Questions, answers, and yet more questions...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Kerr wakes up.

Lorimis walks into the Infirmary and begins washing his paws looking at an abby mouse "will you please go see what is keeping DoraRose..I need her here"

Kerr at the mouse "goodmorn Lorimis"

Lorimis says, "Hello Badger Kerr"

Cosmo steps into the infirm and nods to those here, "Hello all"

DoraRose enters the infermary before the Abbey mouse had a chance to leave. Her cloak is closed about her, but her hood is down. She looks ready to travel.

Kerr says, "well hello you two"

Lorimis says, "ahhh there is my Good Dora Rose..." he turns to get a wrapped package "I have something for you to take back to the Abbey...How are you feeling?" The Abbot looks up "Why is that gel of yours..when do you need me to Paw fast you two?"

Kerr stands up "if your goin to Redwall, I'm coming with ya"

DoraRose steps forward to take the package. "I will guard it with my life, Sir. I am well, thank you."

Lorimis says, "Well um THAT package is for you."

DoraRose raises an eyebrow. "For me? What is it?" she asks. She does not seem to notice Kerr and Cosmo.

Lorimis says, "well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise"

Lorimis looks at Kerr "Who said I was going to release YOU from the Infirmary."

Lorimis says, "Remember I have a Stoat now to inforce my rules" he chuckles.

Kerr says, "hm, fine."

Kerr sits back down.

Cosmo had been standing quietly waiting to speak, he looks at Lorimis "Well umm..I don't know sir."

Lorimis asks, "Don't know?" he chuckles "You mean yer not working for me?"

DoraRose takes the package and hugs it, her cloak closing back again. "Thank you..." she then turns to Cosmo and Kerr and gives them both a smile.

Cosmo blinks, "Meant don't know about me and Aneko, and work for Scioto..wouldn't it be?"

Lorimis chuckes "Quite so Cosmo and Aneko, it's how we go, no?

Kerr stands up again.

DoraRose looks over at Kerr. "Are you OK?"

Kerr says, "yes, I am"

Lorimis cocks his head "Yes kerr what are you doing? how are you feeling?"

Kerr says, "fine."

Lorimis looks at Kerr's wounds "Let me see."

DoraRose sits on the edge of a nearby bed and opens her package. She gasps and holds up a brand-new forest green cloak. "Oh, thank you..." she whispers, her eyes shining.

Lorimis smiles "well I thought it goes withyour eyes."

Cosmo looks at the cloak and then to Lorimis "Sir, I do have news fron Abbot Benar...if you like to hear."

Kerr sits down again "okay."

Lorimis asks, "you have news? well let us all hear it to be sure"

Cosmo nods slowly, "Course I was there when he was caught or rather he surrendered Stormfur that is sir, he is being keep locked in a cellar at the abbey till either long Patrol or someone can take him out of Mossflower."

Lorimis says, "if that is true, you may not want to go back to the Abbey yet DoraRose"

DoraRose stands up and starts switching cloaks. You can see her sword belt and the flash of the blue cats-eye crystal pommel-stone in her bastard sword. "I have no fear, Sir-- don't worry. I can take care of myself. Just ask Cosmo here."

Cosmo says, "Stormfur is locked up, I am sure they would not let him get loose.""

Lorimis says, "Well the abby is not the best place for a Prisoner, I am surprised that they did that."

DoraRose fineshes putting on her new cloak and stuffs her old one in her haversack. Putting it on, she smiles and says "Thank you for the cloak. I'm afraid I must leave. Farewell." She exits, taking the other package with her.

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

              [K]itchen    [St]airs   [C]avern [H]ole
              [Li]brary    [En]try    [B]reezeway



a message (board) with notes tacked to it

Oz is just finishing a story for the dibbuns, " And that is how Martin founded Redwall, now go ahead to snack and play." He smiles as the dibbuns rush off to cavern hole for thier snack, he leans back in his chair and yawns.

