On being idle...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated December 02, 2014 in the category Chatterbox by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 09:27

Howdy all! Yes! I am still alive!

I just moved last month and I've had little time for rp.

I also have come to realize that I have waaaaay more characters than I can actually handle. So I'm going to post my alts here, which ones I want to keep, which I want to get rid of, and which I plan to eventually kill off.

Most of these alts have by now drifted from alts to npc status but I'm still interested in where they are and how they develop.

My main alts: alts I plan to keep active.

Bandit, Vannon, Dylan, Cheshire

Alt's I have plans for:

Meesha, Xia, Drakki, Kacy, Fargo

Alt's I have not used for a very...very long time. These alts need rp to justify keeping them around or at the very least a decent ending.

Wilks story teller fox.

Elena fat thiefy vixen

Flavius fat weasel aristocat in Aclidia

Pello gladiator for Aclidia.

Maffeo thieves guild leader and tailor.

Rioko juska tribe vixen

sibyl thiefy lizard

Kiyo batty bat

Liam obese pine marten inn keeper

Wolf ferret bandit

Logan otter guard

Dale fox bounty hunter

And probibly a few i have forgotten. If anyone has any ideas on what to do with these alts, either with rp or a story where they can meet their dramatic end, or maybe someone wants to take over an alt of mine, feel free to let me know :3
