New Wormfriend?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

Spring brings soggy grass -- though green, now -- in this open ground. The ground is saturated with melting snows and spring rains, causing muddy spots to dot the field here and there. Green growth is sprouting up everywhere, taking over the tiny bits of snow that can still be spotted hither and yon in secluded areas of the open ground. All and all a cheery scene, with the new growth and such -- but hazardous for the unwary.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]

Sunwing is on the open ground, right now looking real peeved off, she is chatting quickly with a couple sparrows and they fly off.

Hands behind his back a young fox comes walking along the path. Redwall is certainly an odd place for sure. Something always seems to happen to Wilks when he comes here. For example since he lost his bets a while ago against Bandit his fur has been dyed brown and yellow to look like that fox. His waist line has also added a few inches from the rich Redwall food as well. The fox tilts his head to the side as he sees the sparrows, having never talked with sparrow before he considers greeting the bird.
Sunwing spies the fox and puffs out, she dislikes this fox or least the one she thinks he is, "No closer..foxworm, I peckum plenty good!"
Wilks pauses in step. Tilting his head to the side Wilks says, "Excuse me?" It's hard enough to understand the bird’s accent, maybe it was a miss translation?
Sunwing tilts her head at the voice, "You nottum foxworm, you another foxworm, I still peck! Best not be friend of one who killie friend"
Wilks raises his eyebrow, " but another fox and..." He shakes his head, and beasts wonder why fox's eat birds? The fox instead says, "I'm sorry to hear about your friend, I'm not sure what you are talking about though..."  The fox takes an extravagant bow, "I’m Wilks, traveling story teller."
Sunwing puffs out, "Messenger...goum outta...then catworm slay, I will kiliie killiie it!"
Wilks takes a step back at the sound of killiee killie. No need for a translator on that. He does find it rather amusing to try and figure out what the bird is saying, "So a cat killed one of your messengers?"
Sunwing nods. "Female catworm..near bridge..evilcatworm, needum killie killie it"
Wilks rubs his chin, "Hmmm, was this bridge north or south along the road?"  He suppresses a chuckle. The bird does look rather humorous when she is angry. He then remembers that she just lost a friend and feels guilty for thinking so.
Sunwing says, " and white furred catworm, have many arrows"
Wilks nods in understanding. Black and white cat kills bird on north bridge with arrow. There, that wasn't too hard to piece together. "I am sorry for your loss Miss. Do you know why the cat killed your friend?”
Sunwing says, "Notta know..tis bad cat..evilwoorm, needum found"
Wilks waves a paw through the air idly, "I'm sure the villainous feline will be found eventually. You might want to try looking up north in Ferrevale, or maybe the taverns around the area. Someone there might have seen her."
Sunwing nods "Planning to yyesum"
Wilks's stomach reminds him that it is lunch time, "Well, take care miss." He says to the bird before walking away, "It was nice to meet you birdy."
Sunwing watches him and flies off towards the road.

--Road North of Abbey—

Sunwing is flying and has gotten away from the other sparrows as she scans the ground below for signs of the cat.

Aster walks along the road with a smirk, "Woodlanders are so dumb, well most are. had it my way they all would die and any vermin who be their friend"

Sunwing looks down and sees the cat, she narrows her eyes and flies a little higher before diving towards the cat "Catworm killie Soarwing I killlie killie you!!"

Aster slows and quickly grabs her longbow and notices an arrow, she backs up and aims, she pulls back the arrow and then lets it fly straight and true towards the sparrow with a soft chuckle, not a friendly one either. "That so bird!"

Sunwing eyes go wide as she sees the arrow too late to fully move out of its line of fire, the arrow hits her wing and she flaps, staying airborne a short while and then starts crashing, luckily for her she manages to land in soft grass and mud, she rolls and looks around quickly for the cat, she tries to get airborne again and fails badly.

Aster smiles a cold heartless smile as she watches " can't fly and I bet that arrow hurts a lot, I can stop the pain if you like" She smirks "Make ya feel none at all" She walks slowly closer.

