Learn Our Ways..Or Simply Die

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Somewhere in a small cottage in the woods, it’s been a couple days since they left the abbey

Cynthia is awake and has been the past couple hours and has watched the sunrise quietly as to not wake anyone in the cottage they are staying at.

Caleb is still asleep, not that it was a peaceful sleep but at least the cottage is warm. He wakes now and looks around as he frowns remembering where he is.

Kyran walks over, a fire going is not out of place in a cottage, a cottage that once belonged to a hermit vole who refused to let the rat have the cottage, sadly for the vole that was the last thing he ever did in life as the rat killed him on the spot, buried him and now has the cottage for a couple days, “Get out of bed brat”

Cynthia comes back inside and frowns, “You don’t have to be mean to him.”

Caleb frowns and stands quickly, he looks over at the mouse maid and it’s hard to say what he is thinking, he then gives his attention to Kyran, ”My..my name is Caleb not brat..sir”

Kyran listens and then uses the back of his paw to painfully slap across Caleb’s face, “You do not back talk me. Did not that abbey place teach you manners.” He clears his throat as he speaks “Now it’s sir or Kyran, is that understood Caleb and yes I will call you by your name unless you make me think otherwise, well answer me” He then speaks to the mouse maid “ Cynthia…politeness is nice isn’t it, as well as listening to me correct?”

Cynthia closes her eyes and stays quiet, she knows better than to say anything else and just nods.

Caleb places a paw on his stinging cheek and feels the tears come down his face, he nods slowly “Y..Yes sir.” He says softly but well enough to be heard.

Kyran nods “Good, then we will be heading out at nightfall, always the best time to head out and we will need to help Caleb here not be so familiar ” He walks over to where he has a knapsack and takes out some coal dust and bits cloth. He has a red headband , a blue tunic and pants with a gray sleeveless hooded cloak, “Caleb, you WILL put these on. We WILL be ready by nightfall.”

Cynthia already knows the drill, she has been with the rat for a couple months and sighs, she is not as easily seen as out of place as the redwall notice but she does have her own outfit, simply a hooded grey cloak as well, and she managed to get her outfit back, her sling and she has some earrings in her left ear.

Caleb frowns but nods anyways as he takes the outfit and looks at the coal dust ”W..What do I do with this…sir?”

Kyran answers, ”It will change your fur color to all black, also I have this..” He pulls out a small packet of herbs, “This mix of herbs and spices hide one’s scent, we ALL place them in out fur with a little water..lasts a good few hours or long enough to get out of an area, now…change”

Cynthia sighs as she walks over to Caleb “It will be ok.”

Caleb narrows his eyes at the mouse maid and, rather he wants to or not, he does as he is told in the other room and comes back out. His fur is black and he has on the new outfit, for now hood over his shoulders.

Kyran grins “That’s better..and these” He takes the green robe and throws them into the fireplace as he smirks “Are no longer needed, and when we are out and about you will answer to …Well, let me think…” He then nods, “Cole”

Caleb gasps, “Wait you can’t do that!!”

The mouse’s words are cut short as he is knocked out as he is shoved into the wall, the rat snorts, “He was warned not to back talk”

Cynthia frowns and watches, she starts to say something and then the knocking out and she rushes over “Caleb!”

Caleb is out cold, a small bump to the head that is lucky not serious and he will just be sore a couple days, but it could have been much worse so he was lucky.

Kyran sneers “He will learn then, why do you seem to suddenly care? You best not get feelings for no abbey beast, if I have it my way he will either join us or simply die”

Cynthia frowns, “I…I am just saying he can learn I am sure he can and I can help. He is too use to abbey life and things like that”

Kyran looks into her eyes, “I warn you dear. I can end your life as well, I could of easily the day you robbed me but I let you live, I offered you a chance to live and better your skills…you be a dead beast without me. I have feed you, I have offered you warmth in this cold weather, I even made sure you had something to wear..all that can be taken away in the blink of an eye”

Cynthia nods slowly “Understood…sir” Fear is seen and heard in her voice as well.

Caleb starts to wake up and rubs his head.

Kyran nods “Good, now help him up and make sure he replies to Cole as his name, we leave for Ferravale ”He heads for the doorway

Cynthia nods and helps Caleb to stand” Come on Caleb…we need to get going, and try to remember your name is Cole now….least when around others, please its important and “ She whispers “Rather not see you hurt”

Caleb allows the help up and adjusts his headband and shakes his head “Little too late for that” He mutters but he does go to follow Kyran as it seems he has no other choice in the matter.

A hour or two passes and they are ICLY in the village of Ferravale


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

The group of what seems like 3 rats walk along the path and into Ferravale with very little worry. They have cloaks on and that is not out of place in Ferravale at all, it’s a vermin town after all and then they head to the tavern to get out of the snow that is starting to fall now.

Kyran opens the door to the tavern as they walk in, he makes sure they follow him and then closes the door once they are inside.

Caleb follows close behind and keeps quiet and avoids most eye contact with other beasts as he finds a chair and motions they could sit there.

Cynthia is not too concern, she just sits by Caleb and looks around “This place has interesting look to it huh?” She looks at the skulls and such and shrugs “I wonder what sort of food there is, we are sort of low ya know I didn’t have time to grab much at that abbey just some scones, rice cakes, bread and a little cheese..already had water and some greensap milk”

Kyran nods “Yes and discuss plans like who to rob or where to rob, this is a town of vermin, shops and such not a place of peace loving woodlanders”

Caleb frowns, he then speaks carefully”The..chieftain may not like that too well..sir”

Cynthia shakes her head at Caleb as if he will get into trouble if he keeps speaking

Kyran is in a good mood and smirks, “No worries, he or she has other matters to tend to than us and not everything is watched nor everyone. Vermin cause trouble a lot here I am sure of it and are not looked at. They rob..pick pocket and pick locks …yes you can learn to pick pocket kid”

Caleb frowns “I’m not going to take something from a beast that’s stealing”

Kyran is upon the mouse in a heartbeat, a dagger at his throat and a angry look in his eyes, “You have an option boy…pick wisely now, do as I say or say no again ya die here and now and I don’t think this place care less” He grins “You look like a rat now, not some stupid abbey brat.”

Cynthia eyes widen, she might see her new friend did before her eyes but she can’t do anything about it, or simply too afraid too. She has seen him kill before when a weasel cheated on a card game and paid a deadly price for it.

Caleb freezes it seems in fear, he feels tears go down his face and starts to shiver in fear ”I..I….” He wants to live and not die and that does something to one who is just over 6 seasons old, he gulps “I..I will do whatever you say please don’t kill me”

Kyran moves the dagger away and laughs “Wise choice..very wise”

Cynthia watches and sighs in relieve as this seems over, or least her friend is still alive.

Kyran orders some fish, bread, and wild greens for all of them and some ale, and maybe water also .

Caleb eats when the food and drink comes and stays quiet the rest of the time, he clearly just wants to go home, the sooner the better.