir" She smiles feeling better now and glances at the hare slightly.

Benar asks, "I know you will Cera, now have you met Arturo? He is a friend and guest of the abbey."

Arturo answers, "Seen her once, but never really spoken to the little lass, not spoken to many here really as been in the library a lot, good many books but could use more on some subjects"

Cera blinks, "F..from distance" she says softly.

Benar asks, "Well what subjects are we missing? We store most of the abbey history and some others in the gate house to keep them separate. They are not for general reading." he then peers down at Cera and nods, "Well he is a very nice hare, a good beast."

Arturo says, "Not many on like areas north of here, like Ferravale or on some crafts like boat making or woodworking stuff"

Benar says, "Well Ferravale is only about two years old as a community goes, you'd want the current journals from the recorders study. Those are not in the main library. As for boat making and wood craft those books are stored around at the Work Yard."

Cera nods "I..I want to try and g..get along with others, b..but what bout some of the younger dibbuns who have b..been mean, like Jak..he is a mouse and pushed me once and made me hurt my knee, said I didn’t belong here"

Benar says, "Well if he does that do not bite, just explain to him you are a good beast. And if he persists then Father Oz shall punish him, not you."

Arturo nods "Alright chap is this so called vermin city safe, I possible attacks from the place or is it well keep an eye on?"

Cera smiles "O..Ok, don’t think Jak likes me, been few days since seen him was right before I had ran away"

Benar says, "Well Cera I shall have a word with Jak when I see him, and see if we can sort this out." he then glances at Arturo, "They have been our allies since they were founded. Their leader Scioto is a very good friend of mine and they all know the score. We are allies and friends."

Arturo seems unsure "If ya say so chap, I was always told to be careful then didn’t grow up round ere', lived right outside de east woods, head of the jolly abbey and thought would visit."

Cera quietly goes to head to her room "I..I am g..gonna take nap and then look over the abbey charter again before dinner" she heads off with a wave.

Benar says, "Well it was lovely of you to visit us, and I am sure, if it was not for their charity and kindness we'd have starved last winter. The army that did attack the abbey burnt our crops." He lets Cera go and waves after her with a warm smile. "

Cera heads on out to let the grownups talk.

- This happen later in the orchards-

RW Abbey: First Orchard

You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun is filtered through leaves and thus comes out to be a much softer light, one that's a little more manageable. At least, more manageable than the comparatively harsh light of the more open entryway and a pond area almost completely devoid of large, shade-giving plants that this orchard has in careless abundance. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself beneath the trees, only serving to add to the quiet comfort of the whole scene.

The stately flora has come alive with youthful blossoms. Flowers of all shades of pastel line the trees, bushes, and ground. Poking around the pink and yellow petals, some fruit has begun to form, peppering the orchard with green apricots and plums and unripe pears and peaches. The air is full of pollen that tickles the nose and dirties clean habits. After a rain, rivulets of water trickle around tree trunks, irrigating the flore before draining into the pond.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [S]econd [O]rchard, [D]umble's [L]og, [A]bbey [P]ond

Cera is sitting by one of the tree, she has not been out too long and is looking over some words she copied from the library, she studies it closely and shoos away a dragonfly that lands on her knee.

Flicktail walks into the orchards, rubbing his head, his fur is still shedding, and he’s been working trying to clear away a heavy tree that blew over....he staggers toward the orchard panting heavily.

Cera glances over at Flicktail but stays where she is going back to her reading, a couple words a little hard but she sounds them out fairly well and a small smile forms as she is glad to be remembering the abbey charter.

Flicktail moves like he is drunk, the fox gasping as he looks around confused, dropping to his knees in the hot sun and his tongue is bright reddish pink as he pants.

Cera tilts her head and looks around, seems most have gone in and only a couple remain, besides Flicktail and they are a little ways away from him closer to the pond, fishing it would seem, she frowns and stands as she puts her stuff by the tree and walks over slowly, " need to...get some s..shade"

Flicktail looks over to Cera slowly, not really looking at her, he reaches out and then falls forward his body beginning to tremble and shake.

Cera backs up and starts to go back to the tree and pick up her things, but doesn’t, she carefully goes forwards and taps Flicktail on the shoulder, "F..Flicktail?"

Flicktail is convulsing he looks up at Cera but seems unable to get up.

Cera eyes go wide, she frowns and goes to try and pull him towards the shade, this is done very slowly as she grunts a little, she feels his forehead and eeps as it's hot, she rushes over to the pond and fills a canteen she has with water and goes back over to him and pours the water on his arms and legs and a little on his face, she then tries to get him closer to the shade and manages to get his head in the shade at least, she finds the half glass of cherry juice she had and tries to give him a couple sips.

