May 5, 2011 - Always Be Your Family

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Red, blue, orange, green...vibrant patterns of color are painted on the floorstones of Great Hall by the high afternoon sun that is streaming through the stained glass windows.


[K]itchen [St]airs [C]avern [H]ole

[Li]brary [En]try [B]reezeway



a message (board) with notes tacked to it

(a Abby Brother walks in carrying som ebooks looking for Gupthie)

Gupthie is sitting in a chair relaxing, having finished all his chores until after dinner.

the Brother stands in front pf Gupthis with his arm load of books

Gupthie looks up. "Hello there!"

the Mouse nods "I am brother Ash, You have been assigned to me as my new novice: he smiles

Zoomy walks slowly out of the kitchen with a half eaten pasty in his hand.

Lorimis looks up from where he is reading "ahh Friar Zoomy just in the nicek of time

Gupthie stands up, because he feels like he ought to be standing up for this. "I'm pleased to meet you Brother Ash." He sees Zoomy coming out of the kitchen and waves at him.

Zoomy says suddenly,"I swear I didn't eat all the candied chestnutters Abbot!"

brother has holds out the books "these are for you to study, do you know how to read yet young novice?

Lorimis chuckles "you did however fortunately we have a new Novice whommight like to learn to cook

Gupthie nods. "When I was young there was an old mouse in my village who taught all the dibbuns."

Zoomy looks at the Abbot interestedly,"We do aye?"

Ash noces "well these thses are books on the history of the abbey, and the requirments to take the oath of the order.....also partof your duties will beto greet abbey visitors and seethattheir needs arement

Lorimis nods and points to Gup "Lad wantsto be as good as you some day

Gupthie nods, and takes the books. "I'll do my best at these books and at being helpful to our guests."

Zoomy blushes deeply,"I'm not that good!"

Lorimis says, "I beg to differ Frial"

Zoomy easily changes the subject,"And who might the lad wanting to learn be?"

Lorimis points once again to Gup

Gupthie raises his paw. "That'd be me!"

Zoomy had failed to notice the Father Abbot pointing to the young mouse earlier. He slowly walks up to the mouse,"Well then,Any prior knowledge in the art of food?"

Gupthie smiles, and says, "It tastes good and if you try to eat it right out of the oven you burn your paw."

Zoomy chuckles and nods,"And do you have any knowledge in how to keep the Head Cook from eating all the food he cooks?"

Gupthie thinks for a minute, and says, "If there's a way, I don't know it."

Zoomy whispers to the young mouse,"Just grab me by my tail or something. That should stop me."

Gupthie's face cracks into a smile. "I'll make sure to remember that."

Lorimis says, "well thats easy, you eat it first"

Zoomy scolds the Abbot,"Now Father eating the food right out from under me would be positively rude."

Lorimis says, "ture, and tastey too"

Gupthie says, "I think if I eat all the food before Zoomy gets a chance, I will be one fat mouse."

Lorimis says, "thyat HAS been known to happen Gup"

Gupthie laughs, and says, "Yes, but big fat mice often have some trouble... ahem... singing to the lady-toads."

Lorimis says, "yes but they ARE more ATTRACTIVE to ladytoads"

Zoomy falls over laughing.

Lorimis smiles "Dear me, we have a rolling friar

Gupthie laughs. "Do you need some help there?"

Zoomy pushes himself up off the ground with a grunt,"I think so."

Gupthie rushes over to help Zoomy up.

Lorimis smiles "so my dear Friar what is for dinner tonight. I am famished

Ash smiles "I will leave you to your studies Gupthie

Zoomy says, "We will be having stew."

Gupthie smiles at Ash, and says, "Alright. Pleased to meet you, Brother Ash, and thank you for the books."

Lorimis asks, "Stew? wot kind of stew? Fishe stew?"

Zoomy says with a straight face,"Rock stew."

Lorimis asks, "Rock? is that a fish?"

Gupthie responds with an equally straight face, "Oh, my favorite."

Zoomy says, "It's a stone."

Lorimis asks, "A stone what?"

Zoomy says, "Rock."

Lorimis asks, "Rock?"

Zoomy nods.

Lorimis asks, "won;t that be a bit tuff to chew?"

Zoomy nods,"Yes, but it tastes luvverly."

Lorimis says, "I don't think I can taste what ican't chew"

Zoomy says, "You have to suck on it like one of those wierd hard candies."

Gupthie says, "Rock stew has such a nice earth flavor, I think."

Lorimis asks, "so Gup how is your first day as a Novice?"

Gupthie says, "It's been good. A lot of work, but it's been good work."

Lorimis says, "We will always by your family Gup, of that you have my promise"

Gupthie smiles. "That's good to hear."

Lorimis asks, "why is that?"

Gupthie says, the smile faded, "Because otherwise I'm an orphan."

Lorimis says, "you will never ever be an orphan Gup, Flicktail himself will see to that, Do not let him fool you Gup...Flicktail is a beast that i shurting"

Lorimis says, "He's hurting"

Gupthie smiles. "Flicktail's a good beast. And he gives warm hugs."

