On the way to the feast! :D AND Prolog to Abbot's Processional, part 5: The Sandstone Quarry and the FEAST! :D

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Zork the badger. Nissaya the otter and Angela the mouse. Spoofed friends. Zinnia the badger.

Zork is outside today, least it's a little cooler...well right now anyways it is and he is of course in his wheelchair as he leans back in it and looks to have been doing some thinking.

It is a nice day so far. Even Angela is happy with it. She and Nissaya have taken a break from the Infirmary and are wandering around the Abbey grounds. They come over to the badger and the old healer says in a concerned tone, "How are ye feeling today, Zokr?" She leans heavily on her staff.

Zork blinks and looks up as if surprised someone is here and then smiles softly, "I...be ok fer now. I am just thinking of goin' ta de feast is all. Never haf missed one before, just wish it wasn't in the Quarry area but that's not as far as Ferravale least"

Angela frowns, looking worried. "I'm not so sure that'd be the best idea in the world..." Nissaya tugs on her sleeve and whispers in her ear for a few moments. The old mouse sighs and says, "But if ye insist on going, would ye at least take Nissa with you? I know Leon'll be there, but could ye at least take another healer who'll be keepin' track of ye and ye alone with you?"

Zork smiles at this "I don't mind de company, and I wouldn't of gone alone...tis just" He sighs now himself then forces a smile "Besides the trip could be relaxing and thar be all de good food ta eat, can't say no ta that Angela"

Angela goes to check his pulse, mostly out of habit and concern. "'Tis just what, now? Ye can tell me--I shan't tell yer daughter without yer permission. And I'm more concerned about the heat and how it'll affect ya, is all." Nissaya is half-listening. He's making a mental list of what he'll need to take with him on the journey.

Zork's pulse is fairly good, if anything it's a little low right now from relaxing as he didn't meditate today like he usually does. "De heat dislikes me now, never did before. Dum summer." He goes quiet again.

Angela shakes her head. "More like dumb heart. The problem yer havin' with the heat has nothin' to do with the summer, but rather with yer condition. I'm sorry." Nissaya decides to not mention that the summer does seem a little more oppressive than before.

Zork nods "Yeah...that too suppose. But dis could also very well be de last time I can enjoy a feast. I mean I am unsure and maybe worrying a wee bit too much. I most likely shouldn't of fixed de forge when I did but I felt it were needed. And tis fixed now. And I don't plan ta do anything with it in the summer, it will be Silverstorm's forge...I...I Think she be ready ta handle it, she doing a very great job with it already and I trust her skills"

Angela nods as Nissaya heads off to get his supplies. "Be sure to take plenty of water. I'm glad that you have realized that this might be yer last summer--it saves me the trouble of having to tell you. Be careful, Zork." She is not grumpy or anything as she says this. She sounds more like she is seeing him as an equal. The albino otter returns, carrying a haversack with some food and herbs and things and a walking staff. "You ready to go?" He asks softly. When they leave, the old mouse will stand waving to them until they are out of sight, and Nissaya will be pushing the wheelchair whenever necessary.

Zork nods "Yeah, I know" And he knows he needs to talk to Zinnia and Oz, but not today as today is for fun and good food. He will move the chair himself some and some of the way let the otter push the chair as the weather is clear and the path is not too hard for using the chair. Yes a couple times he had to back up or go a slightly different way but all in all not too much trouble.

Sandstone Quarry

The sandstone quarry is a gigantic, oval-shaped thing, looking as if a huge paw has scooped out a big chunk of earth, leaving this desolate pit. The stony walls are banded with different shades of sandstone, and you would guess that the red stone of the abbey come from here. Only a few shrubs survive in this near wasteland, not a pleasant place on the whole. The going is quite rough and uneven, as there are many piles of sandstone throughout the pit. One of these, a rather thin slab set against the wall, seems a little unusual. You could try to (lean) your weight against it.

Exits: [S]outh Into Quarry, [N]orth Into Quarry, [M]ossflower Woods

The day has gotten hotter and hotter, the sky clear and cloudless, and the sun dazzling in its intensity. Nissaya wipes his brow on his sleeve, then points excitedly. "Look! There's the quarry! I thought we'd never make it!"

