News and a headache

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FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office(#226082R)

This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.

Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack


Scioto had decided to go to his office and have no light coming into the room, no candle light or anything and the door shut. The guard was to not let anyone in unless it was important. Well he did ask for one beast to come but other than that he rather be left alone with his pounding headache.

Jase had not been in the office but one time, he knocked upon the door and waited on a reply as he adjusted his healer’s bag at his side.

Scioto snorts "Just enter already..." He holds his head and frowns, yes major headache right now.

Jase enters the office slowly and walks over to the chieftain and frowns, "Sir?..You look horrible right now." He digs into his pack and finds a couple herbs he mixes in water and hands it to the chieftain, "Here, this will help somewhat." Least he hopes it helps him.

Scioto takes the mixture and gulps it down before speaking, "Yeah.." Is all he gets out, he has one bad headache right now that he wants to just go away.

Blisa has decided to visit her father. Fortunately, she has Valerie the vixen and Ferdinand the ferret. Unfortunately, she's also brought Basilisk the whiptail snake, who will probably add to the Chieftain's headache. The cat comes to the door, chatting with her bodyguards about whatever the yammer about while Basil hisses and mutters, "I ssssmell ssssomebeasst new.....who iss it...?" He smells the healer, who may or may not want to be noticed by a gigantic snake the size of a mature elm tree.

Jase nods" It may need time to...well kick in." He smiles at a familiar voice and then frowns instantly at the snake and gulps as he goes to back into a corner of the room.

Scioto looks up, "I don't need this right now.." He sounds grumpy and his throat hurts also right now as he rubs his forehead, a guard that had been out knocks on the door and Scioto sends the guard a death glare. The guard frowns "B..But"

Basil hisses happily now that he has found the source of the new smell. "Another cat! Oh, hello, Father of Blisssa." The cat rests her paw on the snake's flank. "Basil, don't you dare harm my new friend! If you do I will lock you in the cellar for a month with no cheese buns!" The reptile seems to deflate and gives the wall a grumpy look. Ferdinand glances between the new guard and his boss and asks, "What'th going on, Thir? Ith there thomething wrong?" Valerie just listens for now.

Jase stays where he is in the corner, he is only a healer and that is a snake, with a creepy smile.

Scioto glares at ferret, "You didn’t hear of the tavern...ohhhhh" He looks at the other guard "WHAT!" The guard slowly walks over to the desk and sits down something, or some things..a dagger, a sword, some other odd things like darts and such, and a crossbow. The chieftain's eyes widen. "Where was this found?" The guard answers "T..The road sir...hour ago"

Blisa darts forward and goes to grab the crossbow. "Marek! What happened? No, we know nothing about the tavern, Dad! What's going on?" Ferdinand has a serious look on his face. "Were there any bodieth near thethe? Any singth of a thtruggle?" Valerie glances at the other healer and quietly tells him, "Basil won't hurt you since Miss Blisa's here. She has complete control over him."

Jase looks very uncertain, "I..dislike snakes, and she controls a..a snake?" He decides to stay where he is and just listen to them.

Scioto meanwhile listens to the guard , "There was another ermine, a female and trust me she was dead and a rat...nothing else" The chieftain nods and groans, his head hurts badly and he decides to not ever drink the stronger ale he had ever again, "The tavern...opened real real late..but got things under control and have a headache, this may explain why Marek is missing"

Blisa looks at her father in shock. "Marek is missing? What about the mole that was always following him around? Za....Zar....Zarum, or whatever. Do you know where he is?" Ferdinand purses his lips. He is not liking this news. Valerie nods and whispers, "Yeah, somehow. He's kind of her pet." She shrugs as Basil slithers over to the window and looks outside. "Sssssss....perhapsss I coudl find thiss.....Marek." "NO, Basil. I want you here. If I let you wander all over Mossflower, you might not ever come back." The cat's voice is firm.

Scioto shrugs "I don't know where Zaram is, he was gone too." He rubs his forehead again," And remind me not to drink that strong ale again, no matter how upset I am"

Jase decides to go and slip out, then he sees the snake move, wait it’s away from the door and he is bolting out of the door!

