Lets Get Those Forge Tools!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Lunch is indeed being brought in, trays of thick crusty bread, warm smelling soups and a few leek, onion and mushroom quiches. Benar appears through a side door and waves to some of the Novices before walking after them slowly toward the large table were lunch is being set out. "Good afternoon everyone."

Zork looks around, he grins when he sees Benar and waves "Ello Benar!" .He finds a seat and looks around, "Hmms B must of went elsewhere ta have lunch"

Lee waves with his good arm. "Good day ta ye, Benar."

Benar asks, "How is everyone doing?" He stops to help himself to some bread rolls and some butter, "I trust everyone is having good day? Zork if you are free after lunch I can get those tools out of the attic with you if you want to come upstairs with me."

Lillian pokes her head into the room, still a little uneasy around some beasts she scans the room and walks slowly inside and finds a seat close to the others, she nods and gives a good day to the beasts in the room.

Lee takes a few quiches and some soup.

Zork nods "That sounds good Benar, I was busy this morning helping B..errr Bastien with sumthing."

Benar asks, "Oh? What did Bastien need?" He sits down next to the badger then raises a paw to Lillian, "Come join us for Lunch Lillian," He tears into his bread and starts to butter it, "Anything interesting?"

Lillian looks over as Bastien is mentioned and quietly eats some bread and soup as the others talk, she still has to get to know most beasts in the abbey. She offers a smile and is sitting close to them where she can hear them.

Lee Sits nearby, digging in. "Good day, Miss Lillian. How are ye?"

Zork says, "I be tryin ta get his skills with a blade better, ya know up close fightin', not ta worry we did a practice in de grasslands, de boy needs ta know he does a good job with his guard position, and with extra skills practice he can improve, saw his archer skills, he be very good with them."

Benar says, "I am glad to hear it Zork, thank you for aiding in his training." He nibbles on his bread and frowns, "I am hoping we can have a quiet Autumn and a peaceful Winter. I don't want any more trouble upsetting the Abbey's way of life if we can avoid it." He glances at Lee and frowns, "What happened to you Lee? You appear to have injured yourself I see...."

Lillian listens but doesn’t say anything right now.

Benar frowns at Lee, sipping his drink, "Well go ahead, you can tell me whilst I finish lunch but then I want to get up into the attic and help Zork find the tools to get the forge running."

Lee takes a drink of cordial. "Well, two days ago Stream'eart wandered out of the Abbey an' ran into a bad female weasel who robbed 'er an' threatened ta kill 'er..." he pauses, taking a bite of bread.

Lillian listens, she decides to finish her meal outside by the pond, too many beasts here.

Zork nibbles some bread as he listens.

Benar says, "I'm listening Lee," He frowns and shakes his head, "It is a shame the woodlands are still not safe even after everything that has happened."

Lee nods, continuing, "Well, I 'ad followed Stream'eart out ta make sure she was safe, an' I defended her with only me dagger, which I threw at the vermin's shoulder. Streamheart got away an' came here ta get 'elp, but the Weasel cornered me, slashed me shoulder, an' I 'ad tripped...she were about ta kill me...but thankfully Oz arrived just in time an' saved me..."

Zork starts to ask something and then just lets Lee finish the story.

Benar asks, "Oz was outside?" He frowns and shakes his head, "Oh dear... well I am glad you are at home again and safe Lee.... I will have to talk to the Gate guards about letting people just storm out on their own.... still." He finishes his bread and stands up, "I am glad you are well Lee... Now Zork did you care to come upstairs to the attic? I am sure we can find what you need."

Lee says, "That ain't all, though...the weasel returned last night, an' knocked Bastien out, but Flick an' me took care of 'er...she be dead now, which be good...she wanted me head...off me shoulders."

Zork frowns, "Well least she be not a problem now..", He looks to Benar, "And lets get de tools, I have done work I was able ta do. Clean up de forge area, fix up de stone wall some and looked at de anvil."

Benar says, "Indeed... well I am glad the matter was... dealt with." He nods to Lillian and Lee, "If you wish to join us you are welcome to do so."

Lee says, "Me too...I value me head."

Zork goes to follow Benar

Lee follows as well

Benar nods his head and starts for the stairs, "Well then that is good to hear, let us go upstairs and see if we can find these tools." he leaves Lillian to her lunch and heads up.

