Just a hello and an update!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 11, 2014 in the category Chatterbox by lordoftheonionring. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Sun, 05/11/2014 - 09:19

Hey guys! I'm still alive! Working full time now, so I'm kind of dead inside hahaha.

Just want to make a few notes:

Remember, doing things to other people's characters without permission is against the rules! Nobody in particular, just a friendly reminder to everyone ^.^

That being said, I've been told there's been things going on in the Blacksmith shop in Ferravale. While I don't really want Malcolm spoofed in scenes like that, everyone is MORE than welcome to RP there anytime! Just spoof an employee or something that's working so you guys can buy/sell/trade stuff, so go for it!

Also, the LP will become involved in the current TP sometime this week. I'm not 'too' sure when, but every time I log on, I have almost ten messages to check and I don't remember all of them hahaha.

I'm super sorry guys the LP's been so inactive. Its totally my fault, over the last several weeks/months with work being so busy.

I'm going to change things around a little bit LP wise, that might suit everyone a bit better, but I'll make a separate post about that in a bit ^^