DoraRose enters the hall, a brand-new forest green cloak hanging from her shoulders. Upon seeing Oz she falters, then smiles. "Oz."

Oz nods "Greetings Dorarose, how have you been, I know you were away a few days....I also see you have a new cloak"

DoraRose walks over to where Oz is and sits down. "I'm... OK." she grimaces as she slips her haversack off. "Yes, that kind mouse in Ferravale gave it to me... What's his name... L-something." she looks at the package in her lap, then sets it on the table. She looks distracted.

Oz studies her, "His name is Lorimis, something troubles you, what is it?"

DoraRose shifts uneasily, then looks into the badgers' eyes. "Scioto said I should talk to you about..." she looks away. She looks troubled, and scared.

Oz raises an eyebrow and then asks, "About what, has something happen?"

DoraRose shifts a little and shudders. "I was in a fight and... and something... happened. Something that has never happened to me before." she shudders again and rubs her arm.

Oz listens closely as Dorarose speaks and frowns, "A fight?..Whom were you fighting and what is it that has never happen before?.." He motions a sister of the order over, "See if Flicktail can keep an eye on the dibbuns for a little while after thier snack, he likes to run around he can play tag or something with them." He then looks to Dorarose as the sister heads off, "I have a feeling what it may be as most get hurt in fights so guessing it's not that..was your vision affected any at all in the fight?"

DoraRose jumps and looks at Oz sharply. "How did you guess that?" she asks, startled.

Oz sighs, "One reason I had the dibbuns leave, its usually something a badger might have happen, but it can happen to other beasts as well."

DoraRose gulps visibly and shifts. "Is it really that bad?" she asks, glancing in the direction of where the dibbuns had gone.

Oz watches her, "Its something that can happen in a fight and can be hard to control, it happen to me...first time I was able to stop it and get away from the situation, the 2nd time...I couldn't, see this insane fox named Muenster, dead now by anothers paw...would of been by mine but I was injured too much to fight and took a couple weeks off from my duties here, Muenster killed my father and seemed to think it was funny and..well the red in the vision and forgetting most of the fight, its called Bloodwrath, a mental condition characteristic of badgers but not limited exclusively to the species. It causes the afflicted to go berserk with anger for a short period of time, it can end badly for the one in it or the one they are fighting meaning could end with both dead."

Oz sighs, "The fox got away, somehow and I passed out, but still had some effects of it later on real bad chest pains and couldn't breath, scared me a good bit at the time, but slowly came out of it...and never want to go through it again"

DoraRose shudders. "Great. Just what I need." she glances at the badger, but returns her gaze to the door. "How did you control it, and can you get rid of it?"

Oz frowns "You..depending on how stressful or angery you are at the time, you may not be able to....prehaps if in a fight and feel a lost of control take a few deep breaths, maybe" he thinks "Something my father tried to teach me, never did learn it too well..medatation to help clear the mind, if you learn that you can gain..calmness in a battle later if needed, then I rarely fight"

DoraRose frowns as her face darkens. "I can't stop fighting." she then sighs and rubs her chest. "What sort of meditation?"

Oz answers, " sitting and closeing your eyes, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth,...not in a battle no, before a battle or just whenever." He stands and crosses over to her, unsure if she will even let him he slowly goes to give her a gentle hug.

DoraRose doese not resist the hug; in fact, she puts a paw on Oz's arm. She nods and says "What else can I expect, and do you think it will come back?"

Oz is silent, then answers, " I do not know, it could come back in the heat of a fight depending on whom it is with."

DoraRose sighs, then nods. "Should I maybe read up on this in books from the library?" she asks, finally looking Oz in the eye.

Oz says, "Maybe info in the books."

DoraRose heads to the library for some reading material...

RW Abbey: Library

The library is disturbingly empty of books and scrolls, and only a small fraction of the knowledge it should be able to hold is actually present and available for perusing. The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned. Giving the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. This, combined with the room's high vaulted ceiling, causes a rather foreboding play of shadows in the corners and between shelves. The flagstones of the floor are cool and smooth, and echoes of clicks and thumps can be heard quite clearly when beasts walk among the mostly bare shelves. Brass lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light for reading.

