Pre-Lunch Antics

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Clover, Elecampane, Lecota, Oz, Thorn

Location: Redwall - Cavern Hole

Clover is sitting in Carven Hole. He prefers it as it is quieter than Great Hall most of the time. The young rabbit is playing a game with bits of wood. The object it to throw them in the air and try to catch them all. The more you can catch the better. The pieces clatter against the floor as they fall.

Oz enters the room and listens to the sound of the wood pieces and goes to sit in his chair, he has some tea as he always does this time of day and its when the dibbuns are usually napping or playing outside under watch of his healper Sister Bella today, a mousemaid.

Thorn stays close to the entry of the room, its been a little while since she left and she looks a little diffeent than she did a little over half a season ago. She also for now has a hood on and over her head, just watching for now the beasts around her.

Lacota enters from the kitchen. "Lunch in half an hour, Oz. Just so you know."

Elecampane comes in just as the Friar is annoucing lunch. "Wot we 'avin' fer lunch?" the squirrelbabe asks.

Oz nods, "Its just Tea Lacota.."

Clover looks up from his game when he hears the heavy pawfalls of the badger. The rabbit stares a few moments at the old badger and he waves at the large beast. He doesn't notice the rat. Hard to notice everything with a badger in the room.

Thorn looks over at the friar and watches him from where she is, she doesn't really go near any beast just yet.

Elecampane looks at the rat and puts her paws on her little hips. "You gonna have lunch too?" the dibbun asks her. "Kin we has cake fer lunch? Er wid lunch?" the little maid asks Friar Lacota.

Lacota looks down at the young squirrel. "You'll see... When lunch is served. But there may be fish on the menu."

Clover keeps an eye on Oz, having never seen a badger before. The rabbit resumes his game since no beast has told him to stop yet. His ears make an effort to rise from their lop position at the little squirrel's voice. The rabbit waves at Lacota and gestures picking something. He mimes counting seeds on it. Then the rabbit drinking something.

Oz sips his tea and tilts his head as sits the cup down and tries to figure out who all is in the room, also seeming to sense Thorn , but at the same time seems unsure .

Thorn walks slowly into the room and closer to the steps, in an effort to get around and avoid most beasts she does walk past Oz, keeping her head down as a reaction, she knows she doesnt really have to with him and then looks at Lacota again before going or least trying to go past him quietly as she only planed to stay a short while..something in her room and leave again.

Elecampane claps. "Oh yes, an pasties too?" she asks. The squirrel looks over at Clover, being drawn by the sound of the game pieces hitting the floor. "Wot you doin'?" she asks the rabbit as she walks over to inspect his game. "Kin I play too?" she asks him.

Lacota glances at Clover, but then Thorn catches his attention. "Yes, yes, whatever you want, child. Plenty of pasties..." He watches Thorn.

Clover gestures to the wooden pieces and beckons the little squirrel to sit down. He throws the pieces into the air and tries again to catch them. One hits the chair next to him and another bounces and rolls under the table. The rabbit sighs and gathers the pieces again.

Oz listens to the dibbun, he knows sometimes a dibbun will follow him into a room or wander into a room at times, he debates on asking why they are not with the others when Thorn passes him, probally a good thing he isn't holding the cup he would of droped it, He goes to stand and lay a paw on Thorns shoulder.

Thorn frowns and backs away just before this and backs into Lacota, well unless he moves of course as she isnt watching where she is going right now.

Elecampane holds her paws out. "Et bees my turn, okay," she tells the rabbit.

Clover waves at the Friar again. He's hesiate to give the dibbun a go with the jacks and shakes his head at her.

Lacota oofs softly, and places his paws on Thorn's shoulders. To Clover, he replies, "My apologies, sir. So many beasts vieing for my attention."

Clover mimes picking something and counting things on it then drinking again.

Elecampane watches the rabbit closely. "Not fair," she pouts. "Strawbee. Him bees want a strawbee drink. An' it bees my turn now!" the dibbun calls out to any that will hear her.

Oz sighs but he can tell Thorn is by Lacota so he lets the Friar tend to her for now, if he is needed he will be told. He tilts his head as he speaks "No yelling please Elecampane.."

Thorn lets out a small gasp and mutters a quiet "Sorry...excuse me" Trying to keep her voice down.She goes to attempt to once again head off, maybe just out the closest door now.

Elecampane frowns. "Sorry," she mumbles to the old badger.

Clover sighs and passes the wooden pieces over to the little squirrel so she can take a turn. The rabbit scoots back from her expecting the pieces to go flying everywhere.

Thorn stays quiet, maybe she can still get out of the room, maybe returning was a bad idea after all.

The squirrelbabe tosses the jacks into the air with both paws. The wooden playing pieces scatter hitting various things before finding the floor.

Clover sharply inhales and frowns at the little squirrel. This is way he didn't want to give her a turn. He points at Ele and then at the variuos pieces on the floor and table. One even fell in some beast's drink. Thankfully it wasn't the badger's.

Thorn looks over at the rabbit and dibbun squirrel since no one has paid attention to her..least yet.

Clover and the squirrelbabe are both lifted off the floor by an annoyed Sister. The ottermaid grumbles something about 'a danger to others' and escorts the pair outside.
