Plans Start To Come Alive Among The Chaos-Ferravale Zurrgg plot Role Play

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


This is probably one of the busy areas of Ferravale during mid-day as a couple shops are here selling there wares and an area set for fruits and veggies to be sold and other goods from carts and stands.Guards wander by many times to help keep the peace and make sure laws are not broken. The area is well kept and keep clean. You can stay a while or head back to the center of town.

Exits: [G]eneral [S]tore, [F]erravale [S]pices, [F]erravale [B]rewery, [S]eamstress [S]hop, [B]lacksmith [S]hop, [C]arpenter's [S]hop, [N]orth

The afternoon is about to get a bit less peaceful. It’s a cloudy day but not so cloudy that rain will be a factor and that’s what the cloaked figure hopes for as he has made it this far as he smirks, speaking to the marten “Up for a little fun before I make this all my own?" Kolur frowns "But boss..wouldn't that draw attention?" The cloaked figure grins "Exactly...Ripfang do cause some chaos I rather have less of a market area around"

Jem flies in and lands on a post and just watches for now as she straightens up some feathers.

Ripfang grins as he walks into the brewery and glances around. He uses his claws to purposely slash open some of the ale here. Using flint and stone he sets some wooden crates on fire. The fire makes its way around the crates and he walks over to where a lit torch is and purposely knocks it over. Using his tail he slams it into some of the barrels and bottles causing them to mix and pour everywhere and looks behind him to where the torch fell and walks swiftly away grabbed a 2nd lit torch and leaving the flaming mess that’s soon to get worse.

Kolur stays close and paces by the cloaked figure "This seems too easy..."He watches as smoke starts to come from the Brewery and looks at his boss “What now.." He is grabbed by the collar “Catch something else on fire...this is enjoyable" A laugh is heard as he lets the marten go. Kolur frowns and looks at the bird" Go down a lamp down or something."

Jem rolls her eyes and flaps over to a window in the carpenter shop, seems no one is around as it’s not the most used shop. She looks around and spots a lamp she kicks over with her talons and quickly flaps up as there is one thing one a carpenter shop...lots and lots of wood and fuel for a fire and this one moves fairly quickly through the shop and she is quickly out the window with a slightly smoking tail feathers. A glare is sent to the marten as if to say she could of easily of died!

Kolur backs up and looks at the cloaked beast as they laugh insanely. He turns back to watch the carpenter shop start to burn more as well as flames dancing up the side of the brewery.

Ripfang watches, when a guard comes around a corner and gasps "Fire..I must tell..."the sentence sends there, as does the guard's life and the ferret is dropped to the ground "You mussssst die" He jumps and stumbles back as a large explosion rocks the brewery as all the ale is very flammable and the fire is now even worse and the brewery suffered a good deal of damage from the explosion, a 2nd smaller explosion further inside causes flames to escape from the roof now as he monitor tail twitches behind him, he looks to his cloaked master." Are we jussssssssst to burn thingssssssssssssssssss?"

Jem decides his safer to watch the fire from a tree, not too close but close enough to watch the action that is finally getting some attention now and a few gasps as the brewery and Carpenter shop is fully engulfed in flames.

Kolur is unsure what to do and as a crowd forms he draws away from the cloaked figure and more towards a couple foxes whom are watching. Beasts come out of other shops and a call is put out to get some water here quickly.

The cloaked beast just grins, “Look at it Kolur, isn't it beautiful...chaos and a hard to put out fire." The marten nods "Yeah.." He slips off to start issuing orders, he does after all need to stick with the being on Ferravale's side after all "Ok ok, move it beasts gotta get the fire out and figure out who started it..." He misses his cloaked boss slipping off into the crowd.

Jem puffs up her feathers as she feels a couple rain drops, "Great wetness and smoke, I hate both!"

Ripfang smirks close by as he watches beasts run around and try to get the fire under control. He trips a couple weasels and their buckets of water spill all over, as the rain starts he hisses low, it would have been much more fun if more than a couple hopes burned, there is hope as a roof of an old shoe shop catches a blaze. He backs up a little watching more.

Kolur blinks as rain starts to become a little more than a sprinkle, he knows the bucket line will only help so much in getting the fire out.

Jem tilts her head as smoke fills the air and flames destroy the two buildings and the roof of a third building.

The rain starts to fall harder now and goes from a light shower to more of a normal one. The fires are starting to go out slowly, but there is far more trouble inside the buildings as parts of what the rain can't get, still burns and the fire started by the flammable ale is not going out as easily, but it’s not spreading at least. The roof of the old shoe shop caves in finally and causes a lot of dust into the air.

Jem says, "I do not know about you but I am outta here. too much wetness and smoke" She takes off into the air" till later!"

Ripfang seems to not care if it’s raining or not, he is enjoying the chaos the fire brings, he hisses as a fox gets in the way and pushes him to the side into a puddle of muddy water.

Kolur has gotten some of the beasts to make sure others are ok as the brewery and Carpenter shops are a loss and the shoe shop is soon to follow. The only good thing is the shoe shop was closed down and empty and no one was in the brewery when it caught fire. A fox was in the carpenter shop but they managed to escape with just a burnt tail.

