Let's Volunteer Ta Watch Dibbuns He Said.....

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Zee had volunteered to watch the dibbuns, how hard could it be after all as they were cute, some liked him and Oz seemed to handle it with very little problems, he stepped into the dibbuns room and peeked into where they sleep, before looking around. “Well first step..locate dibbuns.” He frowns, first night on the job and he has already lost the dibbuns.

Most beasts sleep in the middle of the night, young ones for sure should be sleeping in fact but this seems not the case as giggling and laughter come from the room Oz sleeps in. This is where the dibbuns are, or least some of them. There is 4-5 asleep in their own beds in the dibbun quarters beside the room, and one is asleep on Oz’s bed. The rest? They have destroyed a pillow that was once full of goose feathers, the pillow is flat and goose feathers are all over the room. Two cherry pie tins and some bits of strawberry cake are on the wall, a line of strawberry juice is on the wall, one glop of..well something green is on the floor. A large cover is tied to a chair and then another to make a -fort- and a couple dibbun mice jump on the bed. Also a half full glass of green sap milk sits by the bed.

Zee follows the voices and smirks “Ya all are in Ozzy’s----“His eyes widen at the sight and his jaw drops open “Wot in de seasons de ya do ta Ozzy’s room??!!!!”

The dibbuns jumping on the bed stop instantly and a couple others hide under the bed. A mole peeks out from under the bed as they were already there and have a cookie in their mouth. There is 12 dibbuns in here, mostly mice, a vole, and an otter. Oh yeah the mole lets add that one too. A mouse dibbun starts to whimper at the loud voice and then starts to cry and hug the flat pillow to herself and curl around it.

Zee frowns and walks in, “Ok ok no crying please and another thing ya all should be sleeping, sleeping is good for ya helps ya grow and stuff”

The otter sticks out their tongue and starts to laugh “No wants ta grow up, and tis fun.”

The noise has awakened a rabbit dibbun, one name Pip who blinks and curiously steps into the messy room. He drags a blanket behind him and frowns as he hugs the blanket close.

The couple dibbuns on the bed giggle and go back to jumping on the bed, the 3-4 under the bed come out and sit by the –fort-.

Zee scoops up the still wailing mouse dibbun and looks around the room, “Ya young uns made Papa Oz’s room a mess, wot is he gonna think and..how did you even get food in here?!”

The otter speaks up, “We wents ta kitchen and grab cooling pies before Friar finds out”

A vole dibbun smiles “I find strawberries and cake…me bring it to here to eats, it was yummy!”

A couple others say how they got the juice and the green sap milk, gee no plates so that shows how the mess got all over the floor, the bed, the walls and into the fur of a couple dibbuns.

Pip walks up to Zee and taps him on the shoulder “I thirsty and hungies Mister Badger”

Zee frowns and shakes his head “Alrioght alright stop jumping on de bed.” He looks to the fort and removes the cover from the chairs as he balances the mouse dibbun on his good shoulder, “And who will clean up the mess?” He looks to Pip “Ya hungie and thirsty in de middle of the blooming night?”

The dibbuns in the fort blink and then wail loudly as their fort is destroyed “You is meanie!!!!!”

Pip nods and frowns “I need foods or I dies in seconds”

A couple others then ad “I hungry too”

“Me thirsty”

“Gotta go potty!”

Zee groans as he looks around “Ok Ok..wait how are you hungry and there is rations going on too ya know…wait I have something.” He carries the now sleeping mouse dibbun to his room and comes back with candy chestnuts and grins as he lays them out, along with some glasses of water ”See, simple snack that ya all eat and then go sleepie..” He looks around the room and frowns, it’s still a mess, “And maybe clean the room?”

The dibbuns rush to the snacks and eat them, the otter looks around at the mess and again sticks out his tongue “Nope!”

Pip frowns, he didn’t get any candy or water, he looks at the badger with sad eyes “They no leave me snack” He hugs his leg and screams “Me gonna staves and dies till I dead!!!”

Zees his ears and frowns, he quickly goes to scoop up Pip and rocks him, he lays the sleeping mouse dibbun onto the bed. “No no don’t scream your wake others and no one dies from no food for a couple hours goodness…graces ya will be fine” He sighs “How does Ozzy handle them?” He mutters.

The dibbuns finished their snack and a couple yawn and sits by the large bed. A squirrel dibbun speaks up “Me tried”

Another dibbun adds “Me want story”

“Yeah stories bout Martin warrior”

Pip allows himself to be picked up and snuggles into the badger and uses his shoulder as a pillow, sadly the sore one as a pillow.

Zee tenses up and then sighs, he sits down on Oz’s bed “Ok ok…ummm …I can tells ya some stories of de northlands and when Papa Oz were a dibbun, ya all like that?”

The dibbuns nod and gather around him for a story.

Pip snores now, he is asleep and seems to not be near wakening till morning

Zee smiles and tells a good couple tells to the dibbuns for about an hour before he also gives in to sleep and decides Oz’s bed is fine for now and is asleep soon.

A couple dibbusn poke him, one snuggles close to him and others shrug and lay beside him and fall asleep. The mole climbs into bed with leftover cookies and also is soon asleep.

Pip blinks and moves to the foot of the bed and yawns, his eyes close again and he sleeps.

If one was to come into the badger father’s room they would see a disaster in its self. Juice and water spilled on the floor, two cherry pit tins with crumbs and bits of the pie on the wall, floor and bed. The once fluffy feather pillow is flat and feathers litter the room. Some sort of green..is that peas? Well the peas made a line down the wall. Cookies lay here and there, as well as empty cups and a couple candy nuts. A blanket is on the floor and a turned over chair. There is even some strawberries under another chair and unseen cookie crumbs under the bed.

Also seen is 12 dibbuns, in a chair …sleeping in the room, most on the bed. Also on the bed is Zee, deep in sleep and dibbuns snuggling close to him. One dibbun hugs a blanket close. Another holds..a cookie?

Yep this room looks horrible, but hey….the dibbuns are asleep now at least, but what will Oz say once he finds out about the room? Well its possible he doesn’t have to find out, he is in the infirm a few days and this can be cleaned by then right?..Maybe?...Let’s hope so.