Oz Gets A Message! (Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Badger Mother's Room

The room you enter is rather neat and almost spartanly furnished, quite a visual contrast if you entered from the cluttered Dibbun's room adjacent.  The warm red of the sandstone walls is the primary motif, broken in only a few places.  There's a small leaded glass window for light, a bed (rather massive, which might give one a hint at it's occupant) with a coverlet of brightly dyed and woven cloth and a small table with a chair; this is holding a small pile of books and papers, a candle in it's holder and a couple odd Dibbun toys that ended up there somehow.  The only real ornament in the room is a middle sized, carefully framed parchment: a charcoal and ink drawing of some group or family of badgers.

Exits: [Hall]way, [D]ibbuns' [A]rea



Oz turns over in his sleep as he could tell someone was in his room he guesses a dibbun or perhaps Lorimis or Benar, wait He hasn’t really heard Benar for about a week, he slowly opens his eyes to try and get an idea who is in here and reaches for his staff, the staff drops and a gasp fills his throat as he suddenly sits upright in bed and stares, yes STARES at his room, “What in the seasons?!”

A figure smiles at the badger and then the smile fades, “Oz, protector of the dibbuns and father to all beast in my abbey, look upon me”

Oz looks over, still in shock that he is seeing, he is really seeing as he looks at the mouse and his eyes go wide, “Martin..”

Martin briefly nods,” Danger comes to my abbey, take the young ones and go to St. Ninians. There you will stay leave before the sun starts to rise or else you may not be able to protect them at all.”

Oz stands” Stay? How long, what sort of danger, I..I should tell Lorimis”

Martin holds up a paw leading the badger to the wall top and pointing north, allowing the badger to see what to come, hundreds, a 1000 it would seem, vermin march towards Redwall with Marek in the lead and a hidden weapon they have covered, that they have to drag and push towards the abbey, what is it? The mouse then looks at Oz, “GO..AWAKE!”



Oz sits up in his bed and screams and pants as he is covered in sweat , once more blind, it then dawns on him as he reaches for his staff.

Sister May rushes in “What the seasons what the seasons you’re going to wake the whole abbey Oz..Oz?” She frowns as she gets a serious look from the badger.

Oz nods and is already doing so, ”Gather the dibbuns, don’t ask why do it now! Follow me to the gates and just, just do it!”

Sister May nods and hurries, fear in her eyes and questions in her mind but she doesn’t dare ask Oz why and soon the two head to the gate with sleepy dibbuns in tow, just a couple more to get as he knocks on the gatehouse door. ”Leon..Dorarose!”

RW Abbey: Gatehouse

A small but well set up room set into the walls of the abbey near the gates. It has a single small window and a sturdy door with iron hinges. One your left the far wall has been almost completely taken up by shelving that holds well cared for old scrolls and manuscripts; the shelves leaving just enough space for a framed painting of Redwall. The wall that the door is set in but on the left hand side is sat a large locker where weapons are stored and then, beside it, is a very small desk that is covered in wood shavings. On the rear wall, below a ladder leading to the loft, is another locker, but it is smaller than the first and more of a cabinet. The only other wall houses a small fireplace and by it sits a pot with a ladle in it, and in front of the hearth is a handmade wooden rocking chair. The only other furnishings in the room are a small table and two chairs.

        • OOC NOTE**** Weapons are now stored in a locked room behind the Champion's Cottage ****OOC NOTE****

Exits: Climb to the [Loft], [Out]

Oz steps, rather quickly into the gatehouse, "Leon? Leon! Are you in here!"

Leon nods and then speaks "Sorry, yes, what is it Oz you seem like you’re in a hurry this morning?" He then blinks "Umm, or rather an hour before morning what’s going on?"

Oz frowns, "Where are Lillymoore and Caleb, please" Behind him a group of dibbuns and one very annoyed hedge maid "I want to know that too, oh get up he says, get the dibbuns up he says...I never!" Oz shhs the hedge maid, "Sister May do relax please."

Leon looks behind Oz and blinks and then speaks, "Oz? What is going on and why are you in a hurry?"

Oz explains, "Martin came to me in a dream, and in the dream I could SEE and Martin said something was coming and he showed me. Marek and about a 1000 vermin and he had, not sure, something they were pushing...that’s not the issue, the issue is he said take the dibbuns to St.Ninians and...stay there, please I feel there isn’t time to wait or it would be unsafe to go."

Leon frowns, he isn't going to question the badger or Martin for that matter, he heads upstairs and wakes Caleb and Lillymoore and somehow manages to not fully wake Dorarose as he comes back down and hands the dibbuns off to Oz, "Where was Marek?" He sounds worried "And how do you know this is wise, if Marek is outside and you go outside, wouldn’t you be harmed and the dibbuns harmed?"

