Novice Caleb aNd Cynthia Reuinted

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Log:Some more Novice stuff==


Caleb-1st rank Novice of Redwall

Cynthia- mouse and Daughter of Lacota

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Cynthia was not hurt, so she didn't need to stay in the infirm really. A slight bump where she was knocked out but it is fine and didn’t swell much, now it’s just a brothersome little bump that will be gone later today. She has changed into her yellow sun dress as she did have a paw full of outfits with her, a nice otter had went to get her stuff that she had left with the shrew Oswald who had still decided he come to the abbey when the Feast for summer was going on.

Caleb was told by his father that she was back; he thought maybe it was a trick but he was to help in the infirm today so he rushed over after breakfast, upon seeing her he goes to wrap his arms around her, “Cynthia!"

Cynthia is surprised by the sudden hug and then seeing who it is she hugs him back and lays her head on his shoulder "Caleb..I, I missed you."

Caleb smiles "And I you...where have you been? What happen? Did vermin get you? A lot were worried and I thought well maybe who ever took Xander...had her also or maybe you died"

Cynthia says, "I was with Oswald that shrew that was teaching me music and singing, but I told him everyone knew ....when they didn’t, but I told him the truth and he forgave me and told me to go home, he is coming for the Feast in a couple weeks and may stay a season and then maybe be in the area but with a friend by that old church south of here" She sighs "I did run into a rat but Flicktail was out and...well helped me, the rat got away and said he was going to Ferravale"

Caleb nods as he listens"Yeah..Scioto was killed by this cat named Zurrgg and then Zurrgg was killed by some marten or other named...ummm Kolur or something. Yeah Ferravale is not our friend, least till Blisa gets control of it again it isn’t."

Cynthia frowns "That’s...sad..." Tears start to go down her face "I t ..Z..Z....zurrgg was the one..the one mom"

Caleb steps forwards and if allowed hugs her close and rubs her back "Its ok..Zurrgg is dead and that whoever will soon be..well...someone will make him step down, how is not important just that he is stopped and things can get somewhat back to normal"

Cynthia leans into his chest "I miss mom much and when that hare was carrying her in that one ..I just couldn’t stand it or the I left and ran away, basically I ran away to try and stop any pain. The music helped some but not totally"

Caleb says, "Krystal..your mom, was a good beast and she always wanted to teach others about the bees and the ants even, she was nice and I am sure if she was still here and even now, she be glad your back "

Cynthia lets the tears flow and then just has a good cry soaking Caleb's robes, she needed a good cry.

Caleb just holds her and stays with her to comfort her, he has changed a little, not too much, but he is a little taller and more grown up now.

Cynthia sighs, she finally steps back and wipes her eyes " Guess I missed a lot" She says quietly. "And you said Xander is still...missing or is he?" Hey she liked the badger, even if he was annoying and followed her into the trees in the orchards.

"No one knows “Caleb answers "And search for him was called off and even the sparrows are staying inside. The wildcat did mention getting rid of him or selling him but there was no way of knowing a direction to go and right now it’s a bit dangerous since this new chieftain of Ferravale is taking over land and taking beasts captive or killing beasts and there is a horde in Ferravale now, it’s sort of scary"

Cynthia sits down on a cot “I hope he is alive and will be ok, he was interesting I mean a badger who liked to climb, I bet Sister Zinnia is upset....hmmms I should tell her I am back also"

Caleb says, "Sister Zinnia left, she is going to be like a wanderer or something, but she does sent letters and at least she is away from all this trouble so that’s good. Think she left cause of Xander being gone...don't know and the abbey has no like Recorder..records are updated by a Sister or Brother in the order right now."

Cynthia frowns as she listens "Anyone else leave or...died that I need to know of?"

Caleb shakes his head "No, no other news that you have not heard...oh wait there is, but that was sort of dealed with as the vermin, and not same ones who took over Ferravale and the area, these vermin or from north or something and they left..and some died."

Cynthia tilts her head "What did they do?"

Caleb says, "Destroyed Camp willow , like burned it to the ground but the otters got the camp back and the skipper ...well the thought she died and her son took over but she is alive she just...well was so seriously wounded father said that she can’t be leader anymore so her son keep the leadership and they are getting the camp back in order again, like slowly"

Cynthia says, "The poor otters, that’s horrible, I this horde in Ferravale used that as a chance to try and take over Mossflower""

Caleb says, " took them some herbs and bandages one day, and the abbey is helping with some wood to rebuild with, and think maybe gave them some food before all the horde thing in Ferravale happen. The treaty between Ferravale and the abbey was burned also, so none right now, but I know for certain when Blisa gets the village back she will also reinstate the treaty and sign things with Abbot Benar and hopefully its in her paws soon cause the Feast would be nice to enjoy and like have another reason to like celebrate maybe"

Cynthia smiles "I like feasts, I could play some music and show how I have improved, even though I was running away I still paid attention to my lessons as they were important for me to hold onto, I also know family and friends is important as well"

Caleb nods "That’s very good you could like do something at the Summer Feast"

Cynthia says, "So you’re...still a novice?"

Caleb nods "But soon I will be a 2nd rank one instead of a one rank"

Cynthia smiles "Your do well I know you will, you’re smart and funny friend"

Caleb grins "I am and always was and will be your friend not to worry"

Cynthia says, "Sounds neat, so what is needed to get to..well higher up or what ever?"

Caleb says, "Well you collect leaf charms like this "He shows his dark and light green ones "' We pass tests like know the charter, why is it important...know math and reading, writing and do a task for an order brother or sister or maybe even the abbot show good work ethic, the will get an acorn pin and 2nd rank, there you get beads and takes longer, you take a little of everything and see what like and stay with that skill, I already know I like cooking so will most likely help out there more"

Cynthia says, "sounds cool, not sure I would be a novice or not, least right now anyways"

Caleb says, "It’s not for everyone and is a serious commitment and not taken lightly, its life long. Oh you also get a tree charm when you’re a full Brother or Sister"

Cynthia listens and nods politely "I will stay with just being a resident I think, I mean one day maybe be a novice I don’t really know"

Caleb smiles "I should get back to stuff like supposed to sweep and mop the infirm floor and change the sheets and cases, either way I am very glad your back Cynthia and I will be here for you if you want to talk or whatever" He starts to head to the door.

Cynthia nods and then steps over to him, she follow him to the hallway and stops him by laying a paw on his shoulder "Caleb...."

Caleb stops to look at her...whoa he has missed her, "Yeah?"

Cynthia goes to give him a kiss, if he allows it that is, if he pulls away that’s fine, she will afterwards go on to talk to her father, she is not sure he knows she is back or not, "I...really did miss you..Caleb...I lo---" She seems too unsure to say the words clearly and goes to the stairs "See you later...lunch maybe or dinner" She then heads to the kitchens.

Caleb blinks, he does allow the kiss to happen and just sort of stands there in surprise and then a smile comes to his face, after she heads off he blinks "You what?" Did she start to say she loved him? Wait does her? He is brought back to the here and now when his father's voice is heard, he didn’t see the kiss luckily, "’re on infirm duty today..." The novice then nods "Yes father" And its work time..mop and sweep and change out those sheets and pillows, a novice is never not busy after all.