Not So Fun Walk

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Jake walks down the stairs and into the Great Hall and looks around.

Honeyfern smiles as she sees Jake "Jake..hey, so ya doing alright today, wot?" She smiles.

Jake turns and smiles "Hello there...I am, fine was just with Kiara, she is feeling better after the..well storm thing, so that leaves only this, want to go for a walk maybe its good sunny out today."

Honeyfern nods "A walk sounds jolly well lovely, wot.."She goes to head to the entry as she calls over her shoulder "Well, ya coming?"

Jake follows, his bow at his side and his quiver of arrows with him, he is ready just in case as he takes her paw and smiles as they walk " date time huh?


Honeyfern smiles "Ye know can wait too long, bally well disappointing to don't ya know."

Jake chuckles a little "We could in couple weeks, as long as have time for you to get a dress and... me a suit" he smiles slowly "I will wear one, for you"

Honeyfern smiles and hugs him "Thank you love, thank you very much. It makes me happy. You can pick a color even and Fae did say she help make the suit and dress."

Jake smiles "Let her made the dress, I on a suit somehow.."

Honeyfern nods and smiles "Just so I you, I want to see you in a suit, even if that’s the only day of ya life ya jolly well wear it, wot wot"

Jake grins "Ya can trust me, one thing be true, I never lie..the truth is important ta me, as is you and when I say yes I will wear a suit, I will"

Honeyfern smiles at him again and hugs him gently, "I'm glad we are back together, I missed you terribly and never want to be apart again, never."

Jake hugs her as well and kisses her lightly, "And I missed you as well, I don't think I could survive if lost you again, I love you Honeyfern, always remember that."

Honeyfern sighs happily as she leans against Jake.

Jake holds her paw as they walk on, he smiles as they get by the river and lets her sit down as he looks around, "Nice day, may even be fun to fish since ice melted a lot."

Honeyfern walks over to the bridge and looks over into the water, she smirks "I suppose, or..shrimp, for hotroot stew"

Hudson is by the bridge close to the rocks getting warm, seeing the hare from before and the new one he grins and slips off to try and sneak up behind Honeyfern.

Jake smiles as he looks around, the smile leaves as he sees the monitor and gets an arrow and draws his longbow, his eyes narrow as he speaks "Freeze Lizard." his voice calm but some coldness to it.

Honeyfern gasps as she sees the lizard and starts to back up, she bumps into the side of the bridge and tries to get slowly back to the shoreline area and away from the monitor.

Hudson hisses ,he looks at the bow and back to the haremaid, he sneers "A longbow will stop me?.." He then gets ready to pounce the haremaid before she has a chance to get to far.

Jake lets the arrow fly towards the monitor with deadly aim towards its chest, he goes to notch another arrow and slowly walks forwards, he looks at Honeyfern a moment “Abbey...go!"

Hudson hisses loudly as the arrow finds its mark deep in his chest, just barely misses his heart, it causes him to growl in pain and bleed a lot, his eyes narrow at the hare as he rips the arrow out and throws it aside, some more red blood spills and raises a claw he goes to charge Jake.

Honeyfern gasps as she backs up quickly and starts to run, but stops "But wot abou' you!"

Moonstone walks over from the bridge.

Moonstone has arrived.

Moonstone enters, oh great not the best timing as she sees the monitor and the longbow hare and stands there watching "Nice..wonderful" she says flatly.

Jake lets another arrow fly as he backs up at the same time, his aim may be a little off, and he bangs into the edge of the railing and about falls over it.

Hudson growls, this arrow hits him in the shoulder blade and goes deep, he manages to get close to the hare and raises claw goes to slap him upside the head or at his chest one, whatever he can get too first.

Jake jumps up and the claws barely miss him, he loses his balance almost and then regains it, he frowns and remembers the dirk, and he slides it out and goes to throw it at the monitor's chest.

Honeyfern watches the fight, she should run and knows this but, she is froze to the spot, "Jake!..Jake to careful."

Moonstone watches the fight, no emotion as she does, she tilts her head slight: Fights...sometimes end badly...someone gonna die...yes." This said simply as if no big deal.

Hudson growls as he misses and goes to shove the hare off the bridge, as he does so the dirk hits him in the chest, he gets a look of shock and grabs at the hare's throat as pain goes threw him, the dagger entered just to the side of his heart, he growls and tries to shove forwards, this causes the railing to loosen at a weak point and sends the monitor towards the river and if he had the hare by the throat, him too.

