Marek is back and Benar went to...somewhere. (Redemption of Marek TP a teensy little bit)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This RP actually happened IRL and ICly on Thursday, March 12, 2015 :)

Redwall Entryway

Zork is outside today, it is warmer and finally some snow is melting some. Yes its stil everywhere but hopefully not too much longer.

Leon walks out of the gate house and yawns, he looks around and shakes his head as he walks over to Zork, "I could say who got me home but..probally best not to."

Zork shrugs as he leans back in his chair, "Ya got home does it matter."

Zee walks in as you hear the characteristic thud of his comically large staff. "No patience is these young'n's nobody waits on an old badger anymore. I'm going too slow they says. Slow and steady wins the race me Uncle Soot used to say" he adresses Zork as he walks in. "Good saying, wouldn't you say, boy"

Leon frowns, "It achally brings up some news, can't say it's good news either its about..." And then he hears the familar voice and his mouth drops open as he looks right at Zee as if he is, well in shock.." in the seasons are you?...Your alive?!"

Zork chuckles as yeah he is used to this and catches Leon's look and chuckles more.

Leon still stands there like he is in shock, he remembers how Zee looked a couple days ago, "" Its about all he can get out as he studies Zee closely.

DoraRose comes from the trainign yard, wearing black leggings, a black tunic, and soft black boots. She has been practising with her weapons, but for some reason she looks kind of upset. Seeing the group over inthe entryway, she makes her way over and quietly stands by her husband. She goes to rest a paw on his shoulder and whispers, "What's wrong?"

Zee raises an eyebrow. "I'm alive because I want to be boy, I'll die when I'm good and ready" he walks over to Zork. "For now, I'm more concered about your brother, and this hear healer fellow are doing. As you can see *I* am fine, what about you"

A familiar otter approaches from the direction of the pond. Stopping short, Lee observes the scene in silence.

Zork smiles, "I am fine. Why wouldnt I be fine your the one that walked off and didnt send a message so Ozzy and Leon here went to look for you. Didnt get much details on wot happen" He leans back in his chair, he waves to Dorarose.

Leon blinks as he feels Dorarose's paw, "It's just..what happen would normally kill someone your..well age." He glaces over at Zork debating on saying anything and decides not to right now, but he does mention one thing, " There was some trouble, but things worked out as someone helped" He doesn't mention who the someone is just yet. Leon says, "And I was heading towards Ferravale anyways for Hot root."

Zee doesn't even flinch at the suggestion. "My age usually kills someone my age, what is your point, boy? Ain't no river going to kill me if I say it doesn't" he looks around. "What about that stoat fellow that killed me nephew, but is trying to reform himself...Mayrock or something or other?"

Zork looks at Zee, "Stoat?" It takes him a little while to figure it out as lets see Oz is fine and he is fine who else would his uncle be speaking of and he frowns now as he remembers a day a bit far off now, "Maxtor..." He mutters quietly, "And that were like a long time go now and..wait a darn..WHO'S BACK?"

"Marek," The otter chimes in, "Marek is back, unfortunately..."

DoraRose nods politely to the badger, then percks up at Zee's words. "What?" She whips around and stares hard at the otter, her blues eyes flashing. "WHAT?! Marek is WHAT?!" She grits her teeth. "How dare he even try and show his miserable, flea-ridden face around here? Where is he?!""

Leon sighs and looks at Dorarose, "Calm down please, he did help Zee, well the mole did but Marek did.." And he is just as surprised at it as the others will be as he takes a deep breath, "Looking for Zee I tagged along as I am a healer, long story short if it wasnt for Marek, I wouldnt be standing here right now he..well he saved my life."

A squirrel makes his way over from the general area of the kitchens, look relatively at ease. John nods to Lee and Dorarose, the two beasts he most easily recognizes, and, having caught Dorarose's outburst, he curses. "Marek?" He curses again. "Ye knae, Ah told ye that we should 'ave killed him when we had the chance..." He shakes his head. "Och, well, if 'e's back, we can fix that."

Zork just remains silent for now thinking this over, he lets the others talk for now.

Zee looks around as his eyes follow the facial patterns on the mouse's face. "Calm down, miss. Yes, Marek. That be his name. I've been around long enough to know a beast's heart, and while it's a slow work in progress, he be tryin' to make a change" he sits down. "It be that Irinevok fellow I keep hearing about that we need to worry about.....does anyone have any tea, I'm tired"

Lee frowns. "I have no idea... Ferravale, I would surmise. 'E claims ta be reformed, but I take that with a grain o' salt, ta be honest..." He turns toward John, scowling. "An' I did try ta kill 'im, mate, but 'e gained the upper paw, an' 'ad an 'elper I din't know about...Either way, 'e currently proves useful ta me... Once 'e wears out 'is usefulness... I'll eliminate 'im, once an' for all..."

