Miscellaneous things by the Pond, among other topics

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Abbey Pond

Leon walks along the pond, he now has his warmer cloak on due to the snow thats all around the ground, now now as clear as footpaws have been made in it.

Corinne follows Leon, she smiles and makes a snowball and throws it at a tree.
Leon turns and sees Corinne and smiles, "Hey..enjoying the snow and the abbey?"
Corinne nods and points to the snow on the ground, she now knows its cold and wet when it melts in warm paws, she makes a couple paw prints and smiles clapping her paws together.
Leon sits and watches her, "Glad your having fun Corinne"
Corinne makes another paw print and giggles a little as she looks at it, she looks at the pond and starts to get up.
Leon frowns , "No no Corinne...the pond is not frozen enough to walk on or play on, sorry"
Corinne frowns but sits back down paying attention to him.
Leon nods "Good, wouldnt want you hurt or anything, when its frozen more you can play on the pond but with and only with a growup"
Corinne nods and starts to get snow together to make something.
Leon asks, "what are you making?"
Corinne shrugs, she has no idea..looks like a mess maybe, but she is still having fun and smiles.
Leon smiles "Its just fun huh?"
Corinne nods and gets up and walks over to him, climbing into his lap and hugs him.
Leon returns the hug and smiles, "It is nice you ended up here Corinne, I had missed you"


Corinne smiles and stays on his lap as she looks at the snow on the ground and on the trees.
Leon smiles, he looks around the grounds, "Snow can be pretty, sometimes anyways, just cant stay too long in it."
Corinne tilts her head as she listens, she looks up as if looking for more snow to be added and frowns when its not.
Leon blinks and then "Oh.." He chuckles, "Looking for more snow, maybe later on tonight or tomorrow, never know. There is such a thing as too much snow though, can;t have too much snow."
Corinne smiles at this idea of more of the snow, to her it would be fun to see.
Leon chuckles some, "Snow can be fun too, but not always fun"
Corinne gets off his lap and makes more pints in the snow and looks at them, she then smiles and sits down pointing at the prints.
Leon watches her to make sure she isn't too close to the pond as its not frozen yet, its a thin layer of ice.
DoraRose is slowly walking through the Abbey grounds, awestruck by the snow. No matter how many times she sees it, it still leaves her with a feeling of awe. Her left arm is in a sling to help her remember to not use it but the cut on her cheek is healing nicely, and she doesn't have to use her walking staff anymore. She is wearing a habit of the Order belted with a brown cord and the forest green cloak that Lorimis gave her.
Corinne skips along and comes into the path of Dorarose and her eyes go big, this is a stranger and she backs up and looks ready to bolt somewhere.
Leon frowns, "Corinne..its ok"
Shandar comes trotting through the snow towards the pond area, her dark brown cloak fluttering behind her. The back of her cloak has a large wet spot on it. Her friend Ahndia strugges to keep up with Shandar's pace. Part of the problem is that she looks as if she has been /rolled/ in the snow. Her bushy tail is to wet to stand up stright- so it drags behind her. Nevertheless, they both look happy as they wave at the group by the pond. Shandar calls out. "Hi DoraRose! Hey Leon, Corinne!"
DoraRose stops upon seeing Corinne and soothingly says, "It's alright, little one. I'm not going to hurt you. My name is DoraRose." she smiles, glancing up at Leon. "And who is this lovely little lady?"
Corinne still looks unsure, she then quickly bolts to the closest beast she knows and hides behind him,..Leon.
Nightbreath enters the pond area silently and sits at the banks of the pond, relaxed.
Shandar waves at the ermine, and Ahndia runs a paw along her tail, squeazing out some water before sitting in the snow, a good distance fom Corinne, not wanting to frighten the other dibbun. Shandar follows suit, minus the tail drying, sitting next to her squirrel friend. "Where's your walking stick, DoraRose?" The absence of it worries Shandar a bit, but she doesn't want to think that mayhap DoraRose doesn't need it yet, not wanting to 'jinx' it.