Long beams of sunlight stream in through those windows that are not covered over, giving the entire room a light and cheerful feel.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

DoraRose is sitting at a table, reading an old-looking book. Another 3 books are on the table next to her. She looks very absorbed.

A loud crunch signals Latna's arrival, the mouse munching on an apple as he descends the stairs haphazardly into the library. Usually the dusty place is absent of most abbeydwellers, and so Latna is clearly surprised when he sees DoraRose sitting at the table. "Oh! Ha!" He starts, then tries to find his words. "Good afternoon, miss."

DoraRose jumps as Latna enters, flipping around to look at him. "Oh, hello." she breaths, visibly relaxing. "Good afternoon, Sir Latna."

Latna reflects that initial flustered flutter that DoraRose betrays, and seems to calm at the same moment. "How fares thee, Miss DoraRose?"

DoraRose sighs. "I... guess I'm OK." she moves the chair so she can look at the other mouse more easily. "Would you mind answering a few personal questions?"

The old mouse moves to sit in one of the chairs near DoraRose. Latna's dark eyes regard her for a moment, and then he nods. "Certainly."

DoraRose cocks her head, gently yet absently stroking the book. "How long have you lived in Redwall?"

Latna folds his arms over his chest, paws disappearing into the crooks of his elbows. "To be honest, I have only returned to Redwall recently. Though, as a younger mouse, I lived here for several seasons."

DoraRose looks like she is thinking. "How much do you know about the Redwall history?"

"I know a little bit. Maybe more than some of the beasts who live here." says Latna.

DoraRose then asks "Was there ever a rose in the history?" she rubs a spot on her chest and winces.

Latna nods. "Oh, yes, several. The Laterose garden is named for one in particular. Are you all right, Miss DoraRose?"

DoraRose hurridly nods. "Yes, I'm fine. I just got a cut in a battle against a stoat... Would you mind telling me about this Rose the garden was named after?" she is looking Latna in the eye.

Latna returns her gaze fixedly, never batting an eye. "Laterose was a mousemaid very special to the Abbey champion Martin, whom I am certain you must be familiar with, at least by name. She was, I am sorry to say, killed in battle. The Laterose Garden is a memorial in her honor. It was many, many seasons ago."

DoraRose gets a thoughtful look on her face, and she seems to being seeing /past/ Latna. "Rose shall speak to Rose..." she whispers, then refocuses on Latna. "I'm afraid I don't know very much about Martin. Would you mind telling me more about him?"

The old mouse can't help but laugh, though it's gentle, lacking edge. "Martin, goodness... My dear, there are many stories about the warrior. He was a slave, you know, spent most of his young life as a slave. After Laterose died, he was much changed, and though a warrior, sought a peaceful life. That is what brought him to help construct the Abbey. That sword of his was lost more than once, but he always got it back." Latna smiles at DoraRose. "Do you have any story in particular that you were thinking of?"

DoraRose shrugs, then changes the subject slightly. "If he was such a great warrior, why did he keep losing his sword?"

Latna laughs again, more fully this time. A rogue tear touches his cheek. "That is a fine question, young one! The answer is: I do not know. He was much revered for his will and determination, though perhaps not for keeping his paws on his possessions."

DoraRose raises an eyebrow at Latna's laughter. "What happened to the sword after he died? Did he ever marry and have children?"

Latna leans back in his chair. "I do not know if he did. His sword, however, well--Flicktail, the abbey champion, carries it on him now."

DoraRose nods, then rubs her eyes. She suddenly looks very tired. "Well, thanks anyway. I'll talk to Flick about it later. I think I'm going to take a nap." she stands and stretches, winceing as her cut is pulled. She turns to leave, taking the book she had been reading with her. "Farewell, Latna."

DoraRose then leaves, going to take a nap. Thanks for reading!