Leon Escapes...On His Own!(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

      • Somewhere in an abandoned home in the woods****

Leon still sits by the wall; it’s been a couple days since he has been here but he has held out fairly well, his robe is torn and his shoulder swollen some still.

Hudson comes down and smirks “Are you ready to talk mouse or should I use your name, your Brother Leon, Master Healer of their abbey, gee they most likely miss you.”

Leon looks over but says nothing to the wildcat and folds his arms in his lap, he has a homemade bandage on his right eye, which barely missed being cut but it is swollen shut today due to the closeness of the claw mark, which will probably leave a scar.

Hudson walks closer and gets in his face “Where is the badger and where are the brat dibbuns he watches. See..” He grins as he speaks “I have a lovely little plan to make the abbey beasts listen, a much better one than Marek did. Marek knows nothing, see I will threaten their lives, with the life of them in balance I cause more fear than even Marek”

Now the mouse speaks “And Marek said no dibbuns to be harmed either, besides like to see you try and harm them, you won’t get very far trust me”

Hudson laughs coldly, “Right,…it’s one badger, I don’t know too much of him but he most likely can’t fight if he run away like a coward.”

Leon glares he truely glares at the wildcat, “ Oz is no coward, he would die before he let any foul beast like you near those dibbuns!”

Hudson draws back his paw, claws in this time and goes to slap Leon, “Ya NEVER speak to me in that sort of tone again mouse!”

Leon tenses up and spits some blood as the slap bruises his face on the left side some and swells his bottom lip, he speaks quiet now “I..speak the truth only, to get to those dibbuns you would have to kill Oz first, he will protect with his last breath”

Hudson backs off and shrugs “So, not like plan to go alone, I have 27 beasts at my side now. All of them loyal to me and I have Razo here, he will be your guard.”

Razo grins “Yeah mouse, how ya like that huh. Ya best talk soon or your not need to worry about anything no more” He cackles insanely.

Leon shakes his head “I am not telling you anything, you best just go away.” He then slowly turns and faces the wall, paws in his lap again.

Hudson growls and looks ready to hit the mouse again and then just smirks, “That’s fine, maybe someone else has info for me, I am sure you didn’t keep things from her”

Razo looks interested but stays out of this and twirls his daggers as he listens.

Leon turns back around at this bit of news and has his surgical knife and goes to stab Hudson in the knee.

Hudson yowls in pain and growls as he goes to kick the mouse away from him.

Leon feels the kick connect to his side and rolls to the wall and holds his side, nothing broken but it hurts badly and the wind was knocked from him, “T..T…Touch her and..die”

Hudson smirks as he looks to Razo, “Make sure he doesn’t follow me, I need to fetch Deathtalon. Then find a mousemaid.”

Razo nods and keeps an eye on Leon.

Leon sits up and coughs “You don’t go near her…cat.”

Hudson grins, “Sorry that’s my plan boy”

Leon tries to stand and falls as he still hurts, “She’s a warrior cat, she can fight back but I swear if you kill her…” And he is deadly serious “I will kill you” This is rare as there is ice in his voice.

Hudson smirks, “Well you see you won’t be around to stop me, after Deathtalon comes back you will be his lunch, oh don’t worry your be with, oh what her name.” He smiles coldly “Oh yeah Dorarose, your be with her after she dies, together again in the dark forest..goodbye mouse I am off to fetch Deathtalon now and he will be here shortly, you’re no longer needed…alive” He leaves and slams the door.

Razo grins and stands guard.

Leon frowns “Noooo..” He looks at the rat guard and searches his pockets for a certain herb and pulls it out.

An hour later

Leon has found the couple herbs he needs and holds them in his paw, he coughs “Some..water”

Razo rolls his eyes but goes to get the water and hands it to the mouse and looks back to the door.

Leon sips some of the water and places the herbs in it as he looks at the rat..” Where..do I put it, you want it?”

Razo looks curious at the glass and smirks, he takes it and pours it out “I am not dumb mouseie, can’t escape that easily”

Leon frowns at this and hugs his knees to his chest as he thinks.

Hudson can be heard returning above, “1st I let you deal with the mouse and then I see if his mouse maid has info, if she doesn’t or if she does, either way she dies after wards”

Deathtalon nods “Yesss masssterrr”

Leon gasps as he looks at the guard, he stands and takes a risk, a big risk, and taking a deep breath he rushes forwards to slam the rats head into the wall.

Razo had his back turned so he is easily knocked out as his forehead hits the wall, he groans and slides to the floor.

Hudson is heard laughing as he goes to open the trap door.

Leon frowns and thinks quickly, he then takes off his surcoat and abbey robe. He places the surcoat back on and takes Razo’s tunic and large hooded cloak off. Yes he places the rats clothing on himself and the abbey robes on the rat and pulls the hood over his head and pats the rat on the head. He frowns at the daggers and belt and gulps as he places them on too.

Deathtalon follows his master to the cellar door.

