More Bad News, very BAD News (Thorns of Steel)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Scioto nods "I left Raymond in charge at Ferravale but heard Ferravale is alot safer now, though still have barriers up, just to be safe."

Nightbreath nods as well. "There may be several more needed...I would suggest adding two or three of the best of the Abbey's wall guards to the party, too. And there are several more who may rise as this takes its course..."

Flicktail asks, "Any names come to minds?"

Scioto just listens as he doesn’t know any guards at Redwall, just Ferravale.

"I think the fates may be mocking me. They never speak plainly," Nightbreath says with a rueful grin. "Does thou know who the Black Sword is? Or the Marked One?"

Flicktail says, "That would be you Nightbreath"

"Nay." Nightbreath laughs quietly. "I am black-furred, yes, but I wield no sword other than the curved blade of ordinary steel that I have lent to Ragg temporarily, and Equilibrium can hardly be called a sword. The Marked One...I have never been called that..."

Scioto hmmms softly just listening still.

"Fate will find a way," Nightbreath finishes. "We simply have to choose a path to follow to it." Having said his piece, the Seer departs outside.

Flicktail says, "I could always mark him ya know then he'd be the marked one"

Nightbreath laughs before he passes out of earshot.

Scioto watches the seer leave and looks back to Flicktail. "So, need to find Zork then"

Suddenly there's a shout from outside and Darkwatcher, still fully armed, not having time to remove his gear due to the urgency of the situation, enters Great Hall with the limp, battered form of a uniformed, unconscious hare over his shoulder. "Where's a healer?" the mercenary demands. "I just found a clearing full of dead beasts dressed like this one!"

Scioto looks to the doorway as Darkwatcher quickly runs into the room and stands, he frowns as he looks at Flicktail and any others, hopefully a healer beast heard the shout.

Flicktail points over to the healers, "I am just a lowly champion it seems “

Scioto ears go back, "What happen, and how close to the abbey did this happen?"

"I heard sounds of battle in the distance while I was prowling around, taking stock of where Storm feather’s forces are positioned currently. Went as fast as I could, but didn't get there soon enough...blood everywhere...a few dead lizards, but a /lot/ more dead hares. This was in a clearing a little ways north of here. There were monitor tracks all over the clearing, and black feathers, doesn't take a genius to work out who's behind it." After handing the downed warrior hare off to the healers, Darkwatcher wipes sweat from his brow with a brown-gauntleted paw and growls, "He'd better live after I dragged him through the woods all that way." Turning to Flicktail, he says, "This is getting serious. Our brother has to go down, and /soon./"

Scioto frowns at all this that’s been told, but waits to speak.

"I'm going back," Darkwatcher adds, turning and departing as swiftly as he came. As he passes through the doors, he says, without turning back, "I would guess that we shouldn't count on assistance from the Long Patrol any time soon. I'm going to see if there's any tracks leading away from there; maybe I'll find something useful."

Flicktail says, "Well thank you chap.....looks like you will be commin wi Scioto?"

Scioto frowns, he looks at Flicktail "This is not good Flicktail, and I may stay and help at the abbey, you mentioned you were going, Zork is, Dorarose and guess Darkwatcher sounds like"

The mercenary pauses just outside the Abbey doors, and calls to his brother, "Perhaps. I have a few ideas regarding that...I'll tell you more later. This shouldn't take long; if I'm not back by dawn the day after tomorrow, I'm dead or taken captive, not lost, because I don't /get/ lost."

Flicktail sits down, "I find it a bit hard to believe a Long patrol could be taken such...."

Madison gives the ermine a stony look as he leaves, before she enters. Her brow is stitched and she has a bruised eye among a few other scrapes. She also has her cane.

Scioto says, "Sound like a large group of ravens and monitors Flicktail, Vladmir is more deadly than we have thought, proves the be careful thing, he took out a patrol of long patrol hares, ambush sounds like""

Flicktail frowns and shakes his head simply saying "No “

Scioto looks at the entering squirrel and back to Flicktail, "Flicktail...don't let this get to you and make you lose, just think on finding Vladmir so he is stopped and this doesn’t happen again. Always be alert and maybe even wear chainmail if need be."

Flicktail says, "it I not gotto me... at all...but I know the long patrol..if they did lose there would be more then 1 or 2 dead monitors"

Scioto says, "He said a few dead monitors"

Flicktail says, "There would be more than a few"

Scioto nods" It’s possible there was, but Darkwatcher was getting the one that survived back here, sounded like some dead ravens as well, he said all the hares but the one was dead sadly.."

