Oi, lookit! A new healer in town! Hooray! :D

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale tavern

Jase the cat. Blisa the cat and Ferdinand the ferret.

A tall male cat walks into the tavern, his fur is a bit of an orangeish white most places and his eyes area very deep blue. He wears traveling clothing and simple outfit of some green and white and has a pack at his side. He sits down in a nearby chair at a table no one is at right now.

Blisa is already here, having been meeting one of the market stall owners. She shakes his paw, her green eyes smiling, the the black patches of fur around her left eye and on the right side of her nose standing out against her white fur. As the weasel gets up and leaves, the petite young cat spots the male feline enter the tavern, and she stands and heads over to him, her bodyguard, Ferdinand the ferret, following. She stops by the adult cat's table and says in a welcoming tone of voice, "Hello. Welcome to Ferravale! Are you new here?"

Jase glances up and offers a smiles "I..am new yes, just arrived today. Seems a busy village so far then guess most villages are rather busy right?"

The young cat shrugs. "I don't know, this is really the only village I've ever been too. I'm Blisa Wyrmtamer, by the way," she adds, holding out a paw. "And this is my bodyguard, Ferdinand." The ferret gives a polite nod, but stays silent as his young charge continues. "My father, Scioto, is the Chieftain here."

Jase nods "I am Jase, it's nice to meet you Blisa and the chieftain's daughter probably would need a body guard" He goes to shake her paw and smiles again. "Not met the chieftain yet, then he is probably one very busy beast"

Blisa grins as Ferdinand mutters, "Oh, yeah, the needth a bodyguard like you wouldn't believe...." The young cat sits down opposite of the adult cat. "What brings you here to my home?" she asks in a polite tone

Jase tilts his head as he listens somewhat to them talking, then he speaks, " Oh...I am a traveler healer beast"

Blisa's ears perk. "Oh, really? We are right now bereft of a Master Healer, so any healer is even more welcome than anyone else at this time. How would you describe your skill level?"

Jase stares at Blisa, wow she asks a lot of questions, "Well, I know herbs and plants for many things, how to dress wounds and how to treat illnesses, I am still learning somewhat. I also can set broken bones and have watched other healers heal beasts"

Blisa nods, thinking. "Would you be willing to hang around and see if my father will give you a job in the infirmary? I don't have that power, but he does, and we could use all the healers we could get right now."

Jase nods "I could, yes. I do need a home as I have none, or a job sadly so I be glad to help out best I can"

Blisa breaks out into a smile. "Great! I'll try to talk to my Dad about it, and hopefully you'll meet him soon. I'm positive that he'll give you a place to live and a paying job in the Infirmary." Ferdinand is sitting quietly nearby, watching and listening, but saying nothing.

Jase nods "That sounds good Blisa, your father sounds nice"

Blisa nods. "He is. He is kind and just. I used to think he was overprotective, but now I understand that he just cares allot." Ferdinand also nods, then asks quietly, "Do you mind my athking where you hail from?"

Jase asks, "Me? I used to live in the southlands, its a lot warmer there than it is here. Grew up with just my mom as don't know where father went to, he left and didn't come back one day"

Blisa gives him a compassionate look. "That's sad. I'm sure he loved you and had a reason for leaving. I've always lived here in this immediate area of Mossflower. I know you'll come to love it here."

Jase nods slowly"I..do hope so. And hope to make friends as well. Is there anything I should know of the village thats important?"

Blisa looks at the ceiling, bites her upper lip, and narrows one eye as she thinks. "Hmmm....well, staying out of the fighting pit over there is a good idea. Be careful of brawls and pick-pockets in the marketplace--they're everywhere some days. The caretaker in our graveyard is creepy. I've heard that he has a shovel he named Sarah that he may or may not whack people with, but that's just a rumour I heard. I'm not sure how accurate it is. The inn next door is actually quite good; we don't have cockroaches or anything like that there. Oh, and do NOT order the fish scones in here---they are horrible. Trust me, they're disgusting."

Jase makes a face "Fish scones? Never heard of those before, they sound strange. I am guessing the cook loves them"

Blisa shakes her head. "I have NO idea why he made them. He must've had a temporary loss of insanity or something. Oh! Ferravale has a peace treaty with Redwall."

Jase asks, "Redwall? Oh the large red brick building south of here right? I seen that but didn't stop to go in, I didn't know their thoughts on felines"

Blisa grins. "yeah, the huge sandstone building. They're okay with us so long as we don't threaten or attack them. You would be very welcome there. They have a feast every season. The food is just about heavenly."

Jase says, "Why would I attack or harm another, I much rather save a life and harm no one, worse I have done to a beast is knock them onto their bottom, I dislike fighting its horrible""

Blisa smiles softly. "I don't know why. I just know that some beasts are mean and heartbreakingly cruel sometimes..." she looks immeasurably sad. "But sometimes it's necessary, so beasts like me and Ferdinand are here to protect the good, peaceful creatures like you. I wish the whole world was full of beasts like you...we would have fewer wars."

Jase nods, he starts to lay a paw on her shoulder and stops himself just laying it on the table, "Well let's hope for no wars anytime soon then. Wars not only wound like wounds you see but also like wounds you don't see, families and such pulled apart"

Blisa nods slowly. "I know....when I was little, this crazy fox came and tried to take over Mossflower. He killed my mother and baby brother. I now can barely remember them.....I'm not sure if my memories are truly what I remember, or if they're just dreams and imaginings..."

Jase nods "Maybe its best you don't remember, least what happen just remember times. Anyways I think I will go find an Innroom, talk to you again soon" He smiles and walks on out to the Inn.

After he leaves, Blisa and Ferdinand head back home, where the young cat hides in her room and draws what she remembers her mother and brother looking like, the silver locket containing a tiny, intricate painting of her family hanging around her neck. Thanks for reading!
