Lorimis Log: Thorn has returned

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

-Elder Dorm Hallway-

..Abbot Lorimis comes across Thorn and it’s in the middle of the night..

It is late and normally the abbot is asleep but he couldn’t sleep so he is up and about walking slowly down the hall after having a late meeting on some things to do with the feast.

Thorn steps quietly out of the groundkeepers room and starts to head to the stairs slowly as she tries not to wake any beast, yeah she is up as well but not planning on staying tonight and its best, for her anyways, to travel at night and less chance of being seen.

Lorimis adjusts his glasses as he quietly watches Thorn and clears his throat to speak, "Now who else is up this late and seemly sneaking in or was it out of Elder Benar's Room?"
Thorn stops in her tracks and looks at the voice owner and blinks, great, she sighs "I was just..I mean..no harm done didn’t wake him up" She has her hood up and backs into the wall.
Lorimis walks up slowly using his cane for support and goes to push back the hood gently and so can confirm whom he believes this to be, "Thorn?" A voice of surprise is heard, "Child..where have you been?"
Thorn allows the hood to fall to her shoulders as she looks up "I..been...away" She frowns some and looks down "I..I'm sorry and was gonna check on dad but he was sleeping and didn’t wake him..would of been wrong too and..I should go" She goes to try and get past him, not trying too hard though.
Lorimis blinks, "Sorry for what? You have returned...and should stay returned as you have been missed and have caused worry. But...if you choose to go, where would you go and at this hour of the night?"

Thorn frowns "I...I..don't know." She looks on the verge of tears as she has missed the abbey and knows she shouldn’t of just left, she shouldn’t of ran off from the brother watching her at the time and cause all this worry. Are they mad? Are they forgiving? All this goes through her head.

Lorimis watches her and listens as he leans on his cane. He doesn’t try to ask whats the matter, he just listens and is there for any support she may or may not need. “Thorn?"
Thorn frowns and then walks over and hugs him gently and just starts sobbing onto his robes, questions are not answered and doesn’t look like they will be anytime soon.
Lorimis is a little surprised at this and pats her on the back letting her cry and quietly waits till she is ready to speak.
Thorn sniffs and she still sobs uncontroled and muttering sorry over and over again threw hicups and just gets all that bottled up feelings out.
Lorimis pats her back still as he speaks "Its alright child, things will be ok. You are back with us and this is what matters right now..other things can be spoken of later on Thorn." He lets her finish sobbing and his robes are wet now but he doesn’t say anything.
Thorn sniffs and finally her sobbing slows as she steps back and nods, "I..." She rubs her eyes "I should let you...go to bed, its..late"
Flicktail limps down stairs his keen foxish ears picking up sobs "What be the matter and can I help?”
Lorimis nods and hugs her gently, "It will be ok Thorn...ahhh here is Flicktail I will leave you with him...goodnight" He then slowly goes to his own room, it’s time for some sleep and Flicktail can tend to the rat maid now.

Thorn nods "Thank you..Abbot Lorimis" She looks up to see Flicktail." Hey..."

Flicktail looks shocked and rushes to his friend, eyes welling with tears "Thorn Gel! Yer back, O thank martin's whiskers yer BACK! “ He approaches to embrace her if she allows.

Thorn does allow it and would probably cry on him too but...well she soaked Lorimis already, "Flicky..."

Lorimis turns and smiles at this sight and then heads on inside his room for the night