Of Mice and Maps

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Driven by visions and guided by a map whose origins are uncertain, Riverdale sets out from the safety of the abbey in pursuit of some vague promise of personal closure. Accompanying him are Ekho the orphaned mouse dibbun and Aikuen, a former warrior from the West Islands.

Of Mice and Maps

Riverdale turns up in the Great Hall with an indecipherable parchment. Assistance arrives in the form of an unlikely mouse.


Riverdale pores over the map a bit more and decides to venture forth from the abbey. Ekho and Aikuen insist on accompanying him.

A Good Walk Spoiled

The party heads out from the abbey, southbound. They have their first unfortunate encounter.

Another Day, Another Duel

Still recovering from its injuries, the party wakes the next morning to find that it has trespassed on someone’s property. Someone dangerous.

Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go

Aikuen’s attempt to cauterize Ekho’s wound goes badly, and Anba Hor returns to take advantage of the situation. Riverdale and Aikuen decide that they must return to the abbey as the fox demands.

A Tale of Two Parties

Clever name courtesy of Mayeul

Three mice (Mayeul, Jennefer, and Naje), traveling from the abbey on a quest of their own, happen upon the weary pair. It turns out they all have a common foe.


After spending a season in a coma, Riverdale reawakens to discover that, during that time, Ekho was killed by the fox. He goes to pay his respects to his little friend.