Leon lets Corinne stay behind him, "Her name is Corinne...my niece and right now I am the only family, well that cares anyways, that she has"
DoraRose slowly and cautiously approuches Leon and sits close to him, smiling still. "Well, hello, Corinne. It's nice to meet you." She answers Shandar's question without turning to her, murmering, "I don't need it anymore, thank you." She completly and utterly ignores the ermine, but that's kind of normal for her.
"Aronuur rekt adr n'ya s'rd'z," Nightbreath mutters.
Corinne peeks out from behind Leon and then ducks behind him again. She frowns and decides its time to get inside and bolts towards the entry about crashing into a couple other dibbuns and is soon inside a doorway into the abbey building.
Leon watches her go inside and sighs, "She is afriad of anyone she doesn't know, not sure how to help as...well she dosn't talk, she can hear you but she doesn't speak, she has giggled a couple times but thats it."
Shandar narrows her eyes at the mention of this 'other' family of Corinne. Ahndia's eyes grow wide, the only one close enough to hear her friend mutter. "Shan!" She hisses. "Don't talk like that! you'll get into trouble again!" Shandar shrugs, not seeming to care very much as she watches Corinne and DoraRose. her gaze follows the other mouse dibbun as she runs inside, and Shandar makes a mental note to remember to talk to her later, maybe have something warm to drink as the draw by the fire in Cavern Hole. "She is very nice, though. We play together a lot."
Nightbreath meanwhile continues his murmurings. "Dar'eklemor Aronuur..." Then he switches to the common tongue. "But the legacy doth remain."
DoraRose sighs and watches the mousebabe go inside. "The poor thing...maybe I can help her." she is still ignoring Nightbreath, although it's taking all her willpower to do so.
Nightbreath cuts in. "Shadows from within cannot be fought by any but the one they inhabit...Some things, the mind must purge on its own."
Shandar looks back at DoraRose. "She likes slow movements and quiet talking. She likes to just listen. As long as you talk about interesting stuff." The words of Nightbreath draw her attention. Like they always do. "What were you saying? In that...other language?"
"Aronuur is taken forever, but the legacy doth remain," the ermine repeats.
DoraRose closes her eyes for a good 30 seconds, then opens them again, and picks up a rock, looking at it, still ignoring the ermine.
"But what does it /mean?/ Isn't Arounuur..wasn't he your teacher?" Shandar leans forward, wanting an answer. Ahdnia, still not confortable around Nightbreath, tries to pull Shandar back, but when Shandar doesn't respond, she scoots herself back a pace.
Flicktail somes walking up his thick artic fox fur keeps him plenty toasty warm
Leon listens and sighs, "I am sure she will be ok, just needs time"
Nightbreath nods. "Aye, Aronuur was my mentor. I meant that though Aronuur is gone, through my actions, he will live on."
DoraRose sighs and nods, turning to Leon and still ignoring the ermine. "I hope so, too." Smiling at the arctic fox, she waves. "Hello, sir Flick. I almost didn't recognize you."
Ahndia waves at Flicktail, wondering if maybe she should be leaving. She doesn't want to be around Nightbreath, and her mum is expecting her in the infirm...but that could just be an escuse. She stands, waves in the general direction of everyone, and hurries off, dripping snow melt everywhere. Shandar doesn't notice the fox approach, and she contiunes to 'interrogate' the ermine. "But why were you saying that?" hearing Flicktail's name, nickname anyway, she almost jumps. "Oh..Hi Flicky."
Nightbreath says, "Because it is all that can be said when thoughts of my mentor's death return"
Flicktail smiles from his fluffy white fur, hies eyes almosty peering out "you know, Dora rose, it is a lil known fact that without Snugs and hugs, Arctic foxes can get very ill...
Nightbreath stands up without warning and exits the area, cloak and robe allowing him to meld with the trees...
