Lenore vs. Ragg, just like old times (OOC RP) PART 1...or something.....

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Big Bang Bar and Grille is a very strange bar. It has a few booths and tables, but if you look around you'll notice it doesn't keep the same size. It's as though it changes with some hidden clock. [Logger's question: Is the inside bigger than the outside?? ;D]

Exits: to [B]ooth [1], Exit



a bowl of (peanuts) sits on the bar

Ragg the weasel. Lenore the raven. Bandit the fox.

After being dropped off in the OOC domain by the local Hover-Train, Ragg has made his way into the Big Bang Bar and Grille. He now sits in one of the booths with his paws clasped semi nervously on the table in front of him, "Ach, common bird brains, I know you're here somewhere. Waiting. Watching. Just like old times." He mutters this to himself with a quick shiver. Maybe reuniting with his old partner is a bad idea. Or maybe he's just paranoid.

Probably a bad idea. Lenore is indeed here, hiding in the dark of the ceiling. Narrowing her eyes, she silently glides down to the top of the booth behind the weasel and lands. She tries to lean close to his ear without him noticing and mutters, "What do you want, ferret face? Why are you here, disturbing me? I was hoping that my being dead had spared me from you...."

Ragg let's out a rather shrill shriek of surprise and half turns in his seat to face the raven, "Aggh, you big sack of feathers, there's not need to sneak up on someone like that! You /know/ my heart can't handle things like that!" He sulkingly turns back to his table and stares at the bench across from him, "I'm not talking to you until you decide to sit down like a normal beast." He pauses then adds as an after thought, "Not that normal can be expected of you."

Lenore smiles smugly and flies across to the other bench. Settling down, she stares curiously at him as a bowl and a glass, both containing cookies-and-cream milkshake, are brought over to them. "What do you want here?" She ruffles her feathers. "Is it because you missed our dear old friendly way of getting along? Or because you want to be reminded of all the horrible deeds that you did for Vladmir Stormfeather before you /supposedly/ became good and started working in Ferravale?" Can you say /Thorns of Steel TP/ reference?

Ragg scowls, "/I/ came up here because /you/ sent me an invitation. Or at least I assume it was you. It said, 'Come OOC or die, weasel breath.' and since that tends to be a favorite way of speaking for you, who else could I blame?" He pulls his milkshake closer, and sips it, looking innocently over the rim, "And who says I'm working at Ferravale by choice, eh? My Player is annoyingly insistent on me being a seer, but honestly, I never thought it was my kind of job." His big yellow eyes grin mischievously.

Lenore scowls. "I didn't send you that stupid invitation. That was my Player talking to your Player. Curse you, you stupid Players!!!" She pulls her bowl of milkshake over and grumpily spoons some into her beak. "Yeah, well.....you could've haunted his or her dreams like Riana did my Player. Err....true it was only one dream...but STILL!" she accidentally flips some milkshake onto the ground. As a waitress come over to clean it up, she points accusingly at the weasel and exclaims, "He made me do it!!"

Ragg caresses his chin thoughtfully, "Haunting dreams, eh? I never thought of that. " He's about to take another gulp of his drink, when the raven accuses him! He glares, aghast at such a ludacris idea of /him/ spilling anything. Other then blood, in his days of working with Vladmir (Thorns of Steel Reference!!!!). "I did NOT! You lying bag of feathers, I was innocently sitting here when you decided to test gravity!" He gives the waitress his most pitiful look, "You must excuse my /friend/, death has caused her to be a little...." he waves a paw around his ear, "Crazy."

Lenore fluffs up with rage. While the waitress retreats in terror, the bird hops up onto the table and brings her face a few inches away from his nose. Clacking her beak angrily, she growls, "Call me crazy one more time, and I'll SHOW you crazy! You think Vladmir was dangerous?? Ha! I'm already dead In Character, so I can't die again, but YOU!" She smiles wickedly. "/You/ are just visiting. I wonder; if you died in here, would you be dead in the IC realm??" Actually, she knows that he wouldn't be dead ICly, she's just hoping that he is not aware of that fact.

Ragg gulps and leans back in his seat. He now wishes he would have studied the rift between IC and OOC a bit better, "I recant! You win! You're not crazy." He adds, muttering darkly, "Not much has changed since your death, has it? You still like to bully innocent little weasels."

Lenore stutters, then goes to grab the front of his shirt. "Innocent?? You have never been innocent, you insolent little.....little.....FURBALL!! You're just as innocent as /I/ am, which makes us both murderers and spies!" she waves her wings around, coming within a centimeter on each side of boffing the weasel in the head.

Ragg let's out a rather garbled screech as the front of his shirt is so rudely grabbed, "AAAGH!!" He vigorously tries to release himself, aiming to scramble underneath the table, all the while shouting, "WELL AT LEAST I WAS GOOD AT MY JOB! /I'M/ STILL ALIVE!!!!"

Oh, that is it!! Lenore would do something even more violent, but she gets kind of dragged by the retreating weasel (whose shirt she still has a hold of), and so just lets out an undignified squawk. "Hey, I was trying to redeem myself!! I helped KILL Valdmir!! I deserve some recognition! GET BACK HERE!!"

The door for the bar opens wide and a fox squeezes himself into the scene. Quite literally. Bandit has to suck in his gut to fit inside. The tubby brown fox quickly glances around the room looking for unseen eagles before breathing a sigh of relief. He begins to shuffle forward into the bar, tail wrapped around his legs in nervousness.

Ragg huddles under the table, fanning at the opening which he squeezed through in a futile effort to keep Lenore out, "Redeem?!?!?! REDEEM?!?!?! You killed innocent beasts! Some /redemption/ that is! /I/ went on to be a madly successful seer, who /HELPS/ beasts! /YOU/ just died!" He accidently smacks his head on the underside of the table, causing the milkshakes to fall onto the floor, "ooooOOOOOWWWW, NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!" He screeches, though it's not entirely clear if he's talking to Lenore or himself.

Lenore squawks again, angrily this time, and lands on the floor and starts trying to peck the weasel. It's ridiculously hard, seeing as how he's hiding under a table. She was about to start saying something, when SPLAT! the bowl of milkshake lands on her head. She sits down with a bump, then starts crying. Wait....the great and powerful Lenore, spy to the Warlord Stormfeather, is crying??? Whaaaaaa???? "I got milkshake in my feathers! You! Fox! ........you look familiar..... I need a rag!!"

The fox gives out a startled cry when recognized. He leans against the bar, clutching his chest. After he calms down the fox replies, "Sorry...I thought you were someone else...if you need a rag there is one under the table." he points to the weasel. "Me, I need a place to hide. I think...I think my player is trying to kill me." Bandit glances nervously about. "First Xia got eaten by an eagle and I thought it was just a coincidence, ya know? B-but then he fed Nash to Riana. He's got it out for tubby brown foxes and I'm the last tubby brown fox on the MUCK! It's only a matter of time man! It's only a matter of time!"

Bandit's pun gives Ragg pause for a moment before he quite literally groans. Those puns though. They're flyin' around like the milkshakes. The weasel takes note of Lenore's weeping state and makes a mad dash out from under the table. He'll give her a comforting word once he's half way across the room, and not a moment before!

Lenore sniffles and stands slowly. "I....I.....I HATE YOU ALL!! I SHOULD COME HAUNT YOU IN THE IN-CHARACTER REALM!!!" She spreads her wings and flies away, disappearing into the darkness of the ceiling once again.

Thanks for reading! This was fun :D
