Maybe The Snow Badger Will Come After All!!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Kitchen

This is a long, narrow room with five large fireplaces set into one wall, and two equally large wood burning iron stoves set against the opposite wall. Several small, rectangular tables rest in here, but there are no chairs available. The rest of the wallspace is taken up by an entire array of shelves, cupboards, and counters which hold the day-to-day cooking supplies and utensils. The kitchen is clean and well maintained, and more recent efforts have been made toward organization of the cooking ware.

On the wall just right of the door leading into Great Hall is a neatly penned chart, which lists the names of beasts assigned to cooking duty as well as the dates and times they are scheduled. A small note above the chart urges residents to volunteer for at least a slot or two a week.

Morning light is streaming in through the windows. The ovens have been stoked for the days cooking.

          [G]reat [H]all     [Wine] Cellar    [Sc]ullery
          [C]avern [H]ole    [Pan]try         [La]rder
          [Ki]tchen [P]ath

Caleb is helping in the kitchens, nothing new here as he does help a lot. But today he is trying his paw at making some shortbread cookies and they are shaped like snowflakes..well sort of they do need work and he has about 12 made of them, and they didn’t burn on his first try so he is very pleased with himself as he smiles.

Cynthia slips into the kitchens and looks to see who is here, seeing Caleb she frowns right away and hmmphs as she mutters "Would have to be some beast here wouldn't there"

Zee has stayed the night at the abbey and decided to venture into the kitchen, his main goal being to find some October Ale for his tea..yeah mix them together, hey it’s good :).He stops when he sees the two mice and shrugs deciding to not worry on the idea after all.

Caleb glances at the mouse maid and nods a hello, "Ummm...hi" He places the cookies on a rack and looks at them, all they need is some blue icing and maybe some sort of lighter colored dots of color to look more like snowflakes, or simply keep them like this, he is not sure. “You need something?" He asks her.

Cynthia shakes her head "No, I was just walking around" And skipping class again, but she doesn't mention that as she is not a fool. But she is curious of cookies and walks over “What ya doing?"

Zee clears his throat “So thar something special for cookies there lad? Or just making cookies to make cookies?" He chuckles and looks at the cookies himself and even goes to sample one as he carefully nibbles it and smiles "These are good lad"

Silverstorm walks into the kitchen and sighs, she is not in the best mood this morning and it shows. She blinks and looks at the cookies and frowns, they had to be that certain shape, “interesting choice of shape..." She says sounding annoyed.

Caleb frowns as a cookie is taken " should ask first and it's one of my....try and makes it moments and its winter." He looks at the otter “Whats wrong with the shape?"

Cynthia just stays close by and watches the others.

Zee grins, "You can always make more lad." He waves to the otter "Cheer up...there is cookies. Cookies cheer any beast up!"

Silverstorm sighs "Snowflakes...I was talking bout some yesterday or least they sort of look that way or are they stars?" She frowns "Who cares don't matter, not like they are need someone done said no to doing anything fun or...snow badger related." She sighs, yes she was sort of looking forwards to it.

Caleb says, "They are snowflakes...or.." He listens "What do you mean...the snow badger always comes and that’s soon and we always have cookies and juice or cider."

Zee chuckles "De snow badger, I remember stories of him in de northlands." He gets a cookie and will offer one to all. And pocket the rest, well not the one he starts to nibble so this is his 2nd cookie.

Caleb sighs as the cookies disappear, he does take one and tastes it and smiles, "Yep the snow badger!"

Cynthia frowns "I heard he isn’t shut up" She shakes her head at the cookie offer and pouts.

Silverstorm frowns "Well...maybe or maybe not. Guess we have to see if...well Papa Oz invites him or not."

Zee blinks "Wot?..Why be that lass?" He looks at Silverstorm and goes to pull her off to the side, and talks low so she can hear mainly, "Wots going on lass? Why would Ozzy cancel something like that fer?"

Caleb just frowns and glares at the other mouse "He is too coming!" He watches and the older beasts go over to the side, but he stays where he is and doesn't go over to them.

Silverstorm sighs and she speaks quietly,"I don't know....I mean, he DID ply him last winter, but usually it was Zork and..I don’t know guess me talking bout it yesterday made he think too much on it and he yelled and said the snow badger wasn’t coming now or ever and for me to put the stuff away. I didn’t though, it’s in my room and so is this jungle hare thing..the ummm, helper sort of to the snow badger that Zork made up and I was the jungle hare. I didn’t like it at first but sort of was liking the idea for this winter solstice and now...well guess it’s a no show this time, and no snowflake cookies, or cider or like candy nuts...even little gifts or something"

Cynthia crosses her arms over her chest “I said shut up!"

