Plans To Revolt From Within (Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Holding Cell

This is a simple strongly made cell for holding a captive. There is a good size bed and enough room to walk back and forth in if one wants to pace a tiny bit. No windows and only one way out and that leads to the chieftain office.

Exits: [Out]

Lee the otter. DoraRose the mouse, Blisa the cat, and Ferdinand the ferret. Ekon the squirrel. Nightbreath the ermine.

Lee is still slumped against the wall by the door, avoiding Whisper whenever he can. The otter has spent his time counting the bars in the door...over and over again. Every so often, he calls out to the guards, "Oy, could ye give a thirsty beast some water?"

The door opens, and in comes Blisa herself, carrying a waterskin, which she silently hands to the otter. Ferdinand and DoraRose follow, their paws resting on their sword hilts, the mouse's axe having been left at the kitten's house. The rest of the guards are left outside the door, as having them all in here would make it very dreadfully crowded in here.

Lee looks up, rather surprised, but he silently accepts the waterskin and takes a long drink. Once finished, he says, "To wot do I owe the pleasure of yer company?"

Blisa crosses her arms and smiles slightly. "You said yesterday that you couldn't reveal your plans in the tavern because it wasn't safe enough. This cell is the third safest place here in Ferravale...after my home when Basilisk is there and Nightbreath's home. Since I didn't want to risk you getting eaten and the Seer wasn't there, I chose here for you to stay." DoraRose is staring at the otter, her blue eyes showing her suspicion.

Lee shrugs. "Well, can't fault yer logic there." He sighs. "But yes, I cannot be sure who ta trust. Marek must not find out the truth, or I am in trouble."

Blisa cracks a grin. "Well, you can trust us 3. I've sworn to dance on Marek's grave, DoraRose has mulled over how great of a rug he'd make in her more grumpy moments, and I at least trust Ferdinand here with my life every minute of every day. You can trust us." The mouse blushes slightly at the revelation of her more bloodthirsty ideas, but she nods. "Yes, you can trust Ferdinand definitely. He's extremely good at keeping secrets." The ferret shuffles his feet, scowling slightly.

Lee leans forward. "Well, Marek thinks I joined 'im ta kill Hudson an' rescue me fam'ly an' dibbuns. Catchin' Hudson is indeed a nice extra, but me main idea is ta infiltrate 'is ranks an' bring 'em down from the inside." He peers around. "Zork may know where Marek hid all the weapons in the Abbey... I think we can start a revolt inside Redwall... But Ferravale needs ta attack first so Marek will be distracted an' not totally crush our revolt."

Blisa 'hmms' and puts a finger to her chin. DoraRose steps forward and instinctively places a paw on the kitten's shoulder, not even realizing completely what she's done. "What about those rumors that Benar and some others really did go off to the mountain...what's-it-called?" "Thalamandathtron." "Ah, yes, thank you, Ferdinand." The mouse turns back to the otter. "To Salamandastron. They should be back at any time."

Lee sighs. "That were weeks ago. They been gone a very long time. I 'ope they return, but if they don't, we need ta plan for that possibility."

Blisa lets the mouse's paw stay on her shoulder, not really remembering her mother ever doing things like that since she died when the kitten was very young. "If only I had some birds, then I could send one to see if they made it or not. I don't know where the Sparra are...or if they'd be willing to help me." DoraRose looks troubled and stares at the cat's-eye pommel-stone on her sword, rubbing it as she thinks.

Lee frowns, shrugging. "Most o' the Sparra disappeared. I only seen one named Brightwing recently. A friend of Leon."

Blisa frowns. "That's not good. So what else was in this hair-brained scheme of yours?" she's listening, but she's not willing to admit that it sounds like a viable option yet. DoraRose nods. "Yes, how do plan to make this work? The Ferravale army is not very large, and I doubt it has the protection of Martin that Redwall has."

Lee sighs. "I admit, it's crazy... But per'aps if we could get the Guosim and Camp Willow ta help. I can lead a revolt in the Abbey, I'm certain of it...but there currently be too many o' Marek's troops there, if ye know wot I mean."

Blisa nods. "You want us to distract the army so that they will get attacked from both sides. A divide and conqure sort of thing. Right?"