Lorimis says, "yes but he still has much pain Gupthie....pain in his soul"

Lorimis says, "Flicktail loves you you know..."

Gupthie says, "I like Flicktail a lot. And perhaps we can mend each other's pain."

Lorimis says, "I am sure you can help yes, though I am not sure he will ever completely heal"

Gupthie says, "Well, as an old mouse I once knew used to say, 'Everybeast is imperfect. But when we're all imperfect together as friends and family, we get a little closer to perfection.'"

Lorimis says, "sounds liek a very wise mouse"

Gupthie says, "He was. He was a Brother here once, he said."

Lorimis says, "Yes I knew him"

Gupthie says, "You did?"

Lorimis says, "of course, he was here"

Gupthie thinks for a minute. "Wow. How old are you, Father Lorimis? He said he left the Abbey when he was 13 seasons old, and that was way way before I was even born."

Lorimis says, "oh I am fairly old I assure you"

Gupthie looks at the abbot. "Well, you certainly don't look that old."

Lorimis says, "why thank you Gup" he chuckes"

Gupthie says, "So, Father Lorimis, what else can I expect as a novice that I haven't come across yet?"

Lorimis says, "Just lot of chores and work, it is not an easy task, and you must learn a skill to help other beasts"

Gupthie nods. "Alright."

Lorimis smiles and omens his arms to hug the novice

Gupthie gives the old mouse a hug.

Lorimis says, "oooo Flicky is not the only one wo gives nice hungs"

Gupthie says, "I'm glad that I'm a Redwall Novice, Father."

Lorimis says, "I look forward to when you will take the oath, who know many in time YOU will be Father Abbot"

Gupthie laughs. "Oh, I don't know about that."

Lorimis asks, "why? you have as much chance as anyone else, abd you give thebest hugs"

Gupthie shrugs, and says, "Well, that's a long ways away, anyway. And I'm sure you'll be able to be the Abbot for a long time yet."

Lorimis says, "well I AM old"

Byronn enters the hall, Quinton on his shoulders. he nods in greeting to the abbott and Gupthie before holding Quinton and taking a seat

Gupthie shrugs, and then waves at Byronn and Quinton.

Lorimis says, "ahhh Novice why don't you see to the young Quinon's needs"

Byronn Nuzzles the dibbun affectionately and smiles. "How are you two?"

Gupthie nods to Lorimis, and begins walking over towards Byronn. He says, "Well, I'm good. How are you two doing?"

Byronn shrugs. "Im alright, Quinton seems to be really happy today"

Lorimis says, " you think it woudl be ok if Quinton came sat onmy lap for a while?"

Byronn Looks at the dibbun and nods. "Its fine with me yes.." Quinton beams and trots over to the abbott. " Hi!"

Gupthie asks, "Can I get you anything?"

Lorimis smiles and lifst Quinton onto his lap 'whathas you so happy today?

Byronn says, "Oh, Im fine"

Lorimis says, "Come now Byronn, our newest Novice is anxious to serve"

Quinton shrugs "I just am I guess!"

Byronn Grins "Er, I wouldn't mind some tea I suppose"

Lorimis smiles and tickles Quinton

Gupthie smiles, and says, "Coming right up!" before scurrying off to the kitchens.

Lorimis asks, "doesn't he Scurry well? for a mouse"

Byronn Chuckles " Aye, comes in handy when you need it"

Gupthie returns to the Great Hall with a cup of tea in his paw. He scurries over to Byronn, and says, "Here you are!"

Lorimis says, "I just absoletly love Quinton, he's such a good fellow"

Byronn Accepts the tea "Thank you!" he smiles and winks at Quinton. "That he is"

Lorimis asks, "arn't you Quinton? oh Gupthie...could you help me polish the silver tomorrow?"

(The dibbun smiles "I'm a badger!" he puffs out his chest "see?")

Lorimis says, "yes a Real striper" he chuckles"

Lorimis says, "soon you'll carry me"

Gupthie smiles, and says, "Of course! When tomorrow?"

Lorimis says, "oh the morning I think"

Byronn laughs quietly and proceeds to sip his tea

Gupthie thinks for a minute, and asks, "Could we do it in the afternoon? I already promised one of the Sisters I'd help her in the garden tomorrow morning."

Quinton tilts his head "Polish....silver? is his fur dull?"

Lorimis chyckles "well i suppose that hare COUDl use a bit of spit and polish

Lorimis says, "afternoonis fine Gupster"

Gupthie laughs and smiles. "I'll be sure to come help, then."

Lorimis says, "yes you can hold Silver down Quinton while Gup and I polish him"

Gupthie laughs.

Lorimis says, "Tell me Gup, have you ever played...tag?"

Gupthie nods solemnly. "That I have."

Lorimis says, "I love playing tag"

Lorimis says, "We need new Abby Brithers you know Gup"

Gupthie nods, and says, "Well, someday I'll be one. But that's a ways off."

Lorimis touches Gup and says "tag your it" and runs away