DoraRose starts twitching spasmatically. "Of course he did. I usually seem to end up indebted to the enemy..." She covers her eyes with a paw. "Perhaps we should let Blisa and her snake handle Marek, Lee. I mean, he did try to kill her father." She peeks at Zee through her fingers. "And who's this Irene--err, what's-his-face beast?"

Leon shrugs "I have no idea who Ir..who ever is, we could ask Marek and last I saw him he was in Ferravale and is probally still in Ferravale. He also wasn't wearing his fancy clothing he had a simple tunic on."

John, scowling, says, "A beast like Marek lost 'es chance tae 'reform.' He caused tae much death an' pain...Ye'd really wan' him walkin' around here with ou'a care in thae world? Nae, Ah don' think so..." He turns to Zee. "And who is this Irino'k fellow ye mentioned? If they're causin' trouble...Can' the bloody world have peace for more then tae seasons? Ah mean really, is tha' tae much to ask?" he says to no one.

Zork listens to all the shouting and shakes his head, he leans back in his wheelchair again and clears his throat, "Ok everyone..every beast ya all need ta calm down, maybe Marek is tryi' ta reform..we don't know that. Maybe he does want ta change his ways. Thar is a beast who was on the side of evil or so he keeps saying and he changed so why can't Marek maybe change too. Sounds like something to medatate on and not jump to conclusions on."

Zee has to hold back his urge to bonk everyone in the room on the head with his staff. "I have seasons and seasons on you and everyone in this room for that matter, boy" he tells John. "I'm not saying that Marek is tellin' the truth for sure, but I've been long enough to see this kind of thing happen more than once. Why when I was a young'n I knew this wolf that killed an entire village, and one day....." Zee falls asleep for a few minutes before waking up. "One day he comes to the village with tears in his eyes, he says "I want to make things up, he says" so he rebuilt the village, I was the last to think he was tellin' the truth, but one day the rest of his pack comes along to destroy the village, and he throws himself out and sacrifices himself to save everyone there. There is so such thing as too late, boy. As me old pal Silverfangs once said, too late is a myth created by the minds of the stubborn"

Lee crosses his arms, scoffing. "Sorry, Zork, Marek lost 'is last chance when 'e took over Redwall. John, I 'ave ev'ry intention of killin' Marek, but only after 'e served me purposes, not before. This Irinivock fellow is a dangerous beast, a fire starter. Seems 'e likes ta take the torch ta villages for 'fun'. Marek knows wot the beast looks like. I don't like it anymore than ye do, but without Marek I got nothin' ta go on." He frowns to Zee, but declines to argue the point further.

DoraRose grits her teeth and decides to listen to the advice of the old. Even if she doesn't liek it. "Okay, so, what else do we know of this guy, other than he's a pyromaniac?" She goes to hold her husband's paw, hoping that it hill help her calm down.

Leon smiles at Dorarose, he doesn't know everything really either

Bristling at the elder badger's words, John shakes his head. "Aye, well, that' may be true, bu' dae ye really think tha he's tellin' thae truth? Ah wasn' aware tha' he was known for truthfulness." He shrugs. "And what if he is tellin' it? If he were, he'd get himself out o' here. Ah know a lot o' beast who couldn't give a rotten acorn about 'truth' who are more than willing to kill him." He looks at Dora. "Really. How would ye feel if that fox that caused all tha' crap years ago were tae come back from the dead, stroll in 'ere, and anounce that he'd reformed and tha' he was truly sorry abou' it all? Would ye let him live?"

Zork listens to Lee or least somewhat, "Yeah I was ere' when Marek took over remember, I remember wot all happen and what his horde beasts did and all that. I may haf to have a chat with him myself or ask Scioto, if Marek is in Ferravale maybe Scioto know"

Zee shrugs. "Whether he is telling the truth or not is irrelevant. What matters is we have worse things to worry about. I don't know where he is, but this Irinevok fellow is creeping down south, and the only beast who knows anything about him is Marek" he gets up and heads to the bunk room. "Now I'm going to bed before any of you ignorant young'ins get me too stressed" the *thud* of his staff is heard as he wonders off

Lee shakes his head. "Like I said, far as I be concerned, Marek is expendable. While I need 'is 'elp, none o' ye are ta so much as lay a finger on 'im. I'm requestin' this as 'ead guard, an' as a friend. Once the Irinivoc character be dealt with, Marek is free game... But I'm gonna let it be known right 'ere an' now, that I fully intend ta finish wot I started with 'im out in the woods... An' this time, 'e won't escape."