A sly smile forms. "Aye, exactly. We only need a distraction long enough for me ta confront Marek. I know 'ow he is. He'll stay in the Abbey, while sendin' a force of 'is troops up this way." Lee sighs. "I won't lie an' say it ain't a big gamble, but if I can take Marek prisoner, I believe I can bring an end to the occupation...or else."

Blisa frowns. "Wait a want them to attack us here?" She facepalms. "I thought you meant a frontal attack on Redwall! No! No getting my village attacked! We wouldn't last! I may have had the village fortified, but I kind of want to /avoid/ testing out the fortifications!" DoraRose pats her on the back, sighing and rubbing her forehead.

Ekon steps in and looks around, he looks at Lee and the others, "Hello" He says simply.

Nightbreath walks into the holding cell as would a shadow, silently observing the area. He whispers something to himself and casually rifles through the pouches at his side idly before standing with his arms tucked behind his back, awaiting instruction.

Lee shakes his head. "Alright, not here then. Still, the fact remains, I have a revolt planned, but there be far too many troops in the Abbey... With someway of splittin' 'is forces, me revolt won't stand a chance."

Blisa nods and sighs. "We need to wait a little bit longer, just to make sure they are oaky and that they did make it. Perhaps....perhaps in the woods. Many of my soldiers grew up in the woodlands around here and know their way around well...oh, Ekon, Nightbreath! Good!" She turns to them, and DoraRose takes her paw off the kitten's shoulder and leans against the wall with Ferdinand, watching. The white cat smiles. "Nightbreath, do you know anything about the group that went to the badger mountain? Ekon, are any of your squirrels out in Mossflower?"

"They will return in several weeks' time with reinforcements," Nightbreath reports. "Until then I have commenced training our forces into guerrilla fighters to harass and worry Marek's occupation force. They could add much-needed distraction to Marek's attempts to hold the land."

Ekon speaks "My squirrels are at tribe camp...why is Lee in the cell, out he must come to fight the evil ones he must"

Lee frowns. "It were just a misunnerstandin', Ekon... I think."

The tip of Blisa's tail lashes back and forth. "Please stop doing things without my permission, Nightbreath! I'm getting sorely tried with you constantly doing things without even talking to me first! You're showing beasts that they don't need to obey me!" DoraRose looks between the squirrel and the otter and says, "Yeah, I think that's all it is. I'm sure you'll be able to go free here soon...Blisa just wanted to interrogate you a little, is all. You should be thankful that she's not interrogation you like she did Marek's tax collector..." she adds in a murmur.

"I was anticipating your orders. I'm trying to make up for your lack of experience," Nightbreath murmurs. "Also, as per your orders of several weeks ago, barricades have been constructed in the streets."

Ekon frowns at some arguing , he nods some glad to hear the otter will be out soon.

Lee perks a bit. "Oy, I'm glad ta hear that. The sooner I can get outta here away from Whisper, the better. One night were enough. Least we didn't kill each other."

Blisa stomps a foot. "You could've at least told me first!! I probably would've said 'go ahead'! And good! They'd better be well built!" DoraRose sighs at the yelling kitten and shakes her head. "Ferravale needs another holding cell. Seriously. I take it you two have met before..."

Nightbreath shrugs. "I could not find you." He remains utterly calm.

Lee shakes his head, and then he laughs, almost hysterically. "Met before? 'Ave we met before?" He chokes a little. "I'll 'ave ye know that I *captured* that vermin pole cat, not three days ago. She 'elped kidnap yer husband Leon, an' she killed young Pikin." He leans against the wall. "Oy, yes, we've met before, an' it be a miracle we ain't strangled each other durin' the night..."

DoraRose twitches and shoves herself off the wall, stumbling out of the room while muttering something about needing to leave before beheading the polecat in her sleep. Blisa is sputtering, and Ferdinand decides that this is probably a good time to escort her off the premises. Turning to the otter, he says, "Blitha had thaid that you may leave after the had finithed talking to you before we came in here. Tho you're probably free to go." He picks up the muttering kitten and lugs her out under his arm.

Thanks for reading! :)