RW Abbey: Attic

It is extremely dark and gloomy in here. Below your feetpaws, you can feel a shape in the floor; it's roughly rectangular. Upon closer inspection, you see that it is the trap door. The dust is thick in here, and your movements disturb it. The grey stuff rises in clouds. It makes you sneeze and cough.

Standing still, the dust slowly settles again. Your eyes become accustomed to the darkness, and you can make out a grey thin light towards your right. Feeling along the wall, your searching paws feel a gap. You can probably squeeze through it.

Exits: [A]bandoned [R]oom, [T]rap [D]oor, [G]ap in [W]all

Benar leads the way upstairs, all the way to the top of the main building and then he pulls down the string to open the door to the attic and clambers up the cunningly crafted ladder inside and out into the dusty attic room. He lifts a lantern, unshuttering it and turning it from side to side to cast it over the boxes and chests, old cupboards, broken beds and all manner of bits and pieces. "Ok... they are up here sommeplace."

Lee sneezes. "Whew, the dust be thick...why don't ye put this space ta good use, the upper dorm, too."

Zork stays behind Benar, "I have not been up ere' before..storage area guess and..old one at that"

Benar hmms and looks around and then glances at Lee, "I want to rebuild the Bell Tower before I even think about doing anything with this space. It has always been for storage it is much too awkward to turn into proper rooms." He sets down the lantern and opens an old wooden chest and peers inside. "The tools are in one of these old chests..."

Zork makes his way in carefully, "I can help with de bell tower, sure a lot would like ta help with it"

Lee opens a chest as well. "Aye, ye be right. The Upper Dorm be better for possible use, as guest rooms per'aps." He looks through the chest, but finds only forgotten candles.

Benar shuts a chest and frowns, "I know I left it near the trapdoor but it was about four seasons ago...." He wanders to another chest and tugs at it. "Hmm locked..." He pulls out a ring of keys and starts trying them in the keyhole. "Thank you Zork, I was hoping to get the scaffolding up in the next week or so at least. I was thinking of announcing it at the Feast next week. Drum up some enthusiasm for it."

"I'll be glad ta help any way I can when me shoulder get better." He checks another chest, but it's empty.

Zork grins, he hmmms, "How many chests are up ere' anyways Benar?"

Benar says, "Oh I have no idea" he finally unlocks the chest in front of him and peers inside, "Oh.... ok not this one," He shuts it and locks it again and then throws open another one. "We've been storing stuff up here since the abbey was built."

Lee nods, sneezing again. "I can believe it...I half expect ta find Martin hiding' up 'ere." He opens yet another chest, full of books, it seems.

Zork blinks, "That be a long time Benar, very long time, maybe it's in one of de less dusty ones." He shrugs.

Benar says, "Hmm less dusty ones make sense," He walks over to have a look at them, "And no Martin is not up here lee, I know where Martin is... he is definitely not up here.... I spent a lot of time with Martin about five seasons back when the Abbey fell to vermin. It was a good hiding place and Martin made me welcome.... now then" , He opens a chest and grins, pulling out, with some difficulty a huge 10 pound hammer, "Ah ha."

Lee nods. "I know where Martin be, too...Flick showed me." He looks at the books in the chest he opened before. "These books should be down in the Library..."

Zork goes to help Benar, he can easily life the hammer, "Ya..found de tools, this be good Benar and yeah books should be dusted off and in the library maybe"

Benar turns his head and stares at Lee, "I see.... I am going to have to have a stern word with Flicktail about that. That tomb is not a sightseeing location. He should know better then to open it without a good reason...." He frowns at the books and nods, "Good find, we'll take them down as well and give them to the Recorder." He pulls some more tools out of the chest. "I think this is most everything you need to get started Zork."

Lee looks up. "Oh no, it not be for sight seein'...he...he wanted me ta know the location...should somethin' happen to the Abbey again." Looks around the dusty room. "I think next Summer I'll come up 'ere an' clean this room up, checkin' ev'ry chest...could be useful stuff up 'ere."

Zork helps to get the tools, "I can carry de real heavy ones Benar, no problem and I will keep them safe as well not ta worry on that and Benar be right, Flicktail should be careful."