DoraRose bristles and points an angry paw at the squirrel. "That was uncalled for! I'm not saying that Marek should be trusted! I'm just wantign to know more about this other threat! Now leave the dead in the past!" Still fuming she glances at the otter. "Not if he's in Ferravale and Blisa gets to him first. Remeber, I lived in her house as her guest while Redwall was under Marek's control. She has a vengful streak as wide as the River Moss. And a pet snake."

Zork decides to excuse himself "I neeed ta check on Zee..make sure he got ta his room chat later" So he heads off.

Leon looks back and forth as all of them talk and sighs he is not sure what to say and so he listens for now.

John shrugs. "Well, Ah see no difference between thae two. And fine, Lee, ye can have yore way. Ah just can' make any promises if Ah run inta him in an alley-way at night..." He snorts. "Ignorent! One can't be ingorent in a matter o' opinion!" he mutters.

Lee frowns. "I'll 'ave ta chat with Blisa about that... Either way, that is not the most pressin' matter. Irinivoc an' 'is henchbeast ColdClaw is. Ta be honest, I doubted Marek's claims about the firestarter until we ran inta ColdClaw an' four or five other vermin on the road, in broad daylight, I might add. ColdClaw seems ta be straight up insane... An' dangerous ta boot. It is my decision, therefore, to forbid anybeasts that aren't warriors from exiting the Abbey unner any circumstances... I am confident the Abbot an' Elders will back me in this."

Leon says, "I have no reason to leave the abbey, I already got Hot Root for Friar Lacota and there is still some snow out there yet so can't herb hunt really, its still a little too early yet. I did get some mint and a couple other herbs we were low on while I was in Ferravale so should be good there.""

DoraRose bares her teeth at the squirrel, but then turns to the otter and nods. "That sounds wise. I know of no reason for me to leave the Abbey, but I'll alert the guards on duty as to where I'm going if I do leave."

John glances at Dorarose, raising his paws. "Ah'm no' your foe, an' Ah'm just speaking what Ah think. Which, o' course, is always goin' tae be write for me." He turns to the otter. "Aye, well, Ah'm only 'ere for thae food." He winks. "An' thae fact that' thae woods have been tae bloody cold..."

Lee nods. "DoraRose an' yerself are free ta go as ye please... But I want no kidnapped dibbuns or murdered Novices... DoraRose, doesn't Benar 'ave all the gate keys? I'll need ta ask 'im ta make sure each gate is locked tight... In the meantime, I'll be takin' a select few guards out inta Mossflower an' turnin' over ev'ry rock, root, an' bush... We will scour the countryside, even if it takes days ta do so..."

DoraRose nods, then gasps and slaps a paw to her forhead. "OH! I just remembered! When I was on my way to the trainign yard this morning, I saw Benar leaving with another Abbey Brother and 2 guards. I have no idea where they were going."

His tail swishing, John looks at Lee again. "Ye knae, Ah'm willin' tae help ye with that. Ah've gotten a bit lazy in 'ere..." He smiles sheepishly. "Ahh, well. A good ol' search through thae woods huntin' vermin nutier than acorns is just what Ah need!" he says, only half-joking.

Lee frowns. "Benar left?!?" He curses, uncharacteristically. "Just wot we need... I 'ave ta go find 'im..."

DoraRose spreads her paws wide. "He had 2 guards with him! I'm sure he's fine. Didn't he used to be a warrior or something?"

John snorts. "Well, Ah'm pretty dang sure that' once ye're ol' enough, bein' a warrior doesn' really apply anymore...An' last Ah saw him, 'e was gettin' on in seasons, wasn' he? Just hope thae two guards are up tae it, if trouble befalls them. Whoch Ah can say honestly ah hope it doesn't."

Lee sighs heavily. "He be an Elder o' the Abbey, it is me own responsibility ta make sure 'e is alright, guards or not..."

DoraRose shrugs. "Alright. Here, I'll go ask the guards to come tell you if he said where he was going. See ya later." And she goes off.

John nods. "Ah assumed sae. Well..." he pauses. "It's odd. Ye're thae head guard, aye? Then why didn' ye knae abou' tae o' yore gaurds leavin'?"

Lee sighs. "Ye'd be surprised 'ow often I get left out o' the loop... Me wife is pregnant again, an' she needs a lot o' me attention lately, an' I think they don't wanna disturb me when I'm busy enough as it is..." He frowns.

Nodding again, John says, "Well, tha' does make a bit more sense. Thae ye'd think tha' they'd be tellin' ye when it has tae do with some one as important as Benar... Congadulations, by thae way..."

Lee nods once more. "Ye'd think so, yes..." He looks up at the sky. "Will be dark soon... I best go find Benar before the bandits do..."

John dips his head. "Aye, well. Ah should probably go an' get somethin' tae eat...Good luck on findin' him." He starts to head for the general area of the kitchens. "Be seein' ye, Lee! An let's hope with all things good that bandits are inactive taeday!"

Thanks for reading!