Flicktail shivers some at the feel of fresh water and his tongue works a little bit at the cherry juice as the fox is now in the shade but he's still very hot, he pants though and his eyes seem to be looking AT Cera now.

Cera frowns, she goes to get more water from the pond and pours in on him again and his arms, legs, and chest a little to cool him off, she unbuttons his tunic a little to loosen his clothing and let the water seep in better, she rips a piece of her dress and pours a little water on it and lays it on her knee, she manages to just barely tilt his head up to offer a little more juice and then lays the torn wet rag on his forehead, all the while she is quiet and pulls him a tiny bit more into the shade.

Flicktail slowly stops trembling, though he is still panting, he blinks in confusion " did..I get here...C..Cera? "

Cera doesn't answer as she backs up and returns with more water to place on him and the rag, on his forehead again as she sits close by, remembering something she heard, "S..stay l..laid down"

Flicktail doesn't try to get up "So...dizzy...W..wot..happened?" He listens to the young Jill.

Arturo has been exploring again and sees the two by the orchards, he walks over and then more quickly, "Hey what be going on..does he need?" He decides water to drink is good too and has some in his flask, he goes to help the fox raise his head enough to drink

it, "Drink..think it’s too much summer sun...take it easy sir"

Cera jumps slightly as she sees the hare, she lets him help as she speaks "N..need in shade more, he..he got hot"

Flicktail looks up weakly to Arturo, "T..thank you but..I..I'd like Cera to help me..p..please" He glances back to Cera "" It's obvious the fox never heard of this.

Arturo shakes his head, "Drink it first, it will help ya chap" He makes sure some is slowly drank before talking, “Well she can't very well take ya inside, cooler there"

Cera stays seated, "I..inside would be good, c..cottage is closer to...maybe infirm, both cooler inside."

Flicktail reaches his paw out to Cera.

Arturo lifts the fox up slowly and heads to the entry, he remembers where the cottage is, he leaves it up to Cera if she follows or not.

Flicktail looks back "C..Cera?" he says still weak and confused

Champions Cottage: Main Room

The living room is small, and modest. The four walled room contains a smallish fireplace that rests against the wall on one side of the room. Built from dark grey stones and clay. A extra supply of wood is always at the side of the fireplace. Also near the fireplace is a large maroon chair. A table sits in one corner, two chairs tucked under it. A wooden bench with a back, sits along the last bare wall. It is cushioned well with feather stuffed seats. At the back of the room, Two doors show there. Each probably leading into a bedroom..

Exits: [C]hildren's [R]oom, [Back] to walkway

Cera follows slowly and looks around, it’s the first time she has been inside the cottage, she frowns "Umm...he needs water and..wet rag still and made cool"

Arturo nods as he lays Flicktail down on the floor for now and gets something to use as a wet rag and lays it on his forehead and a wet rag on his arms and legs too.

Flicktail keeps a pitcher of cool water on the counter, the cottage is warm and cheery as the sun comes in the fox's tail limp for now

Cera watches, she gets some water for Flicktail to drink and closes the curtain some to help it be cooler in the room, she offers Flicktail a cool drink of water and uses a folded paper to fan him a little.

Arturo lets Cera help as he makes sure Flicktail is in the cooler part of the room and wets his face some.

Flicktail smiles as he sips the water "Thank you Arturo" he looks to Cera "Cera..wot..wot happened to me, I never..had at happen afore"

Arturo hmmmms.

Flicktail looks curiously up at Arturo.

Cera says, " were out in heat t..too long, seen happen before but..but beast happen to died, you could of died if not had help when d..did"

Arturo smiles at the fox, "The lass has a point, too much sun is not good"

Flicktail looks over "I..Could me" He gives a weak smile sagging against Arturo "She's...she's amazing isn't she?"

Cera blinks, she frowns and then suddenly and gently hugs Flicktail, she is careful as she does so and sniffs a little.

Arturo shrugs, he looks surprised as the fox is hugged and stays where he is to watch and help if needed.

Flicktail blinks and weak as he is he gently returns the hug whimpering "I love you Cera" he says gently, then glances back at the hare "um..and you too Arturo"

Cera sniffs, "I..I so..sorry made you sad, I..I don't h..hate you, I want you as a f..friend, you need to get b..better"

Arturo errrs, "Ummm...should I do anything else or wot?"

Flicktail says, "Oh Cera, you never made me sad....I was sad for...other reason, and I always be your friend" he looks at Arturo "I could really use something ta nibble, and I don’t think I kin get up yet"

Cera watches the hare sending him off, she is unsure how to help Flicktail but can life his head to drink more water at least.