Blisa frowns. "This is terrible! Do you think we should contact the Abbey and tell them that Zaram is missing? I don't know if they'd care if Marek was missing, but surely they'd be able to help us with a mole?" Basil watches the healer cat leave, then hisses with surprise as Valerie whacks him, saying, "Now look what you did! You scared him!" Ferdinand shakes his head. "I wonder if LilyMoore ith going to thend Marek a letter today. Her Thparra friend uthually bringth it thith time every week. Maybe he could help uth."

Scioto frowns, "But Marek won't be here for a letter, but the sparrow may know if the mole is at the abbey or not, or if he is elsewhere"

Ferdinand nods. "Yeah, but the Abbey probably doesn’t know that Marek with mithing. Tho Butterclaw could take a methage back and alert them that there are pothibly kidnapperth abroad in the woodlandth, and then coem back and let uth know if Zaram ith at the Abbey." Blisa nods. "I liek that idea. I hope Lily doesn't do anything dumb when she finds out that her friend is missing."

Scioto sighs, "Let’s focus on Zaram right now." He looks at the crossbow and shakes his head, "I will say this, whoever managed to outfight Marek, is not someone to take lightly"

Blisa nods. "I think maybe we should double the guards and not allow any beast to leave the village without an escort of guards, if we have enough of them. I can also do occasional patrols inside the walls with Basil." The snake is peering up at the sky through the window and now says, "I ssssee a sssssparrow-bird. I think it'ssss the one who bringssss letterssss." Valerie looks out and hollers, "Hey, look, it's Butterclaw!"

Scioto nods "Good idea." He watches the snake to make sure it doesn't try to eat the sparrow.

The fluttering of wings can be heard, and Butterclaw flies in and lands as far away from the snake as he can.  Basil looks longingly after him, but it's apparent that he and Blisa have had many long discussions about not eating this bird.  The young cat  dashes over to the now-startled bird and exclaims, "Zaram, the mole!  Have you seen him??" the sparrow stares at the Chieftain.  "Whatsay Blisacat?  Whatwrong with Zaram moleworm?"

Scioto answers, "Don't know yet if there is anything wrong with him, but he is missing, s is some other beast." He is silent and then replies "Marek is missing as well and could well of gotten into some trouble of some sort."

Butterclaw fluffs up and exclaims, "Marekstoat Lilyfriend is missinggone!! Terriblebad!! Whatdo catworm know??" Blisa looks anxiously at her father, hoping he doesn't get mad about being called a worm.

Scioto stares at the bird and groans again, major headache still as he figures out what its saying, he just points to the crossbow.

Blisa nods and turns back to the Sparra. "A guard found his weapons on the road, along with some dead vermin." She gives her 'vermin' guards an apologetic look, which they accept with forgiving smiles, then continues, "He wasn't at the tavern when it was time for it to open. Right, Dad?"

Scioto  says, "No he wasn't, a angry bunch of beasts were and you can ask Bandit if you don't believe me on that. I had to get things in order at the tavern earlier and then managed to slip away to my office to get away from everyone"

Blisa nods and goes to rest a paw on her father's arm. "I believe you. I'm sorry, Dad, I didn't know what was going on. If I had, then I wouldn't've brought Basil." She goes to hug him as Butterclaw preens a wing nervously. "Does angrycat Chieftainworm have messageletter for me SparraWarrior to takefly back to Abbeyplace?"

Scioto is unsure what to say, he sighs "I am sorry to appear..moody, I have a headache and this whole thing is annoying. I don't think the abbey cares about what Marek did or didn’t do, missing or not missing it's something I will need to handle, I would like info on if they seen the mole though."

Butterclaw nods and hops forward. "Will carryfly message of worryworry to Abbeypleace about moleworm, but notsay wordone about Marekworm Lilyfriend. ....Except to Lilyfriend. Sheneeds to knowhear. Goodhunting!" And off he flies. Blisa goes to pet her father's head the way she likes to be petted when she's upset. "I'm sure we'll find him, don't worry. I know some beasts from the Abbey will help us. DoraRose doesn't like him, but she knows he's friends with her daughter, so she'd help, I'm sure!"