Meanwhile down the road some ways a young if very plump red fox is tracking his way along the road toward Ferrevale. Bandit looks deep in thought. Leaving Redwall was not an easy decision had to be done. For his own safety as well as the safety of others. He comes around the bend of trees and his ears perk up at the sight before him. He sees a bird with an arrow in her and a cat looming over said bird with an arrow in here.

Sunwing has yet to spot the fox, she flaps as the arrow is in her wing real good, "I will killie killie..catworm evilumbad..yesum!" But she also knows she is not in good shape to fight, not if she can’t fly.

Aster walks closer "I killed a bird earlier..maybe I can kill another, but the other one died quicker, then didn’t shot his wing, shot him in the chest and he died before he hit the ground."

Bandit gulps, he can hear the beasts talking from this distance clearly enough. He doesn't have these long ears for nothing. He squints, and sighs when he recognizes the bird to be Sunwing. No forgetting that face anytime soon, not after all the times she threatened to 'killie killie' him. He can't just leave Sunwing to die but he has no desire to be ventilated with a few dozen arrows either, which is about how many a beast can launch at him before the fox ever even hoped to close the gap between them. The fox thinks for a moment, all he is armed with is a hatchet. He finely shakes his head, an idea forming. He takes a few steps closer to the cat and bird and announces, "Good day to you stranger! I say! Quite the nice catch you have there!" And hopes the cat doesn't just shoot him on the spot for it.

Sunwing looks over at Bandit and starts to puff out, she flaps up and lands on the side not with an arrow. she looks ready to peck the cat if it comes closer.

Aster draws out a dagger and then hears the fox, "This is my bird, do leave, I am sure it has friends nearby...not that I care"

Bandit walks closer to the cat. He looks over the bird and smiles, "And a tasty looking bird at that. I don't suppose you would be willing to make a trade? I haven’t had me a good sparrow stew, it's been ages." Another step closer. Every step closer he takes is one less arrow the cat has time to put into his hide.

Sunwing glares at Bandit now, hey he just called her stew so it’s her right to glare, she flaps up and this time lands sideways on the injured wing and jars the arrow, she lets out a loud screech sort of noise and starts to shiver as a cold wind starts to blow, she looks at the cat, "Cat worm touchum worm pecked plentygood!!"

Aster snorts. "I am not a worm bird so shut up" She twirls the dagger and looks at Bandit, "What sort of trade are we speaking of?" She keeps an eye on the fox guessing he couldn’t do much due to his size.

Ah yes, the million dollar question. What does Bandit have to trade? A burlap sack of food, a hatchet, a paw full of coins. Not much but he hopes it will be enough. His heart aches at the sound of Sunwing in pain. The fox continues forward. He is very close now, not within striking distance but, close. "I be just a humble traveler ma'am. I don't have much on me save the clothes on me back but I have a couple days provisions of fish, crackers and cheese, plus some coin for your trouble." He says cheerfully. Inside he is very nervous. So...many...things can go wrong with this. The cat can choose to add a fox to her catch, Sunwing's sparrows could swoop down and attack HIM as well as the cat...the fox hopes he isn't sweating from nervousness.

Sunwing looks ready to peck either one of them, she makes a chirping sound as if to alert any nearby sparrows that are hopefully nearby.

Aster glares slowly at the fox, she looks down at the bird and goes to kick it to make it get quiet, she also selects an arrow to place on the longbow, just laying it against the longbow for now and she aims it at Bandit.

Bandit feels cold sweat run down his back. The fox gulps, "W-wait a minute!" He says holding his paw up defensively with one on the hatchet hanging from his belt. "Let's...let's just talk about this for a moment, you don't want to shoot me!"

Sunwing is starting to get tried, some blood loss, though some is stopped by the arrow, she looks between the two beasts as it seems her sparrows are too far off to hear her right now.