Flicktail lays his head gently on Cera's shoulder accepting the water and gently stroking her cheek "you are very amazing things I just knows"

Cera blinks, she offers a smile.." just drink the water..ok"

Flicktail nods and sips at the water "you know, you saved the Abby will make a fine healer"

Arturo returns, with some water to drink, a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrot sticks and some bread and cheese, "Tis not much but..don’t really want hot food right now" He sits the food down.

Cera smiles a little more, she looks over at the door will the hare arrives and tells Flicktail “You should stay in rest of day and tomorrow too.."

Flicktail asks, "Healer orders?" He says though he adds "I will do as you say Cera, but will you bring me some to eat when it's meal time?"

Cera points to the hare, "He did..r..right now and, I healer in training but will tell Mr. Leon what happen and...and he will make you stay inside too"

Arturo leaves the food where Flicktail can get to it, "Eat slow"

Flicktail says, "well you know more then I do Cera, I would not have known wot ta do"

Cera nods " I am going to maybe be..n..novice in fall,...maybe"

Arturo shrugs "Just glad didn’t have ta be a bearer of bad news to any dibbuns"

Flicktail smiles "I was really feeling bad there for a while.. and yea no bearing bad news... What are you doing these days Arturo?"

Cera nods "..F...Flicktails dibbuns would of been..s..sad....w...where ever they are"

Arturo grins "Well no sad little ones, and not much chap just exploring maybe will check out Ferravale, curious of it"

They can hears the 2 dibbun playing just outside as Flicktail rubs his neck gently

Cera hmmms" s..should they know you need to stay inside rest of day and tomorrow?"

Arturo shrugs, he stands "I may go check out Ferravale so see you two later"

Flicktail says, "oh heavens no.. they will be all over me, and I promise ta stay"

Cera nods "O..ok and..w..we are still friends in case needed to know"

Flicktail nods "I am very glad Cera..maybe we can be best friends next...?"

Cera says, "I w..was worried you would d..die and I be alone..and..if you died you die t..thinking I hated you"

Flicktail says, "I’d never think that, and even if I died, I'd not leave you Cera..Thats a promise...but I am not gonna dies...not for along times, thanks to you"

Cera smiles, she helps Flicktail sit up enough to eat and drink, she keeps her smile, "G..glad you are ok"

Flicktail's fur is thick and silken and he sits up a little better "So now, how can I repay you for all you have done?"

Cera shakes her head, "N..not need repaid, just not go in hot sun too long again"

Flicktail says, "I know I don’t need to..but ok... I just want ya to be Happy Cera, you deserve it"

Leon has arrived.

Flicktail is there looking weak, Cera helping him.

Leon enters the cabin as the guard let him in, he walks over "What happen?"

Cera looks up, "The...he got hot and dizzy and, cooled him off with water and a hare helped me get him here to cool off more and he is biter than he was"

Flicktail says, "Your..student saved m'life Leon..."

Leon sits down and examines Flicktail, pulse and breathing checked and looks at his eyes and listens as the fox speaks, he also listens to Cera, "Good...good cool area and water helped a lot"

Cera nods "And..and a little food..t..too"

Leon nods, "Not too much food, he could get ill and what he eats small bits and ate slowly, small sips of water."

Flicktail's pulse is still very quick and he is still hot to the touch but damp "Quite the healer she will be Master Leon"

Cera stays where she is as Leon helps out.

Flicktail asks, "would it be Ok if Cera helped me get better?"

Leon gets a wet cloth and lays it on Flicktails forehead and takes another one to wet down his fur in other places too, "Yes she seems to know how to help, if she had not helped when did, you would be in the dark forest now, a guard said you looked half dead as it was, you’re a very lucky fox Flicktail and she can stay here and help if she wishes."

Flicktail says, "I am Lucky that Cera is such a good beast"

Leon says, "There is not many herbs that help with overheating"

Cera smiles at Flicktail and watches Leon work, maybe even learning more.

Flicktail asks, "is it still ok for Cera to sit on m'lap?"

Leon asks, "Flicktail you need to rest and sitting up too much is bad idea right now, maybe in the morning, least it’s starting to be dusk, means its cooler now, and your still need to stay in here, least most of tomorrow, hear me?"

Cera lies down by Flicktail and falls asleep, she is very tried after what happen.

Flicktail lays down with Cera on his couch and look up at Leon "When you was a Dibbun you ever think you'd be friends with a fox?"

Leon looks at Cera as she falls asleep and sighs, he stays by Flicktail, "Well, one moment" He walks over to the door and speaks with a guard, “Tell Dorarose won’t be back to the house tonight, need to help Flicktail" The guard nods and Leon sits by Flicktail again, “When I was"

Cera turns in her sleep and finally falls all the way to sleep, a good needed rest.