Benar says, "I see.." He looks at Lee and stands up and shakes his head, "I will still have words, the location of that tomb is something only the Elder's and Abbot are meant to share. Flicktail really should have asked Lorimis or one of my Brothers and Sisters first it is a very special place. Still no real harm down I hope you found it inspirational Lee now then..." He offers some heavier items to Zork and puts the matter behind him, "Let’s see about getting all this back down the ladder...."

Lee nods. "I'd be glad ta help ye carry somethin', but I only have one arm at the moment." He looks apologetic.

Zork nods as he balances the items he was given and looks to head down the stairs with them, very carefully head down the stairs, "Thank ya Benar for finin' these tools, they be a big help and I plan ta have de forge fixed before winter time, maybe...3-4 weeks from now, least hope so anyways"

Benar smiles at Lee, "That is ok, one of the benefits of being an Elder means I can send for some Novices to get it all downstairs. And you are welcome Zork I am always glad to help you"

Lee drags the chest he found with his free paw. "I got this, but Zork may need ta get it down the ladder..."

Zork looks at Lee, his paws are full of tools, "Hmmms..ya don’t want ta crush ya self thar Lee, or break something ya will upset Streamheart"

Benar says, "Yes do be careful," He moves to help Zork with the other side of the chest, lifting it and moving toward the opening, "Let’s get this downstairs."

Zork says, "I say leave de books ere fer now, I can help with em later, we can get de forge tolls down now"

Lee nods. "Ye be right...I'm plannin' ta marry her, so I better stay safe. Just get a burly novice ta get it...I like books." He smiles. "Benar, I be serious, Next Summer, I'm up 'ere, cleanin' this attic."

Zork grins, "If Streamheart says yes, I bet Lorimis or Benar could do de ceomony fer ya and Streamheart"

Benar smiles softly and starts down the ladder, "If you want Lee but I want the Bell Tower up first and as for useful stuff..... we must have kept it all for a reason...."

Lee nods, following the others. "Aye, an' if it be useful, we should be usin' it, not lettin' it sit up 'ere bein' covered in dust."

Zork heads downstairs carefully with the forge tools and makes sure Benar and Lee are close behind and that no one gets hurt on the way back down.

RW Abbey: Upper Dormitory

The upper dormitories have long lain unused and damaged from the quake, leaving a nagging question about their stability. The hallway is covered in dust, and the windows have been boarded up or replaced with oiled canvas. This serves to cast the hallway into a long twilight during the day and a hollow darkness at night.

Exits: [O]ld [O]ffice, [M]arriage [R]oom, [St]airs


A loft (door) in the ceiling

Benar scampers down the ladder easily, he is a squirrel after all even if he is not as young as he used to be. He helps Lee down and grins, "Probably but maybe it is the sort of stuff you only really use once in a while, like the marriage room there," He points to a room at the end of the corridor.

Lee smiles. "Might be usin' it soon."

Zork listens as they get down the stairs, "So where to now guys?"

Benar asks, "Ah I guess take the tools back out to the forge or store them inside until the building is repaired? Whichever is easiest...." He tilts his head and considers.

Lee says, "I probably need ta find Stream'eart. She an' I be 'avin a picnic today."

Zork nods "I can keep them locked up in a chest in my room, keep those tolls I be needin' ta fix de forge and put the rest up, and when done keep em' in the chest in me room so no one else would take em or anything"

Benar leads the way toward the stairs and nods his room then pauses, "Want to see inside the Marriage Room Lee?"

Lee nods. "Aye, I'd be glad to."

Benar looks around the room, pausing by the door, the chamber is musty and smells of wax but otherwise is tidy and clean. "Here we go... if you have ideas for what you and your lady would like in the way of decorations I can have it decked out."

Lee nods. "Hmm, well...when I propose to 'er, an' if she says yes, then we'll both discuss how the wedding' should be."

Zork is not as curious of the room, he nods to the two "I am gonna slowly get this stuff ta my room and de forge, gotta try and get some work done before dinner, talk later!" He catches a novice coming out of the infirm on the way down the stairs, lucky it’s a hare so they can be of some help with the less heavy items, they sigh but help as the two head to where Zork mentioned.