Razo groans weakly as he was only briefly knocked out.

Leon quickly pulls the black hood over his face, he also still has the eye patch and backs up almost tripping as he falls onto his bottom and looks at the floor.

Hudson enters and narrows his eyes at the unconscious Razo and looks at Leon “What happen now!”

Leon coughs as he disguises his voice, “He..tried ta escape and I knocked him out boss”

Deathtalon enters and stands by Hudson and waits orders.

Hudson lifts an eyebrow, “What’s up with your voice?”

Leon answers “He..kicked me”, Ok it’s the truth, where isn’t ,“In the throat” As he rubs it, it does hurt from the deep voice he is forcing himself to make.

Razo wakes up still a little dazed and out of it.

Hudson grins “No matter…Deathtalon, dinner is served”

Deathtalon spreads his wings out and dives towards..Razo, quickly pecking and clawing before he has a chance to say anything on this horrible deathly mistake.

Leon eyes go wide in shock and horror as he watches this and looks away. He is a healer but it doesn’t mean he has ever seen anything like this as he shivers slightly. He was not expecting that to happen and that soon!

Hudson only laughs and speaks “Well I am off, one less abbey beast to worry about” He leaves and heads out leaving the trap door open.

Razo starts to speak but only lets out a gurgling sound, he even tries to kick the bird but fails badly as death claims its victim.

Deathtalon seems to not care whether it’s the mouse or rat, its dinner for him.

Leon gulps and backs up, he then bolts up and out the door towards freedom, once out he keeps running till he can run no more and then falls over from sheer exhaustion. The black cloak and tunic on, the belt and daggers and hood still up, he also has mud and a few leaves in his fur, plus his sandals are gone. The only thing he has of his is the surcoat full of herbs and that’s it and that’s hidden under a black tunic and deep black cloak.

This happens a couple hours later

Leon goes through his herbs and managed to find some other Anise, Lavender, and Cederwood chips..all these together hide the scent of any beast and he has it all over himself and the tunic and cloak. He also takes time to apply some Celandine around and on his eye where the claw mark barely missed making his blind, a closer look in the stream shows it did get the tear duct some but it will heal and the eye is still swollen shut as he places a bandage he has over it. He has also dyed his fur with black ash from some tree barks and from some blackish rocks, these did not add any scents so his scent is still hidden as he stands and sighs adjusting the daggers and looking towards a path, he has to get to Ferravale and warn Dorarose somehow as he takes off into a run quickly.

Add maybe half an hour

A cloaked beast walks quickly through the woods, he has been trying to avoid any beasts and right now has a thick black cloak on, hood up and daggers on a belt at his side, his fur is also stained black somewhat, he bumps into a drunk weasel and frowns as he backs up...great he looks like the guard Hudson used as the weasel grabs him "Razo!!!..Hee hee..Hudson said that abbey best were dead...hee heee"

Through the woods, paw steps can be heard in the silence. A beast unseen seems to be walking through the forest, but it is unclear how big the beast is or what this will mean for the cloaked figure and the weasel.

Under the cloak he sighs "Yeah.." He says in a deep voice and tries to back off from the weasel, but is followed as he sighs and turns around, "Yes?" The cloaked beast says. They talk quietly and the cloaked one nods. "Yeah...dead"

A voice calls out from behind the weasel, sounding cheery and innocent. "Well hullo there mates! How are you two on this wonderful day?"

The weasel turns, his blurred vision searching for the beast that had spoken.

Leon knows that voice and backs up tripping over a fallen log, "We..are fine" He says softly, his paw searching for something under the tunic, finding it he turns and chews on it gagging some but it can mess up his voice some and well he needs that right now and maybe later. He watches as the weasel decide to be dumb.."Hee..Yeah Razo..let’s killed...de...yeah"

The voice belongs to a young looking otter armed with two daggers who should be rather visually familiar to Leon. His eyebrow raises when he hears the weasel talk about killing. "Tut tut sir," He says, chuckling. "Killing is such a bad thing. I don't think we need t' resort t' violence."

Leon stands as he watches the weasel, he keeps his head low as the weasel laughs "Too late...see de mouse died cause de bird ate him." Leon shivers under the cloak, yeah he saw that but it was the rat as he gulps speaking, throat hurting some now "Yeah yeah..healer died, go report to Hudson already..." The weasel chuckles, "One less abbey best, hey Razo"

Derean's eyes widen, and his body tenses. "I'm sorry, can you run that by me just one more time?" He asks curtly, slowly pulling his dagger from his belt. "I don't think I heard you clearly."

And of course ale must make the weasel dum, "The bird..heee heee it killed de mouse healer, some order brother or sumthings...funny huh, ask Razo, hee was thar huh Razo..hee bird chow" Under the cloak the mouse frowns, he does not what to remember seeing the bird attack the rat and backs off going behind a tree, maybe switching cloaks was a bad plan and now he feels ill..Wonderful.