Aster chuckles dryly, "And why don’t I want ta shot you fox? Maybe I do, someone come after me if I do or something?" She chuckles at this idea," Looks like you couldn’t even run well"

The fox gulps. Ok Bandit, you talked yourself into this mess, let's see you talk yourself out of it, he thinks. He laughs nervously, "Yeah, too much bird in my diet I guess." He takes in another swallow, "I'll give you everything I have, just please don't kill me."

Sunwing watches them both closely, not like she can fly off right now, though she can hop off slowly while they are not looking maybe, she waits to see what happens.

Aster rolls her eyes, "Alright, give me all your gold, your food and drink, and the hatchet also, and if I see you again I may have need of you for something, maybe to kill a woodlander I have recently meet and dislike"

Bandit nods slowly. This cat is crazy and armed, lovely. The pudgy fox slowly sets his burlap sack on the ground, then takes out his hatchet and money purse, tossing them to the cat's feet. "That's sounds pretty fair miss." he says nervously, he doesn't even have to fake it. Why do all the crazy people have to be armed with bows and arrows? "At the risk of adding arrow to my diet, what are you going to do with the bird?"

Sunwing hops a little ways off and falls over, she is alive as breathing proves, but she is in a lot of pain and out of energy now as she listens to the two talk.

Aster bends down and takes the coin pouch and counts the coins and grins, she takes the hatchet and food/drink sack as well, "The bird...not much see I hate woodlanders and anyone friends with them, so let’s hope you’re not friends with any woodlander beasts" She backs up "You can keep the bird, maybe I will see you in Ferravale, ..wait make that the Black Gull, hate Ferravale...don’t harm woodlanders, like this hare there...hate him and now hate their chieftain see he .." she looks like she wants to puke "Likes..woodies...ick..."

Bandit nods again, "Ah yes, horrible beasts these woodlander scum are. Fit only for a stew pot I say. Speaking of stew..." The fox goes over to Sunwing and bends down next to her, trying to pick her up with both paws. "I'll take care of the bird for you." Oh light, please let Sunwing be alright! he thinks.

Sunwing has no energy to even attempt to peck the fox or she most likely would, she does breath in and out a little faster now and shivers as cold wind starts to blow, maybe a cold rain is coming soon.

Aster watches him "Yes, but not always for stew sometimes just fun to kill, do have a good day and if need me I will be at the Gull, least there they act like vermin should" Aster heads to Gull

Bandit struggles to lift the bird, "Sheesh, and they say I need to drop a few pounds." He finely gets a good enough to grip to carry the bird without dropping her, "Sunwing, don't you worry, just....just don't die." The fox says after the cat leaves. He begins to have run, half job his way back to Redwall.

Sunwing has her eyes have closed as she listens to the fox, she goes to try and kick at him weakly as she is unsure of him still but is also curious of what he is going to do with her.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

The infirm is decidedly empty, just as Cheshire likes it. The cat will on occasion volunteer in the infirm as a way to earn his keep, although by now most beasts cringe in fear if they have to have Cheshire work on them. It looked like Cheshire would have gotten off scot free with nothing to do this afternoon until that blasted Bandit fox came rushing in panting and out of breath, carrying a bird on his back. Blast him. An few hours later and the cat is found wiping his gloves off with rag standing next to the bandaged but living Sunwing.

Sunwing is lying on a cot, her wing bandaged and the arrow where ever Cheshire placed it, she moves and starts to awaken with a weak groan.

Cheshire turns to the bird next to him. He smiles, face splitting into a wide toothy grin, eyes narrowing to slits, and ears perked up high. What a sight to wake up too. "Oh good, your awake. You are a very, very fortunate sparrow Miss Sunwing. Tell me, how do you feel?"

Sunwing at first looks panicked as it’s a cat, she has had enough cat problems but relaxes a little as it’s not the one from the road, she notes her wing is bandaged "Whereum...arrow...whereum foxworm, remember he picked me upum and then I pass outta ona wormsroad"

"Ah yes...Bandit..." The cat looks away and sneers, completely oblivious to the birds discomfort at waking up near a cat, "The fleshy one brought you in. Dolt fox was getting in the way here so I tossed him out. As for the arrow it's on the desk there. Consider it a souvenir. Thankfully it didn't break any bones or else you would be in real trouble." The cat smiles again, steeping his paws, "I must say, I don't get many chances to work on birds. The experience was...interesting to say the least."