Jake gasps as the monitor grabs him by the throat, he goes to kick the dirk to jar it some, he tenses up as they fall towards the water and struggles to get loose, he can't swim!

Honeyfern screams as she runs over to the edge and stops, she looks over the railing "Jake!"

Hudson twitches as the dirk is jarred towards his heart, this ends his life as a lot more blood forms and he coughs up some, hitting the water and sinking pretty much finishes him off and his grip loosens a lot on the hare’s throat.

Jake eye closes as he goes under the water, he panics and gets free of the grip, he sinks further and tries to resurface and coughs loudly, he stays above the water a short while and sinks again...he does not resurface.

Moonstone frowns, she looks at the haremaid and to the water, great, she dives off the bridge and disappears under the water to try and find one of the two, hopefully the hare.

Honeyfern cups a paw over her mouth as tears flow now. She shakes her head "No no no"

Jake sinks further down into the water, he slowly opens his eye and tries to reach upwards before everything goes black.

Moonstone finds the paw of the hare and grips it as she swims swiftly to shore and resurfaces by the shore, she drags Jake onto the land and checks him over for berthing and heartbeat and all, she turns him onto his side if needed as well.

Honeyfern quickly is at his side, "Jake?..Jake! best bally well answer me chap..."

Jake shivers and suddenly starts coughing and gags up a lot of water, he coughs again and groans as his eye slowly opens..he looks at the beaver "You?..saved me.." he passes out.

Moonstone sits there and just speaks as she does "Yeah why wouldn’t I, gee. Let me didn’t sorry..ok now" she looks at the haremaid “He lives. But still need a healer. “, Her tone simple.

Honeyfern smiles and wipes away tears she hugs the beaver "Thank you!" she goes to Jake again, and smiles, glad he is alive and check him for any wounds...finding none she is happy.

Moonstone eyes go big at the hug, the first hint of least some emotion to her, she scoots away as the haremaid is back at Jake side "No hugs" she says flatly and watches them.

Jake has no wounds, just the almost drowning and being worn out from the fight, seems the dirk is lost possibly but that’s fine.

Honeyfern hugs Jake gently and looks around, "Is the monitor? know..."

Moonstone speaks "Dead..yes, I could check “She dives into the water and is gone a few minutes before returning and with the dirk even, she shakes off the water and walks over "Yeah..very dead that one be, and even got the dirk" she hands it to Honeyfern.

Honeyfern nods "Thank you" she places it in her pouch and looks at Jake and sighs, she stands and starts a campfire after a little bit of time has passed, “He will need to get warm, then we can get back to the abbey, I thank you again for saving his life, I..I couldn’t live without him"

Moonstone shrugs "Well...not one to let a beast drown and I do swim very well, it’s a beaver thing. Swim fast too"

Jake starts to warm up as the fire crackles and even slowly opens his eye as he coughs a little.

Honeyfern smiles as Jake wakes up "How do you feel love?"

Jake opens his eye after closing it some and grins "Like some large and bad made me almost drown" he coughs a little again and sits up slowly.

Moonstone watches "You should take it slow..yeah, not fur almost drowning" emotion here seems "I am supposing ya want help brought or something...or just something."

Honeyfern blinks at the beaver and shakes her head "No its fine, never mind, I think he will be fine after a rest and...warmth..."

Jake looks at the beaver "I'm, fine...could of been worse"

Moonstone tilts her head "Yes..could be wet cold and dead...or maybe could of been lunch...I should shut up now right?"

Honeyfern frowns "Yes please" she looks at Jake and hugs him gently "I am glad you’re ok,wot..I was so worried you were" she wipes away a tear.

Jake smiles at the hug "I’m fine,...takes a lot ta kill this hare," he snuggles against her and smiles "I will take it easy today, alright"

Honeyfern smiles, just enjoying the moment by the campfire and sighs happy.

Moonstone looks between them and goes to walk off "I got to go. I will tell someone your here...ok going now" and she slips off.

Jake smiles in return, he nods to the beaver

Honeyfern falls asleep beside Jake

Jake does his best to keep her warm as she falls asleep, he smiles and as sleepy as he is, he stays awake and keeps watch.