From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 24, 2012 in the category Roleplay Discussions by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 5 replies.

Sun, 06/24/2012 - 11:56

Thorns of steel rise...

Darkness falls...

War is brewing...

Hey, y'all! I've decided on a name for this TP. Wanderer came up with it:

Thorns of Steel TP.

Wanderer has made the villian fox, Vladmir Stormfeather. cotten 300 has made a weasel. Oz made a raven/crow (I'm not sure which). I have control of the "hero", the mouse DoraRose Strongheart, and 1 of the spies, the raven Lenore Nightwing.

If you want to join us, then, please, do. I would welcome anybody in. You can pick the species. Birds seem to be the most common animal group, but if you don't want a bird, you don't have to have 1 if you don't want 1. Any "bad"-beast species would be fine. (Or even a good-beast species would do, too -- 'specially after the TP gets started. The Abbey and Ferravale will need spies, aswell.)

There are logs that have to do with this TP. Any that mention Lenore and/or Vladmir, and some that have DoraRose, and the Fight near Ferravale... and more and The Coming Storm logs mention the upcoming TP.

Thanks for reading. And to everybody who is a part of this TP; thank you!

May your swords stay sharp!