Scioto nods as he looks to be thinking, "Just trying to figure out what could of happen, if any other beast was there to ask..wait." He did notice one other beast was not at the tavern mess of a crowd either, and he is sure he would have surely been bothered , and he wasn't bothered today ,well could be why his headache isn’t any worse.

Blisa looks at her father's face. "What? What are you thinking?" Ferdinand and Valerie look at their boss, and even Basil looks interested. "What doessss the cat think?"

Scioto asks, "it was too quiet this morning, I was not bothered or talked to endless by Zee, where is that badger? Not that I ..-cough- don’t enjoy the talks sometimes, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a room with him too long, he talks WAY WAY too much at times"

Blisa giggles. "Yeah, he can be a bit of a pain, no?" She gasps as she realizes what he's saying. "You think that he might've been in the fight, too?? Could he....I hope he's alright!"

Scioto says, "I don't know, I never seen him fight before, just hit some beast who tried to rob him once on the head with that staff of his before."

Blisa gasps slightly. After a few moments she whispers, "Oh, no....." Ferdinand leans against the desk. "He'th probably fine. I have a feeling that that badger hath more to him than meetth the eye. I mean, why woudl he live in a vermin village and not be able to defend himthelf? That maketh no thenthe."

Scioto says, "Most do seem to avoid him and he could have simply went to visit the abbey, his nephews and niece is there after all"

Zee knocks on the door to the office and pokes his head in. Seems he has been gone most of the day.

Scioto looks at the doorway, "Well..answers one question, you’re ok"

Blisa nods, then turns as the door opens. Her face lights up. "ZEE!" She runs over to him and goes to hug his arm. "Where have you been? Are you alright? Have you seen Marek??"

Zee blinks at the hug and hugs the young cat back, he then tilts his head, "What, ya mean he didn't bring Longfang back ...." He frowns "This is not a good thing, Longfang must of woken back up. Knew should of made him come here first"

Scioto stands "What happen?"

Blisa accepts his hug, then gasps and cries, "What happened?? Who's Longfang?" Ferdinand steps forward, holding out the crossbow. "Marek'th weaponth were found abandoned on the road. There wath no other thign of him."

Zee decides to explain "Longfang happen, he has his mate were on the road and ambushed me, if it wasn’t for Marek and that one vixen, forgot her name...I been..well let’s say not here. Marek killed Longfang's mate and a couple other beasts with Longfang. Longfang is trouble ,is trouble lass, that’s what he is...I managed to fight him off somewhat though, but then got to the abbey, course Marek couldn’t go in, oh and Zaram is at the abbey, he got hurt"

Scioto frowns and blinks "You know you really shouldn’t fight at your age, all you have is a staff"

Blisa puts a paw to her mouth. "Vixen...maybe it was Rayen?" How'd she guess? "Marek is missing! Do you have any idea as to where this...Longfang might have gone, or what his plans might be?"

Zee steps back and twirls his staff, he then clicks the bottom and slides out his raspier, "I have a secret weapon, this staff be hollowed out lad."

Scioto mouth drops open, "What the?" He just stares and decides his headache is still too painful to even ask.

Zee slides the rapier back into place and clicks it shut before leaning on the staff again "Me Uncle soot were a genius." He then stands better "You guys find Mark, I need a nap..." He then walks out of the office, probably home.

Blisa stares in shock after the badger, then jumps up and down, squealing. "That was so awesome I need one of those that was so stinking COOL!!!" Ferdinand shakes his head and turns to the Chieftain. "You'll need to talk to him later and find out all he knowth about thith Longfang character. But later, when you're feeling better."

Scioto nods, "He did just pull a blade out of his staff right or am I drunk?"

Blisa twirls around with excitement. "Yes! He really did just pull a sword out of his staff! IT WAS AWESOME!!" Ferdinand puts his (very excited) petite charge on Basil and they head out the door to go home. Valerie goes to take her boss's arm and says, "Let's get you home. I think you need to lie down. Healer's orders!" She goes to guide him home and will at least try to put him to bed.

Scioto doesn't argue as he is led back to his house, where he will lay down and sleep till tomorrow right after breakfast!