Sunwing looks a little worried now and looks at her wing wondering how long she will be unable to fly with it, she looks curious of the name Bandit mentioned "Waitum..foxworm helpa me..bring me infirm?"

Cheshire chuckles evilly, "I'm surprised the fox was able to pull it off myself. He is carrying so much extra weight already." The cat then says nonchalantly, as if in passing, "Oh and I would get used to walking for a while. If you want the wing to heal right you will leave the wing bandaged like it is for the next few weeks. Maybe even longer." The cat looks up to see the door to the infirm open. Bandit sticks his nose around the corner to look in. "I' to you later miss Sunwing. I have a...project in the making that will require any spare feathers you sparrows have laying around in your nest." Before explaining WHY he wants bird feathers the cat gets up and nods for the fox to come in.

Sunwing narrows her eyes at the strange cat as he leaves and seems glad of the fact he left, she also wonders if he took any of her feathers and puffs out some, and tenses up as that hurt just a little.

Bandit slowly, almost shyly walks up to the cot the bird is laying on, "Er, Sunwing. How are you feeling?" he asks, worried looking but still relieved the bird is alive.

Sunwing looks at the fox, the one who threaten to eat her more than one and half puffs out as she listens to him speak, then she speaks "Youum bring Sunwing toa infirm.."

Bandit smirks, he comes up to the birds side, "Where else would I bring you?" he laughs, "Don't tell me you expected to wake up in a stew pot?"

Sunwing looks confused, "You ona roadplace sayum..wanted stew..buta trick bad catworm, catworm need be deadworm, needs killie!"

Bandit chuckles, "Admittedly you would make a great stew." He holds his paws up in defense before the bird has a chance to react. "I'm kidding. Honest." Shaking his head with a laugh he says, "Call it an example of fighting without fighting. I got to save your life, and I know where the cat will be. All things considered, I think this was a pretty good victory...aside from you getting shot of course."

Sunwing relaxes and is quiet a long while "Whereum cat, needs hunted quickfast!" She studies the fox's movement, his voice and his eyes as he speaks to her and tilts her head, her bandaged wing hurts a lot, "You..speakum truth, Sunwing tell from eyes, voice and way move"

Bandit nods, "I'm sorry to make you think I was ever going to try and harm you but...rushing into 'killie killie' the cat would have ended badly for me. In case you haven’t noticed I make a great big target anymore." He smiles at his comment then looks off into the distance, "I don't think I could harm another beast anymore..." Quickly shaking his head, the fox says, "The good news is that cat might’ve gotten away, but not for long. I know where to find her."

Sunwing listens, "Foxworm notta harm no beast no more tis be good notta harm anyone...Sunwing thanks you and Sparra thank you for helpum, need tell champworm of badcatworm, so he handle it plenty quick" She tilts her head "Maybe Bandit be...Friendworm"

Bandit shrugs, "You can repay me with fish sometime or something. Maybe convince the abbey cooks to make me a whole lots of cake, yeah?" The fox laughs, he gets up to stretch. "I'll let, Flicktail know about the cat."

Sunwing nods "I not able tellum abbey cooks what do, I notta leader of them, maybe catch fish or have other Sparra do it"

Bandit licks his chops, "Fish sounds...pretty good actually." The fox's stomach growls, "Speaking of fish, dinner should be ready soon. Do you want me to grab you anything?"

Sunwing seems to trust the fox now, "Wormfriend can bring worm.." She rethinks, "Breads nice"

Bandit laughs, "Ok, I'll see what they have in stock. You should probably get some rest though Sunwing. That wing won't heal itself." the fox heads towards the door. 'Wormfriend.' he shakes his head in mirth.

Sunwing decides to get more sleep, while she can.