Flicktail shrugs "that’s wot he said alrigh”t “ He then stands and heads to the Infirm, “Going to check on Safana”

Scioto nods, "Yes, need to do that, maybe get a bit of good news for a change, not bad"

The two head to the infirm.....

Flicktail says, "How is every beast?" He asks as he enters the infirm.

Safana is laying in one of the infirm beds and is awake sipping some water.

Scioto follows Flicktail upstairs.

Safana looks to Flicktail and offers a semi- weak smile, "Hey"

Flicktail says, "I had a small white mouse give me a message about you Safana"

Safana groans, "White mouse?"

Flicktail nods "aye

The feline looks confused as Scioto sits down nearby and yawns, now that he knows Safana is ok he has decided to rest.

Safana looks at Flicktail. “What they..saw me up here and told ya?"

Flicktail says, "Well he sort of did aye"

Safana nods and sits up a little, "I hate ravens now and fire"

Flicktail asks, "Fire? why fire?"

Safana says, "The kitchen yard and the rose garden, kitchen yard was destroyed, least they saved the garden before it was"

Flicktail says, "Well we be rid of them soon enough"

Safana nods, "That be good...I am hungry any good stew in this place?"

Flicktail asks, "Do you like fish stew?"

Safana smiles, "Sounds good"

Flicktail smiles and ladles out a large bowl of the steaming stew "Nicolas himself got the fish for ya”

Safana eats some stew, "Who is..Nick and sorry if I won’t to help much, probably makes Scioto feels better too"

Scioto has said or done very little since he has come up here, he closes his eyes and starts to fall asleep.

Flicktail says, "My adopted son..small white fox?"

Safana smiles "I..have yet to meet any of your children"

Flicktail asks, "Oh would you like to?"

Safana nods "Yes"

Flicktail smiles and sends a guard, "would you ask Benick and Luna to come up here?" He smiles to Safana, “ They will be here inna moment”

Safana nods she finishes her stew and some water and coughs a little, "I would keep them safe, esacpially if the ravens return...they could get hurt"

2 young red foxes come in, the young Girl holding a soft cat toy "Da you wanted to see us?" He smiles "yes I want you to meet a friend of mine...Luna this is Safana....”

Safana smiles at the little fox, hoping she gets a smile back as she seems slightly worried about dibbuns but has been trying to not worry too much, "Hello"

Luna walks over and holds up her Stuffed toy "Lana says hello" she smiles holding up her toy to get a kiss. Benick moves up and gives a bow with a Flourish, "Hullo Marm..I am Bikket knight Benick" He grins widely.

Safana ask, "Biscuit knight?" Safana looks at the doll not sure what to do with it.

Benick nods, "we rescue Bikkets from all over so we kin eat em”

Flicktail says, "I think she is offering you a kiss from Lana (the doll)"

Safana nods "Oh, sorry just...not been around dibbuns, Scioto probably ok around them seeing as, well he has one"

Luna stands on her tippy paws "Kiss Lana?”

Safana is unsure at first and then nods as she gives the doll a small kiss and smiles a little better.

Luna clambers up to sit next to Safana and puts her head on the feline chest "yer warm”

Safana says, "Well it is warm in here and have blankets on, they are good healers here, probably be here couple more days"

Benick smiles "I like you Marm, the Bikket knights protect ya”

Safana chuckles a little. "Guess need it since injured, protection"

Benick takes up a guard stance by her.

Safana smiles, "Your probably make a good guard one day when you’re older"

Benick frowns "Good now..I'm old!" He says paws on his hips.

Luna smiles and hugs Safna "Wuv you Aunt Safana”

Safana blinks "Aunt?...ummm can’t really be a...aunt ta ya"

Luna looks confused "Why? Oz is our poppa....?”

Scioto mutters, “Oz..dibbun caretaker, called Papa Oz by” He yawns and before he can finish sleep overtakes him.

Safana looks confused and then, "Oh the badger, yeah the dibbuns all call him papa cause he is the caretaker and not ta worry he will be back soon, alright..very sure he will be"

Benick sits on the side of her bed "we help you get better Aunt Safna”

Safana chuckles "Ya know if I am..Aunt Safana, only fair someone else is Uncle..." She smirks oh yeah he gonna love that idea maybe, she isn’t sure.

Luna says "You mean Unca Scioto?

Safana chuckles, "Yeah, he is my brother"

Luna smiles "Benick my Brother", She says as if educating Safana.

Flicktail says, "These are my Children, but I have an adopted son named Nickolas"

Safana nods, she smiles and looks a little sleepy, "Don’t think will ever have...dibbuns"

Flicktail says, "There are so many orphans..that need someone to loves them"

Safana nods and falls asleep shortly after this, sleep very much needed.