There's a few shouts from the gate and the slam of doors closing and a certain narrow-muzzled, ragged-cloaked mouse storms in, and his clothes are stained...but not with water or drink, although it is similar to red wine. For a moment, Emyuil stares daggers at all present, then strides off in a random direction.
DoraRose sighs in relief as Nightbreath leaves, then whirls at the sound of shouts. She stares the mouse in the eyes, then sighs as he storms off. Standing, she says, "Excuse me, friends, I'm afraid I have some....buisness to attend to."
Another new arrival--Darkwatcher. He approaches his brother at a dead run and embraces him. "Flick! You're better now?"
Flicktail brings benick and Luna out to build a snow fort the 2 Dibbuns up to their chests in snow playing in it
Flicktail eeps and offs "Well i was" he chuckles "hello DW
Darkwatcher smiles now, removing his mask. "I would've gotten back sooner, but there were some loose ends to deal with."
Benar walks into sight from around the pond, habit held up out of the slushy snow with one hand so it doesn't drag. "Good day"
Luna walks over holding up a little snow beast "your Unca Wotcher?' she says. While Benick runs over "Hello Elder!" he grins readying a snowball for the m=Squirrel with a mischievous look. Flicktail smiles "Hullo Benar...." While still embraced by his Brother
Darkwatcher smiles down at Luna; yeah, lately he's gotten better at understanding Dibbuns. "Yes." He realeases his brother as an afterthought, nods to Benar, and grins a bit when he seees the look in Benick's eye.
Benar just point a paw at Benick, "Throw anything at me Benick and there is no pudding for two weeks and you are on clean up duty in the main hall for just as long." He gives the young fox a stern stare, clearly not in the mood to play it seems. He then turns his attention on Darkwatcher and Flicktail and frowns at them.
Darkwatcher blinks his grey/bluegrey/silver eyes. "What?"
Benicks cocks his paw back, butthen blinks "two WEEKS!?" clearly aghast he drops the nsowball and goes to make a snow fort.Luna is trying to climb up Darckwatcher as if he were a snow hill holing the snow beast in her paw outto him. Flicktail smiles at his brother then cocks his head to Benar "What's wrong Benar?
Benar shakes his head, "I do not like snow balls and I am in a bad mood Flicktail as you rightly saw. Someone decided to devour an entire basket of raspberries. We now have none left at all."
Darkwatcher accepts the snow beast. Commenting "It is well made," as he continues to smile honestly and legitimately, then saying to Benar, "If it's any consolation Elder, they wouldn't have lasted as rations."
Flicktail says, "Aye that would put me in a Bad mood too..at least we ave some blueberries left..any idea who the culprit is?" Luna smiles at her uncle and kisses his cheek ruff while Benick has found a Mole dibbun and is playing mole thru a snow bank"
Benar says, "No, we do not yet know who the culprit is and we could have turned them into preserves Darkwatcher, or candied and dried them into sweets and now everyone is deprived.""
Oz walks slowly over to the pond, he has his walking staff with him as he walks.
With a last warm gaze at Luna, the hired 'blade turns attention to Benar. Cold, analytical is the gleam that enters the fox's eye now. Attacking the problem detachedly, instinctively, he begins with, "Examination of possible culprits is in order--Search for juice stains, pits--Do raspberries have pits?--Anyways, search for such, and also put out a general announcement that you know of the occurance and that investigations are under way-/Careful/ investigation, emphasize /thorough/ in the proceedings. Post a guard at the supply storage areas and search at random intervals without warning. Make it clear for possible culprits that giving in now and confessing is easier than what you may be forced to do." Okay...maybe he's taking this a bit too seriously.
Luna looks aroudn from atop Darkwatcher's shoulder Waving to Pappa Oz . Flicktail nods "I am Sorry benar...I kn ow how you liek raspberries
 Benar listens to Darkwatcher and shakes his head and smiles, "I do not think I need to go quite that far this early on Darkwatcher," he sighs and turns to watch the children, a frown on his muzzle as they play.