Long Patrol Rules (Old)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

First and foremost, follow the rules of the MUCK!!! Remain true to the genre and the G-rating at all times.

   There is a connection requirement of at least two hours a week.
   If your character is not connected for more than a month, it is the discretion of the officers to remove you from the group.
   Without RP, the group is merely an OOC forum! Stay out of those sleep rooms and enjoy some RP. A log-posting policy is currently in effect. For each alt you have in the group, you must post a logged RP here on the website.
   Long Patrol characters are not to leave the Salamandastron/Shore area unless on a larger patrol mission, due to the IC constraints of distance (i.e., no strolls to Redwall Abbey, please). However, characters are free to roam the Sala/Shore area, on patrol or otherwise.
   All Long Patrol members must be of the hare species. However, there is a sub-group of creatures that live in the mountain: the residents. These can be non-hare in species, such as the Badger Lord's family, the cooks, dibbun-keepers, and so on. To see a more extensive listing of the possibilities for non-hares, check the members page.
   No VERMIN in the mountain, 'good' or 'bad'. This is a woodlander group, vowed to protect from evil, and have strict rules about vermin/woodlander interaction. The only vermin characters allowed into the mountain are prisoners captured by the patrol. OOC: If you are of vermin origin, and you wish to explore the mountain, set your status as OOC, do not interfere with any RP taking place, and if you are asked to leave, please do so. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

Note: Original Content, added to by Sebastian