With a thunk, the dagger in Derean's paw is suddenly embedded in the weasel's throat up to the hilt, and the otter is already running straight after Leon, snarling, "Get over here right now, vermin!" As he goes.

Leon frowns, ok not good so he does the best thing he can think of run and he doesn't watch where he is going and trips over some tree roots and into a large puddle, as he rolls from his front to his back he starts to get up to stand again.

Well, Leon doesn't quite get very far before Derean is right there, bringing the hilt of his remaining dagger down to try and slam it into the back of the mouse's head.

Leon had gotten lucky and moved, he gasps as he sees the otter is right there.."Noo.." He coughs, great he escapes being bird chow for this, "Derean..." He doesn't try to run again, he is tried and worn out still from before he seen the otter.

The dagger hilt stops just as it is about to hit Leon, and Derean's eyes widen. He knew that voice. "L-Leon?!" He asks, shocked.

Leon nods slowly, "It's...long story. But the wildcat thinks I'm his guard...I think" He coughs a little, he has a bandage over one eye it looked at closer and his voice sounds tried, whatever effect from the herb before is gone.

Derean finally lowers his dagger, sheathing it. "Stars, Leon. Try t' tell me afore I try t' gut you like that. Wot are you even doing out here? I thought you were back at Redwall!"

Leon frowns, no sign of his abbey robes, just the cloak he has, dirt covered and the bandage.. "A bird grabbed me, this hawk...wildcat named Hudson wanted to know where Oz and the dibbuns are, I refused to tell him so he keep me locked up couple days..comes back with his bird." He sighs "I managed to knock out the guard, switched..outfits, well keep my herbs but...and Hudson came back and the b..b..bird" He shivers remembering, “The bird...it..killed..though rat was me...I was almost bird food!" He gulps at just how close a call he had before he ran for his life. "Hudson thinks..thinks someone else knows, told..no one else..he's after Dorarose!"

Derean stiffens at the last bit. Out of the few beasts in this world he legitimately cared about, DoraRose was one of them. "B-But she's in Ferravale! I saw her there only a week ago! Surely Hudson wouldn't try anything there!"

Leon frowns, " He..was heading there, look he's got to..to think I'm dead. I...don't know what he is up to...and his hawk"

Derean narrows his eyes, looking off through the forest. "I have t' get t' Ferravale and try t' stop Hudson from doin' anythin' t' DoraRose. Wot about you?" He looks back at Leon questioningly. "Where will you go?"

Leon frowns "I..don't know. I need to check see if Dora is ok and then maybe check on..Oz. Can’t get back in abbey it’s all guarded with archers and other guards, and a lot of horde beasts and Hudson has vermin on his side now too, but I also don't want..followed possible either if go.." He doesn't say "Where the dibbuns and Oz are"

Derean shakes his head, beginning to walk back to tug his dagger, quite messily, from the weasel's throat. "I'll check on DoraRose. You can't afford t' take the risk of bein' in the same area as Hudson. You need t' go check on Oz, and if Hudson hasn't gotten t' DoraRose first, I'll make sure nothin' happens."

Leon stands and adjusts his hood, "True, even with herbs that hide the scent, there is voice still, but there are ways to temporary, maybe half an hour, make voice deeper but it makes one throat hurt"

Derean shrugs, wiping his blade on the weasel's clothing. "Which is why it'll benefit you t' go t' Oz. Trust me, I can keep DoraRose safer than you could, no offense."

Leon frowns, "I can use a dagger..." He sighs, "I hate to have her think I am...dead, Hudson has to believe it though."

Derean finally stands, looking rather sympathetic. "I understand, but yer main concern needs t' be t' survive. Better that she think that yore dead an' see you later rather than see you alive an' watch you die."

Leon stands there makes a fist as his mind races on what to do, he finally drops to his knees again, still worn out and weak from the past couple days.." I love her Derean...she needs to keep safe and..and I do trust you in helping her to be safe”

Derean slowly crouches in front of Leon, smiling softly. "Thankee fer yer trust, Leon. It really means a lot t' me. I promise I'll do everythin' I can t' keep her safe. Just promise me you'll do the same fer yerself."

Leon nods "I will stay safe, don't worry, even if it pains me to do so..Staying hidden"

Derean sighs softly, mostly in relief. "Thankee Leon. Just stay out of sight, an' don't let anyone know who you are. Yore lucky that it was me wot ran into you t'day."

Leon nods "Yeah, could have easily ended up dead for real..." He looks south and shakes his head, "I have someone to check on" He doesn’t say for sure who as he starts to head away from the clearing.

Derean watches Leon for several moments before silently heading off through the forest in a different direction, humming thoughtfully to himself.

Leon frowns as he walks along the woods, usually he tries to avoid being in them for too long, now he is sort of stuck not to avoid them, he keeps alert for any beasts as he heads a direction, coming to a path he seems to debate which way to go, one way leads to where Oz and the dibbuns are and the other to where Ferravale and Dorarose , he gulps and picks the direction picking up pace as he goes.