Zork just nods but he barely looks up to see it. He has gone from talking off and on to being quiet the past little bit of time. He has some sweat on his face and neck now, "Yeah....ere lad, tis good ta know"

Nissaya pulls out a canteen of water and hands it to the badger. "Here. Drink this slowly. Don't take big gulps, you'll make yourself sick." It turns out the water is cooled herb tea, and it tastes really good. The otter pulls out a canteen for himself and takes some small sips while he looks at the sandstone quarry. "There were once adders living here. I hope none have called this place their home..."

Zork sips the drink slowly, small sips and coughs. He is already feeling a little ill but keeps quiet about that. He then nods "Yeah, that be...be bad lad, think they gone though...errr something." He lays a paw on his forehead and tells it's hot or maybe its just the weather he is unsure. "The woods are nice not been outside de abbey in like a couple seasons"

Nissaya looks at the badger in concern and goes to roll him under some trees, just in sight of the quarry. "I would like to rest in the shade. It's too hot out here in the sunshine." He has a suspicion that the badger isn't telling him that he feels lousy, but is trying to preserve his dignity by taking the 'blame' for wanting to be under shame. "The woods are nice. I like the singing of the birds best."

Zork nods and coughs a little, but he sips some more of the cooled tea, "Yeah...causes headaches also." His pulse is a little high now and his breathing is slightly off, but he is talking and that's a good sign, "Birds like ta sing...not ta worry I won't sing back, hee hee...owww" He stops laughing as laughing hurts right now so he just leans back in the wheelchair to let the shade cool him down as it does feel cooler than in the direct sunlight.

Nissaya goes to feel his pulse. "How do you feel? Don't worry, I won't tell anybeast except Angela and Leon." He wets a cloth and goes to put it on the badger's neck.

Zork frowns, he has to start being truthful, "I feel...weak and dizzy and have a headache. Me chest did hurt a little but 'tis easing some now." He talks slowly but gets out what he wants to say. "I...feel a little ill but am a little better now and my forehead little hot too"

Nissaya nods and wets another cloth and goes to lay it on the badger's forehead. "You overexerted yourself, and your body can't withstand the heat nearly as well as it used to be able to. Here, drink this." He holds out the canteen of cool white willow bark tea that he had the foresight to bring. "Let's loosen as much of your clothing that we can. And roll up your sleeves."

Zork nods as he leans back in the wheelchair and sips the drink, coughing a little. He sighs, great he had an idea heat might get to him but he wanted to come and he wanted to be with his friends and have fun.

The grand processional has reached the high walls of the gigantic quarry and has been setting up for several hours. The party from the abbey has been here since last night setting up the tables and blankets they brought with them along with the supplies. The kitchen staff are cooking on a row of cooking fires whilst the air is full the scents of cooking food and chattering voices.

The day is hot and cloudless. As in, smoltering. Not quite hot enough to cook an egg on a rock, but pretty stinkin' close. Nissaya has rolled the badger under a tree and they are in the (comparatively) cool shade. "I think if we make a shelter down in the quarry with you should be fine," he says gently.

Zork nods slowly, he does feel a little less hot now, but has not talked as much as he did earlier, nor really paid much mind to most here, they are just here as he has a headache still and just needs to cool off still. The tea has helped him as has the cooled shady area.

With all the hustle and bustle around and about there is still no sign of the Abbot and the last group of Redwallers from Camp Willow. Seems the majority came ahead to help prepare things for the feast but the Abbot's party hasn't arrived yet.

Nissaya looks around and asks, "Would you like to go down into the quarry and start figuring out where you'd like to sit under a shelter, or sit here for a while longer?"

Zork nods "We can go over ta de others lad"

Zinnia has went a short bit ahead of the main group, not to far just a little ways and looks around with a smile.

Nissaya nods and goes to roll the badger over to the group. When they get there, he goes to maneuver the Retired Blacksmith to where he wants to be and begins to set up a shade for him.

Thanks for reading! To be continued in a different log...
