OOC and IC info for my Characters while away till June 8th

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 21, 2015 in the category Roleplay Discussions by CharlieMouse. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Thu, 05/21/2015 - 10:17


I graduate from high school on 23nd!!!! Also on 22nd wil have family over till 24th May...so big weekedn there. On 24th may I leave with my dad to go do college stuff out of town, as the collage is out of town and will return June 8th after I am done with placement testing, getting classses and all that fun college stuff, no worries it doesnt start till September, like first week there and I am back home on June 8th so only two weeks..ok


Marek-recovering from near death attack and is in Ferravale Infirm going in and out of a deep faint.

Zee-being old and moody and walking around Ferravale

Zaram- helping watch over Marek and taking care of the tavern

Markalaway-he is graveyard keeper and undertaker of Ferravale he doesnt do nmuch or get out much anyways and never leaves the village so yeah not much going on here

Zork- He is just at the abbey, not doing much really as he is retured from being blacksmith and let Silverstorm take over, but he will read some stories to dibbuns and watch Silverstorm in forge at times

Thats all

Back June 8th !!!!