Ripfang watches and walks over to Kolur, "I have enjoyed thisssssssss...Masssstser wants to ssssssspeak with you later once it’s dark, you know where..."

Kolur hates, TRUELY hates he monitor as he backs up "Whoa...ya going to get us seen together, whats Zurrgg want? I got his ale, the best of it and even gold. I found out the best time to do this"

Ripfang grins as he shows his teeth" To be chieftain meet him and he tells the resssssssst Massssster will soon take over thisssssss place and be its chieftain"

Kolur frowns "Yeah that’s gonna be a little hard, I mean whats he going to do just waltz into the village...." Oh yeah he did that earlier didn’t he, but the wildcat got very lucky, the marten clears his throat " That is...see he has a seer the head guard spoke of or maybe the fat fox lied..sides how does Zurrgg plan to take over Ferravale anyways...knock out Scioto and keep him captive? They would just find him and all that."

Ripfang shows his fangs, " Masssster will be leader soon, You will see...."

Kolur blinks as he looks the fire has died down some, the brewery and the carpenter shops are destroyed and the old shoe shop half burned down, some roof damage is on the seamstress shop and luckily the general store is left untouched. He looks back to the monitor "Fine...I will meet Zurrgg later. Got to report this to Scioto and..." He looks around “Find a random beast to blame...oh there is a rat” , He slams them into a wall and lifts them up and chuckles as the rat works for him but he is sure he will forgive him right? He nods to the lizard “But till later....goodbye"

Ripfang bows and heads off with a smirk, this was rather fun indeed.

The Black Gull - Tavern

 An ever present combination of smells greets any new arrival upon entering the Gull. Various ales and grogs, rums and wines; of course, the scents and aromas of liquors would be there. It's a tavern. But along with those airs, the underlying odor of unwashed bodies and unclean boots can be detected. It is this joining of scents that gives the Gull a very well-loved and oft' visited personality.

That, and the state of the inner commons, as well.

 The scuffed floorboards beneath ones footpaws will guide anybeasts' eyes to the simplistic layout that the Gull was designed in. The east wall opens, narrowly, its mouth for a well-lit vestibule to settle uncomfortably. Light, both from the outside, and the two lanterns hung there, casts a revealing glow upon the entrants, giving the patrons within a rather decent visual. Slipping further into the Gull, the light grows dimmer, and far less frequent. With no windows to the outdoors, the tavern is held in the palm of eternal dusk.
  Across from the entrance, the bar has been placed upon a, slightly, raised platform. Being open on either end, it's not uncommon to see the tavern's wenches and 'tenders hustling about, passing one another as they go about their duties. Reflecting, poorly, the goings on about the bar is a large, dusty old mirror. A few beasts have traced various crude pictures in the gathered dust around the border, but for the most part the mirror (the middle of it, at least) remains clear. Cracks of time and stains from thrown drinks stripe the looking glass in a few places. Various racks and shelves with bottles, labeled and not, settle on either side of this mirror above casks. Two doors, abused and slightly battered, rest behind the bar; One faces the west and to the barn and paddock, while the other, North-facing, gives way to the kitchens. To the south is a platform consisting of drenched, copper-brown wood (mainly from spilled blood, one might assume).
 With the season changing once again, the open hearth nestled against the northern wall, along with a staircase, has roared back into life. A steady fire can almost always be seen and heard crackling lazily over dead wood. A few run-down garlands are strung about the mantle; somebeast's attempt at making the Gull a little more festive, perhaps.

Exits: [Ki]tchen, [O]ut the [B]ack [D]oor, [O]ut to the [D]irt [R]oad, [U]pstairs

Zurrgg sits at a table and waits quietly as he sips some ale. He has all day if need be.

Ripfang has joined his master and stays close by. Beasts keep their distance from the monitor and for good reason as he looks moody right now.

Kolur walks over slowly, great the lizard, he speaks "Yes sir. I am here and the market place now has a couple less buildings in it. The chieftain believes a rat started it but I am sure he will question it in due time and I am unsure what to do then"

Zurrgg grins "Simple, not to worry my plans are going along nicely all you need to do is get Scioto alone, maybe in his office or something, offer to help -question - the rat and offer something to calm his nerves, like an ale" He smirks.

Ripfang looks curiously at the wildcat, "Why would we want him too relaxsssssssssss?"

Kolur blinks "I..I guess...but why, the lizard has a good point"

Zurrgg smiles and hands a vile to Kolur," Place that in his ale and just sit back. I will tell you when to do it as I want to be there to watch him draw his last breath. He will die and I will take over his village, trust me this will work, beasts can find him after I make a quick visit to let someone know I am the new chieftain"

Ripfang grins "SSSSSSSSSSSSounds fun....visit where?"

Kolur nods and pockets the vile, “I await your orders for when to do this...visit?"

Zurrgg nods "Why to the abbey of course as they will want to know and let them know that my first order of business will be ending that foul treaty between them and my soon to be village. " He stands "Now head back before they wander where you went, I will send a message with Jem.. your dismissed...come Ripfang" He heads out.

Ripfang smirks and follows his master out the door. If all goes well things will start to get better and better…..for him, rather than others.