Mossflower Ranger Corp?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 23, 2012 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Tristan. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 11 replies.

Sat, 06/23/2012 - 09:23

I've had this idea floating around for a little bit, but I thought i'd see what you guys thought. Besides the Long Patrol at Salamandastron, (Which seems really undermanned, missing great rp opportunities there imo) the Muck really has no law keeping force. I was thinking something along the lines of the Dunedain from Lord of the Rings, or the Ranger Corp from the Ranger's Apprentice series of books. A small, elite group of beasts that exist to keep the peace. They would most likely be fairly spread out, (Maybe one at Redwall, one in the North, one South, etc.) and would be able to handle most problems, doing their best to keep things peaceful. Members would be pretty equal, but maybe have one head ranger they all report back to occasionally. Just a thought I had, feel free to add or take away ideas, or if it's not something that interests you, just ignore it.