Oz takes the dibbuns as Sister May gasps at the news and Oz has to move a paw to her mouth to cover it as he speaks quietly to Leon, “He was north of here, Martin said we would be safe but I had to leave before the sun started to rise, if we were to remain safe and not seen."

Leon sighs, "I..will trust you just stay safe and wait right here." He slips in and then hands Oz a large herb pack he has, "There is enough in the infirmary and I have some in a small pack, I slipped out all day yesterday gathering herbs, just felt a need to and now I know why, some bandages as well, just in case."

Oz nods as he takes the package, the dibbuns start to get a little restless and Sister May helps them to calm down.

Zork pokes his head in "And why would ya need that? Wot going on..Ozzy?...Leon?"

Leon frowns "Nothing, just a trip Zork ok?"

Oz hears Zork and frowns, "Leon and Zork both of you follow me to the road, I will explain there and only there" He leads the dibbuns off with Sister May.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

On the east side of the road rises the main gate of Redwall Abbey, a massive, ancient structure of red sandstone that nearly obstructs the entirety of the eastern horizon. Here the road has been noticeably better cared for--ruts and potholes are few and far between, and the surface is smoothed and kept free of cropping weeds. Despite this, there is the sense of a thousand pawtreads beneath your feet, taken by beasts long forgotten. Only the Abbey seems a constant, unchanging sentinel--worn and battered by the elements, but still standing tall.

Exits: [D]itch, [G]rasslands, Redwall [Gate], [S]outh, [N]orth

Zork follows and looks confused “Again what’s going on? And de dibbuns, where going this early Ozzy?”

Oz sighs and gets the dibbuns together and looks at Zork, “Somewhere safe, Marek is coming and Martin said so to the church south of here.”

Leon frowns “How?”

Zork shakes his head “ Ya blind Ozzy , ya will never get there safe”

Oz answers, “Martin will lead me there, no worries please Zork understand. Danger is coming and the dibbuns need to be safe.”

Zork growls “No!..No ya not goin’ alone or even with Sister May, ya can’t what if ya die, huhh. You’re me little bro and ..and” He just stands there and lets tears fall.

Oz sighs “Yes and I will protect them and if that means the vermin have to kill me first so be it, but I think I will be ok, if I leave now.” Sister May looks very uncertain and calms the already starting to be scared dibbuns. ”Shhh shhh young ones, Papa Oz will get a going soon”

Zork shakes his head as tears come now, “Fist Zinnia and now You! Noo Nooo NOO!”

Leon sighs "Going to.." He frowns at Zork and sees unsure what to do, he also knows they are pressed for time, “Zork just calm down. We need to get inside" He backs up a couple feet.

Zork looks between them, just wishing he had just stayed asleep and not woke up this early, "I...." He glares at the mouse "How dare you tell me to calm down! This is..It’s bad enough Zinnia is who knows where now and now I am not supposed ta worry over this!"

Oz sighs, the hedgehog looks rather tense and unsure ,He remains calm "Relax, I will be fine but that could change if I stay and discuss this with you too long, Martin said before dawn." He gives Sister May a wait one moment and walks forward to hug Zork, "Just, stay here your be needed" He then steps back and doesn’t say another word as he and Sister May go south with the dibbuns in tow.

Leon frowns as he begins slowly backing up some more, he watches the two badgers and glances back towards the gates. This could end up being a long day.

Zork only seems to want to cry more when he is hugged, he looks ready to chase after them but stops after a few steps and looks down at the road dropping to his knees, this is hard for him not to follow, hard for him to trust all will be well.

Leon is worried too, Lillymoore and Caleb are with them, he glances at Zork unsure what to do and lays a paw on his arm, "We need to get inside, we can't stay out here"

Zork pushes the mouse's paw away, “No, I..I am supposed ta protect them"

Leon frowns, he looks north and back to the badger, "Please. We need to talk to Lorimis, least he should know and if trouble is coming we will need a strong fighter."

Zork storms inside “Leave me alone Leon!”

Leon sighs and follows Zork inside.

By now Oz and the dibbuns, along with Sister May are a bit south, Oz sighs as he moves slowly under a guild that’s invisible, then again he is blind so what would it matter, Sister May the hedge maid frowns and keeps looking back and forth, extremely worried as they move along "You..you sure Oz?..Oz?" The badger speaks "Yes, trust Martin Sister May, just trust." It takes a few hours but they get there safe and sound, course just how helpful will a blind badger be, he can’t hide the fact is worried and feels helpless away from the abbey. butt j he tries not to show it.