Newcomers Don't Know Everything

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Just like my title says, newcomers don't know everything. In addition, they can't be expected to know everything. When you were new, you didn't know all the rules of this MUCK, so don't get mad at someone else who breaks a rule they didn't know existed.

It is much easier to simply explain what was wrong, rather than get angry over an honest mistake.

New characters don't only have an ignorance of rules, they also don't know much else about the MUCK. If someone asks you a question, answer politely, or suggest who they could go to if you don't know. The person who is annoying you won't learn unless someone explains to them. If you're bothered by the same person and you don't want to help, suggest the +staff command, which will display a list of the online staff who are available to help; it's their job.

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