Zee starts to ask more when he looks over at the two mice and clears his voice “Both be quiet!" He snorts and looks back to Silverstorm and frowns, "Him and his brother always liked winter....but to cancel..." He sighs as he thinks "I can see why in a way, but tis the wrong way ta go about it..." He finishes a cookie he has and nods as if he has decided, "The snow badger is coming not ta worry."

Silverstorm says, "But Oz refuses to even do it, what ya gonna talk him into it all of a sudden. Your need some serious luck for that to happen I think"

Cynthia frowns as the badger yells back and glares at the badger as she sticks out her tongue and hmphs. She looks around the kitchen bored and that could be a dangerous thing for her to be bored.

Caleb blinks as Zee speaks and mutters a sorry. Then he sees what the other mouse does and glares again "Respect your elders, your being mean!" He now pouts and turns away from the mouse maid and mutters under his breath.

Zee grins, “Cause I be helping lass" He winks and chuckles “I just need ya ta relax and not worry yourself or de dibbuns, or others for that matter. I just need some things besides de outfit...hmmms"

Cynthia looks at Caleb and then goes to tackle him to the floor!

Silverstorm tilts her head "Need what? I might have something to make fur look more white and we can ask Lacota to make cookies and get cider, he will just need to know what day to do it and when to have it ready"

Caleb eerks as he is tackled to the floor and screams"Stop it, that wasn't nice!"

Zee grins "Good good lass....wot..?" He frowns and walks over to the two mice and gets one in each paw and both also a good ways from each other as he lifts them off the floor and looks between them with a frown “Now wot be goin' on now ya two? Your both fighting and carring on and such."

Cynthia tries to kick at Zee as she is lifted up, "He started it! I just said how the snow badger not coming and he said he was and I know what I am talking about as I was there and he wasn't!"

Silverstorm gasps as she sees the two younger beasts fighting or least starting to fight and frowns. She decides to see how Zee will handle this, least for now.

Caleb feels himself lifted up and frowns as he looks at the floor. He doesn't kick or anything and just stares at the floor "I'm sorry..." He says quietly.

Zee looks between the two and sits each down carefully in a chair and nods "Ok and let’s set something right. I was talking ta Sister Silverstorm and guess wot, de snow badger will come, in fact I know for a fact as he is a personal friend of mine" He turns to wink at Silverstorm and looks back to the two young beasts and grins, “But ya have to be good or he won't come and bring ya anything." He looks to Caleb "Think you can make more of them tasty cookies? You be helping de snow badger out and I bet ya can see if Friar Lacota can help as well, with cider ta drink and I will get some candy chestnuts and well...we let de snow badger deal with gifts. “He then adds "Now tell each other sorry and be friends as friendship is the best thing in de world"

Cynthia still is grumpy “Sorry" she mutters, but it seems she rather not be friends. But she does listen and smiles a little "You really know the snow badger?"

Caleb smiles "I love to help!" He looks at the mouse maid "I am sorry, hope we can least try and be friends"

Silverstorm slips out and lets the badger handle things, if he needs her he can go find her.

Zee smiles “Ya see..yes try to be friends and help be good" He chuckles"And ya can say yep I do know him...hee heee"

Cynthia smiles, she glances at Caleb and still frowns a little, but another though comes to her mind “What about that...Oz..he was like all upset yesterday?"

Caleb frowns “Something happen to Papa Oz?"

Zee nods slowly "Yes..heard of about it and no he just be sad tis all, I am sure he will be fine and maybe a day or two off will help him some"

Cynthia is concern “He was crying and just walked away and was like in his room or something half of yesterday and so far all of today"

Caleb frowns, "Did anyone check on him and make sure he is ok? Why was he crying?"

Zee looks between them and sighs "I don't know and he be upset, in a sad way, over his brother who died..." He frowns "I can go check on Ozzy here soon, you two can maybe go elsewhere ok? And get along also ok?"

Cynthia nods, "Ok" She says quietly.

Caleb nods also, "I hope he cheers up soon"

Zee nods " too lad, me also" Yes he is concern also and plans to check on Oz soon as he can. Maybe a little chat is in order.

Cynthia has no clue what she will do and simply just sits down and sighs.

Zee watches the two and shrugs "Wot ever...alright let’s see wot be up now" He says and heads on out of the kitchens.

Caleb speaks quietly "I'm gonna go find Friar Lactoa now" He says and walks off as well.