Kroovajr's Journal

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Day 1. I finally come to the great Redwall abbey af'er a long journey for camp willow. When I get to the main gate I notice something dont seem right, I put me paw on thy hilt of me cutlass only to 'ear a voice call out saying dont move seadog or ye are a dead beast. The gate opens an five armed vermin point their swords at me. I'm quickly knocked out an dragged inside, I wake up a few hours later to find meself in a bed. Me 'ead 'urts from the bump to the 'ead I try to get to me footpaws but fall to the ground passed out again.

Day 2. I come to again I lay on the cool stone floor I slowly get to my footpaws an look about for me cutlass,only to find out it 'as been taking. I 'ead down stairs too see a few beasts two from the vermin crew an a fellow otter well river dog I should say. I head to thy kitchen for some october ale, I came back only to 'ear thy foxes an otter going on about something I dont know what though. Later a good matey of mine come down thy stairs Flicktail he is disguised as a vermin to trick them, so thy abbey dose 'ave some 'ope left. Later I met Flicktail in thy kitchen where he told me that they hate us otters,ta me that sounds alot like Merdez a fox that hated us sea otters. He left an went back to acting like a vermin, I 'ead up stairs to rest for the night.

Day 3. Not much 'appening beside scum ordering me about telling me ta do this get me that all I 'ave ta say is they better be light sleepers,as even a unarmed beast is deadly. I still 'ave more questions for Flicktail ta answer mayhaps I'll seek him out too see is he can answer them.